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The three people who were not picked up were due to their poor performance, so Elder Nie ignored them, of course, except for Qin Yu.

Qin Yu came here last and was the last one to shoot, so he was not in the rankings.

“Qin Yu, now that the seven of us have finished their shots, it’s up to you to do it next, show off your ability to barely manage Grade 7 Medicine Refining Master?” Gu Ling said sarcastically, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

According to his message, Qin Yu is in the outer sect, but military force does not say that it forces the entire outer sect and becomes the biggest dark horse above the outer sect Martial Competition.

But in the outer sect, Qin Yu did not refine any famous medicine pill, and even Grade 5 Medicine Pill has never heard of Qin Yu refined. The medicine technology is definitely not good.

After Qin Yu takes the shot, he can expose Qin Yu, and then fiercely insults Qin Yu to beat Qin Yu’s arrogance.

He and Qin Yu have no grudges, but they can’t understand Qin Yu’s support. He doesn’t believe that Qin Yu is a Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, because even he has not reached this height.

Wei Qingqing also nodded, slowly said: “Since you say you are a Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, you are definitely not weaker than us. Now is the time for you to prove that what you said is true.”

“Hehe, Senior Brother Gu Ling, Senior Sister Wei Qingqing, you two are too dear to him, how can he be a Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master.” A discipline said with a sneer.

“Oh, do you want to make me embarrassed so much? It’s a pity that you will be disappointed in the end.”

Qin Yu heard the urging of several people and couldn’t help but shook the head. God Slaughter Extreme Flame shook the head and burst out suddenly, forming an azure fire sea of ​​more than 2 meters.

This scene broke out and shocked several people. Gu Ling suddenly said angrily: “Qin Yu, what are you doing, do you want to burn us to death by releasing Spirit Flame like this?”

“Ai, can’t even control his Spirit Flame formidable power, and said that he barely reached the rank of Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, which is really disappointing.” Wei Qingqing couldn’t help sighing.

Although she is a woman, just like Gu Ling, she is from the medicine league, so she naturally has to work together to suppress Qin Yu.

But at this time, Elder Nie’s eyes lit up.

“Hey, this guy’s Spirit Flame formidable power has reached the ranks of Grade 6, and the formidable power is still Peak’s Spirit Flame among Grade 6 Spirit Flame.” Elder Nie said in surprise.

Formidable power such a powerful Spirit Flame can not only be used to refine medicine pill, but also more than enough to kill the enemy, but it also depends on Qin Yu’s realm.

Moreover, he could see that Qin Yu suddenly broke out of Spirit Flame just now, not out of control at all, but deliberately directly released a large amount of Spirit Flame.

If it is out of control, it will not only cover 2 meters.

“What, Peak Spirit Flame in Grade 6.”

Gu Ling and Wei Qingqing and the others hearing this were all surprised. Qin Yu’s Spirit Flame was one level higher than them, which is really shocking.

“This guy’s Spirit Flame formidable power is so powerful?” Gu Ling surprisedly said, feeling very unhappy in his heart.

His Spirit Flame is only Grade 5, if it is blessed with a cultivation base, it can barely reach the ranks of Grade 6, but it is not as good as Qin Yu’s Grade 6 Peak, and Qin Yu has no cultivation base blessing.

“Gu Ling Senior Brother don’t be impatient, you see that he can’t even control the formidable power of Spirit Flame. How powerful is Spirit Flame formidable power? It’s just a waste.” He You shook his head and said.

“Yes, since it’s a waste, it’s definitely not as good as our fire control technology, so why should Gu Ling Senior Brother lose?” Otto stood with his hands indifferently said.

Gu Ling sighed in relief, and looked at each other with Wei Qingqing, with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Qin Yu, you start to change, but don’t lose control of the formidable power of Spirit Flame and burn yourself to ashes.” Wei Qingqing said sarcastically.

Qin Yu sneered, God Slaughter Extreme Flame covers an area of ​​2 meters, first forming a simple azure plane.

“God Slaughter Extreme Flame, open for me!”

Qin Yu gave a light drink, God Slaughter Extreme Flame’s fire control method decided to move, the left side of azure began to skyrocket, bulging outwards, forming a mountain range.

With the formation of the mountain range, the height of the mountain range was also portrayed by Qin Yu, and even a lot of azure grass was portrayed, swaying with the wind.

“Hey, this is a familiar mountain range. I seem to have seen it somewhere.”

Seeing Qin Yu’s changed mountain range, all of them were taken aback. They felt that Qin Yu’s changed mountain range was very familiar, and finally Gu Ling lost his voice: “This is the mountain range next to the Black Demon Sea where the new disciple lives. , And this guy completely outlines the outline of the mountain range.”

“What? Outline the outline of a mountain range. Could it be that he wants to use Spirit Flame to portray a mountain range. Impossible, the mountain range is too complicated.” Wei Qingqing said with a face full of disbelief.

On the azure plain, a mountain range slowly formed. Immediately, the stripes on the mountain range were constantly changing and uneven, just like a real mountain range.

In the eyes of everyone’s horror, after Qin Yu outlined the mountain range, many houses appeared on the mountain range. They were houses where the new discipline lived.

“Why is this guy’s level of fire control so high? No wonder that he is a Grade 6 Spirit Flame division.” Elder Nie was also shocked.

He didn’t know that the God Slaughter Extreme Flame method used by Qin Yu was created by Ancient Era’s Battle King God Slaughter. It was extremely superb. Pill concocting is unparalleled, and killing enemies is unparalleled.

Elder Nie, Gu Ling, Wei Qingqing and the others all stared at the mountain range that Qin Yu used Spirit Flame to make. Not only did many exquisite houses appear in the mountain range, but even the Black Demon Sea was under the mountain range. Appeared.

On the shore of the Black Demon Sea, a fire mulberry tree slowly grew up, and soon became a lush and green tree, which was extremely realistic.

“Huo mulberry, this is the fire mulberry that he imitated me and changed. What exactly does this guy want to do?” Wei Qingqing lost his voice, her face darkened.

Not only did Qin Yu change into the mountain range next to the Black Demon Sea and the house where the new discipline lived, it turned out to be under the mountain range, and even her fire mulberry tree changed, and it was several times larger than her fire mulberry tree. It is also extremely realistic.

Based on this alone, Qin Yu far surpassed her fire control skills, and she couldn’t compare to Qin Yu even after ten.

“Not only that, look at the top of the fire mulberry tree, that is the little bird that Gu Ling Senior Brother has just changed.” A disciple said in shock.

When everyone moved towards the top of the fire mulberry tree, they saw an azure bird, exactly the same as the one that Gu Ling had transformed.

“There is also father and son, my axe that I changed. This axe is cutting the fire mulberry tree.” Otto said in surprise, unable to believe his eyes.

At the next moment, He You also lost his voice: “There are also the people I have transformed. My people are holding Otto’s transformation and axe to cut trees. Oh my God, he transformed the things that some of us have used Spirit Flame into. Everything has changed.”

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