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However, Tiecheng seems to not at all mean to punish Qin Yu, indifferently said: “Martial Soul competed with each other, but Xu Bing cultivated the mystery of burning blood and attempted to kill. He made the mistake first, so no wonder Qin Yu killed.”

“What, don’t you blame Qin Yu?”

Everyone murmured, but they also knew that Tiecheng’s words really made sense. It was just Martial Competition, but Xu Bing used the Secret Technique of Burning Blood to harm others and himself, and he was wrong first.

“Great Elder, what do you mean, are you going to favor Qin Yu?” Zhao Yuan complexion ashen said, extremely angry.

He remembered that Qin Yu was on the top of the mountain martial arts, forcing Tiecheng to drive Tang Lie out of the door. There should be a deep grievance between the two.

“Great Elder, you forgot to open the mountain martial arts, Qin Yu forced you to drive your disciple Tang Lie out of the house, are you still shielding him?” Zhao Yuan continued to encourage Tie Cheng, and said very unwillingly, wanting Tiecheng punishes Qin Yu.

However, Tie Cheng said indifferently: “Zhao Elder Yuan, you talk too much. Xu Bing learned the secret technique of burning blood from you, so you are the chief culprit in Xu Bing’s death. , I won’t kill you this time, but you have to go to Black Demon Sea. If something happened, you need to take care of it. After you have dealt with the Black Demon Sea, you will return to the clan.

“What, Black Demon Sea!”

“Isn’t it impossible to enter the Black Demon Sea? The Great Elder sent Zhao Elder Yuan to the Black Demon Sea.”

“It seems that something has happened to Black Demon Sea!”

Everyone was shocked. The Celestial Sect was next to the Black Demon Sea, but apart from a few people, no one dared to go to the Black Demon Sea and was extremely jealous of the Black Demon Sea.

But this time, Tiecheng Elder actually assigned Zhao Yuan to the Black Demon Sea, and it was still in the Martial Competition, which was really unimaginable.

Even many referee Elders were very surprised by this matter, obviously didn’t expect this result.

Zhao Yuan wanted to encourage Tiecheng to punish Qin Yu. Tiecheng not only did not punish Qin Yu, but instead sent Zhao Yuan to the Black Demon Sea.

Zhao Yuan completely lifted a rock and hit himself in the foot!

“Black Demon Sea, something happened over there.” Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

“There must be something wrong, and Tiecheng sent Zhao Yuan to it. It was not a whim. Instead, it was already calculated. Zhao Yuan taught Xu Bing the secret technique of burning blood, and it was just an excuse to cause Xu Bing to die.” Dragon Soul whispered.

In Qin Yu nodded, in the Martial Competition, Tiecheng made this move, breaking everyone’s expectations, so it was not groundless, but prepared in advance.

“Tiecheng, you want to send me to the Black Demon Sea. Have you discussed this with other Elders? If not, you have no right to send me.” Zhao Yuan’s eyes sank and his face was extremely ugly.

As Elder, he knows better than other disciplines that the danger in the Black Demon Sea is incomparable.

The Black Demon Sea not only has the Asura clan, but also various Sea Beasts. The sea clan is extremely powerful, killing without blinking an eye. If you go in, it is almost impossible to come out alive.

There is no expression on Tiecheng’s face, and said separately: “This is what Bei Lao meant. If you are not satisfied, you can ask Bei Lao. There is no need to discuss with the Elders of the outer sect, and from now on, the rules have changed, outer sect Among them, I have become the Great Elder. Everything is scheduled by me without the consent of others.”

After speaking, Tiecheng’s silhouette flashed and returned to the Elder stage, leaving Zhao Yuan alone with a gloomy and uncertain face, but finally left.

As for Bei Lao’s identity, Zhao Yuan naturally knew that since Tie Cheng said that Bei Lao meant, then he didn’t even have room to resist.

Looking at the two of Zhao Yuan and Tiecheng, Qin Yu’s thoughts slowly turned, didn’t expect this time because he killed Xu Bing, and there was such a disturbance.

And there is a huge crisis hidden in this storm.

“Qin Yu, you won this game, you can go down, wait for the second round, you will play again.” referee indifferently said.

Qin Yu nodded, jumped out of the ring, but the number on the jade token in his hand has now become 5-9. After the second round, he will play the 9th.

Qin Yu stepped off the ring, and soon someone came to fight, and among them, many experts emerged, including a woman in a blue shirt.

This woman’s realm, in the Tianhe Realm 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, holds a long sword in her hand, and when the sword is cut down, the opponent is directly defeated.

“The Sword Intent in the fourth stage world, and it is still about 1%, comparable to my Sword Intent.”

Qin Yu’s eyes fell on the woman in the blue shirt, and his eyes jumped slightly. Didn’t expect this outer sect, and there is such an expert hidden in it. Sword Intent can be completely comparable to him. .

“It is indeed the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage world, and speaking of which, this woman’s Sword Intent seems to have the possibility of progressing. I believe that after a few battles, it will be stronger. Master, this woman’s Sword Intent is even more powerful than you Be stronger.” Dragon Soul couldn’t deny the analysis.

Qin Yu nodded, this blue clothed woman’s Sword Intent is indeed stronger than him, and she also knows the Heaven Rank middle grade Sword Dao martial skill, extremely powerful, is an extremely rare opponent.

Until now, Qin Yu’s Sword Intent were all crushing others, and it was the first time that they were surpassed. However, this person’s Sword Dao martial skill was not as good as Qin Yu’s Myriad Transformations 1000.

“This is Blue Senior Sister Yue. Her reputation is not obvious in the Celestial Blue Sect, but if it is the power of the round, it can be ranked in the top 20 of the Celestial Blue Sect. Brother Qin, you have to be careful with this person in a while. “A woman’s voice came, but it was Han Miaoyi.

Qin Yu nodded, the strength of this blue moon is indeed extremely powerful, and it seems to be able to fight higher, not weaker than those experts of the 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

In about half a day, the first round of the competition ended, and after 8 rounds of the second round, Qin Yu took the initiative to walk up and came to the ring.

Because the grade of his second round is No. 9, so this 9th game is his battlefield.

Seeing that Qin Yu took the initiative to step into the arena, the referee did not stop it, but before Qin Yu could speak, a blue clothed woman walked up to the court, and this blue clothed woman was the blue moon he had just paid attention to.

Lan Yue is dressed in blue clothed, oval face eggs, and beautiful eyes are big and beautiful, giving people a fresh and refined feeling, so when he played, he attracted many people’s attention.

Although Lan Yue’s temperament is not the most beautiful that Qin Yu has ever seen, few people can match Lan Yue, at least as good as Ye Zhuqing.

“Hehe, it turned out to be Blue Senior Sister Yue. Blue Senior Sister Yue’s Sword Dao is not weak, and the Sword Intent in the Fourth Stage world is about to exceed 1%. It is extremely powerful. It is my outer sect Sword Dao. Number One Person, Qin Yu is going to be bad luck now.”

“Yes, I heard that Lan Senior Sister Yue once wounded an expert of 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage in Tianhe Realm. Sword Dao Wushuang. Even though Qin Yu has the ability to kill Xu Bing, but also not Lan Yue’s opponent.”

“But Qin Yu’s ability to compete with Lan Senior Sister Yue also has a lot of good fortune in love affairs. You know, we usually don’t even have the opportunity to see Lan Senior Sister Yue from a distance, let alone approach Lan Senior Sister Yue. Fought against Lan Senior Sister Yue.”

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