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When many disciples saw Blue Moon appearing to play against Qin Yu, they immediately boiled. Even Tiecheng couldn’t help but frown.

“This is only the second round. Qin Yu’s opponent turned out to be Lan Yue. This is a bit bad. I don’t know if this guy can be killed.” Tiecheng’s complexion slightly changed.

Qin Yu is a discipline that Bei Lao has paid attention to, and he is carrying Monarch Rank Grade 6 Martial Soul, which is stronger than his Martial Soul, extremely powerful, but it seems a bit dangerous to encounter Blue Moon.

According to Tiecheng’s estimation, if Qin Yu had a smooth journey, it would be enough to make it into the top 30 of this outer sect Martial Competition.

However, Lan Yue’s incomparable strength is about to cut off Qin Yu’s path, which is a pity!

Lan Yue stood on the ring, looked at Qin Yu, beautiful eyes were extremely plain, and said: “This Junior Brother, your cultivation base is too low, I don’t want to hurt you, you should take the initiative to surrender and leave the ring. It’s not here. Where you can come.”

Blue Moon is the number one Sword Dao genius of outer sect, proud and arrogant, even if it is the pursuit of the giants of outer sect, she can’t be moved by it, so she doesn’t pay attention to Qin Yu at all.

She is the realm of 1 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of Tianhe Realm, Sword Dao number one genius, and has also beaten an expert of 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage by stepping up, and does not want to bully a discipline of 7th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan.

“Hehe, Blue Senior Sister Yue, without fighting, how do you know that Qin Yu will lose in your hands.” Qin Yu smiled indifferently, and was not moved by it.

“Qin Yu?”

Seeing that Qin Yu refused to admit defeat, Lan Yue moved his eyes a little, and curiously said: “You are the famous outer sect Qin Yu? No wonder you dare to stand here, but I won’t give you a chance.”

After knowing Qin Yu’s identity, Lan Yue suddenly shot, waved the long sword in his hand, a sharp sword energy burst out, and moved towards Qin Yu fell down.

This move cut down, Qin Yu only felt fierce, not only was the battle body under the boundless sword energy, even Divine Soul seemed to be attacked by the sword energy, as if it could be cut apart at any time.

“A sword of really strong!”

“This sword not only drove the Sword Intent in the Fourth Stage world, but also contained the Sword Dao martial skill. Qin Yu couldn’t resist it at all, I was afraid he would lose.”

“Blue Senior Sister Yue is really strong. Once he got it down, he defeated the murderous man in the outer sect. It was too strong.”

The hearts of the disciples were also extremely shocked, because the sword of Blue Moon was too powerful.

Even if they were standing under the ring, they could feel the powerful Sword Intent from Blue Moon, shaking their hearts.

“This sword is really strong, and it makes my Divine Soul throb, but unfortunately, it can’t hurt me.” Qin Yu said lightly, suddenly taking a step under his feet.

This step stepped out, Qin Yu’s silhouette, like a boneless, sticking to the sword edge of the blue moon, moving towards the outside to avoid it, it was the Cangxuan Transformation Step.

In these ten days, Qin Yu has cultivated the Cangxuan Transformation Heaven Step, the Blazing Fire Heaven Seal, and the Myriad Transformations 1000 Killing Sword to Perfection Realm.

When it was displayed at this moment, the posture seemed to be dancing, but it was extremely ethereal, like an afterimage that could not be grasped.

“Footwork martial skill!”

When Lan Yue saw Qin Yu sticking to her sword edge to avoid her attack, her eyes jumped fiercely. This was the first time she saw Qin Yu’s escape method.

You know, her sword contains not only the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage world, but also the Sword Dao martial skill, the Divine Soul that can kill people.

Qin Yu dodges against her sword edge. If something goes wrong, the fleshy body is cut apart and the soul flew away and scattered.

However, Qin Yu not only avoided it, but was also unscathed. This made Lan Yue understand that the person she met was definitely a terrifying expert.

“It’s nothing to avoid a blow from me, you are really good by avoiding my next few moves.” Lan Yue calmed down, and sword edge shook suddenly, continuing to urge the Sword Intent in the Fourth Stage world.

The Sword Intent of Fourth Stage, 10000 things are swords!

Lan Yue violently waved the long sword in his hand, stimulating the surrounding air. Wherever the sword edge went, all the air, Spiritual Qi, Power of Heaven and Earth seemed to have turned into a sword edge, moved towards Qin Yu. Down.

At this moment, the scene above the ring was not as calm as before, but turned into a sea of ​​swords, and the extremely violent, making everyone’s eyes jump violently.

“Is the Sword Intent of Blue Moon’s Fourth Stage world already so powerful? If you don’t have a strong defense, you will be in this kind of sword sea, I am afraid it is die without a burial site.”

“The Sword Intent 10000 in the Fourth Stage world is a sword, and everything about 10000 can be turned into a sword edge. Even on the ground of the ring, there seems to be a Sword Intent diffused out, but what’s more terrifying is that Blue Moon’s Sword Intent rising.”

“Climb? Huh, it seems to be true, and in just a short while, Blue Moon’s Sword Intent seems to have climbed to 15% strong.”

Numerous warriors were all attracted by the boundless sea of ​​swords. Even the 7 peaks of Inner Sect, Elder, were extremely shocked at this moment, showing an expression of surprise.

Inner Sect Elder is much stronger than Outer Elder, and the vision is extremely vicious, but after seeing the Sword Intent displayed by Blue Moon, I can’t sit still.

“Really strong Sword Dao, this is a good seed. If cultivated, it will definitely go far above Sword Dao, even surpassing you and me.” An inner Sect Elder was shocked.

Qin Yu was also extremely surprised after being in this boundless sea of ​​swords. The Sword Dao of Blue Moon was extremely powerful, and the realm of Sword Intent was still increasing.

In a short time, the realm of Sword Intent has increased from 3% to 1%, which shocked Qin Yu.

“Blue Moon’s Sword Intent is enhanced again. My Sword Intent is not as good as hers, but it happens to be able to take advantage of her Sword Intent to comprehend my Sword Intent.” Qin Yu thought in his heart.

The strength of this blue moon is indeed extremely tyrannical, but if Qin Yu makes a move, he can defeat the blue moon in one move, but Qin Yu does not at all do it.

“Cang Xuan Hua Tian Step!”

Qin Yu urged Cang Xuan to transform into the sky step, placed in the sea of ​​swords, and constantly wandered, but in Divine Sense, he strengthened his Sword Intent in Comprehend Blue Moon’s Sword Intent.

On weekdays, the comprehend Sword Intent is more troublesome, but being in the sword sea, shrouded by the Sword Intent, the comprehend gets up a lot faster, which can be said to be rapid progress.

And Qin Yu has Cangxuan Huatian Step, these Sword Intents are extremely powerful, but they can’t hurt Qin Yu the slightest.

The Sword Intent in Qin Yu’s heart has gradually become stronger. With every gesture, 10000 objects can be turned into a sword edge and used to kill the enemy.

“My Sword Intent, which has reached 15% of the Fourth Stage world before, is now even more powerful with this comprehension, not only comprehending Blue Moon’s Sword Intent, but also surpassing Blue Moon, reaching 1% To the point.”

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