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The eyes of several disciplines all fell on Qin Yu, with contempt in his eyes, and it was obvious that he looked down on Qin Yu.

This time the selection of Yaotong compares the medicine refining technology. Although Qin Yu’s reputation is great, it may not surpass them because of the medicine refining technology.

Qin Yu ignored the gazes of these disciplines, but looked at Elder Nie cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile: “Disciple remembers the teachings of Elder Nie.”

“Hehe, a child can be taught, but this time I refining medicine pill is not trivial, so I must at least reach the Grade 5 Medicine Refining Master level. I wonder if you are the top grade Medicine Refining Master?” Elder Nie asked with a smile.

What he refined this time is Grade 7 Medicine Pill, and it is the most famous Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill among Grade 7 Medicine Pill. It is extremely precious and cannot be missed.

Even though he is the Elder of Tiancang Peak, it took a full year to collect the materials for the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill, so he needs to ensure that he is confident enough to refine this furnace.

Therefore, the selection of the medicine boy at this time is different from the past. The refining level of the medicine boy must reach Grade 5 or higher, and must be ranked upstream in the Grade 5 Medicine Refining Master to barely meet his requirements.

He has heard of Qin Yu’s innate talent above Martial Dao, but as a Medicine Refining Master, he is not very optimistic about Qin Yu.

Every Medicine Refining Master has to carry out countless experiments to refine medicine pill. Since Qin Yu has done well on Martial Dao, most of his time must be spent on Martial Dao. It is basically impossible to have so much energy. Go to learn Medicine Refining Master together.

“Just barely reach Grade 6!”

Qin Yu thought about it for a while and felt that it should be kept low-key, so he used the word “reluctantly”.

“Grade 6!”

Elder Nie and the many disciplines were all taken aback. They turned their heads and looked at Qin Yu as if they were a monster, with astonished expressions in their eyes.

Immediately, one of the blue clothed disciple said with a smile: “It’s really boast shamelessly, Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master. We don’t have many in the entire Celestial Sect. Why would you say you are Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master.”

Since it is “reluctant”, it must have been refined Grade 6 Medicine Pill, so this blue clothed youth does not believe what Qin Yu said, thinking that Qin Yu is nothing more than boasting.

Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, even he has never reached this level. Qin Yu is just a discipline who has just worshipped Gu Youfeng, has what skills and abilities, and can reach the Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master level.

Even Elder Nie frowned at this moment. He knew Qin Yu innate talent out of the ordinary, but he couldn’t understand Qin Yu’s “arrogant” character.

“Your Excellency…” Qin Yu looked at the blue clothed youth curiously.

“In Xia Gu Ling, the discipline of Tiancang Peak, one of the four major Alchemists of Yaomeng.” Gu Ling explained, with a hint of proud expression in his words.

There are so many medicine pills from the Celestial Clan school. Elder alone cannot produce so many medicine pills. Besides, other experts at Elder level have no intention to refine some low-level medicine pills for sale to the discipline.

Therefore, in the Celestial Sect discipline, the organization of the Medicine League appeared. They purchased medicine ingredients at a low price, refined medicine pill, and then sold it to other disciplines at a high price, earning a lot of profit.

“Oh, there is such an organization as the Medicine League?” Qin Yu said in surprise.

He originally wanted to refine medicine pill to earn Spirit Stone. He didn’t expect this road to be taken.

If Qin Yu wants to take this path again, he is afraid that he will be restricted by the Pharmaceutical Alliance, which makes Qin Yu a bit big.

“To tell you the truth, all of us are from the Pharmaceutical League, and each has its own strengths. Therefore, you have no chance at the Yaotong selection at this time. It is better to leave early, lest you lose face and look bad.”

A woman said, named Wei Qingqing, who was also a member of the Yaomeng. Although not as good as Gu Ling, her status in the Yaomeng was not low.

Other people are also nodded, because Elder Nie’s requirements are different this time, so those who can stand here are the Medicine Refining Master of Peak in the Pharmaceutical League.

“Hehe, it is not certain who wins and who loses. Besides, this assessment has not yet begun, how can you know that I will lose without a doubt.” Qin Yu smiled indifferently.

Watching several people fighting endlessly, Elder Nie gently snorted coldly and said, “Okay, don’t fight, everything is subject to the assessment results. This assessment is divided into 2 rounds. The first round is the fire control of the second round. Refining medicine pill for a trial, let’s start a first round trial now.”

“Hehe, do you control fire? This is my specialty.”

Gu Ling strode forward, and was the first to make a move. A light blue flame suddenly rose in his palm.

This light blue flame, shaken gently, was immediately played by Gu Ling in the palm of his thigh, and quickly formed a circle, which then transformed into a triangle and a square…

In the end, the flames controlled by Gu Ling had 8 different forms, and finally a bird with a large palm appeared, as if it had come alive, vividly.

“Gu Ling Senior Brother deserves to be one of the four Heavenly Masters in our Pharmaceutical Alliance. It can already transform extremely complex animals. It’s really extraordinary.” A discipline said with envy.

The fire control ability of Medicine Refining Master is very simple to explain. It is to control the deformation of the flame. The more shapes you can change, the more complex you live, and the stronger the fire control ability.

Gu Ling can change into a vivid bird, which shows that Gu Ling’s fire control ability is extremely strong, and he deserves to be one of the 4 Great Heavenly Masters of Yaomeng.

“Although I am not as good as Gu Ling Senior Brother, I am not weak. It depends on me.”

A big man walked up, controlled the flame in his palm, and turned directly into an axe.

On this axe, there are various lines, just like a Divine Weapon, giving people a very real feeling. Although it is weaker than Gu Ling’s little bird, it is similar.

“Otto, your changing axe is a bit simpler. It doesn’t show your true level. Let me control the fire and change.”

Wei Qingqing stepped forward and drank lightly, and the flame in his palm turned into a fire mulberry tree. The bark, branches, and leaves were all extremely clear, even stronger than Gu Ling.

“Wei Qingqing’s fire control ability is really strong. It is even more accurate than Gu Ling. It can transform into a fire mulberry tree, which is already a Major Perfection.” Elder Nie’s eyes lit up, and she couldn’t help but exclaim.

Gu Ling’s birds are realistic, but they are not as good as Wei Qingqing’s fire mulberry trees, which makes Elder Nie extremely satisfied.

In addition to Wei Qingqing, Gu Ling, and Otto, the remaining 4 people also took action. Among them, a woman named Youyou is more eye-catching, changing one silhouette.

As for the other 3 people, although they are good, they are still a bit worse than He You.

“Didn’t expect that there are so many excellent Medicine Refining Masters in our Celestial Sect. It is really gratifying to the old man. At present, Wei Qingqing is the first, Gu Ling is the second, He You is the third, and Otto is 2.”

Elder Nie said with satisfaction, ranking everyone’s fire control ability.

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