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Qin Yu glared at the two people and didn’t pay much attention to it. Instead, he grabbed a medicine ingredients again and put it into the Spirit Flame in his palm to smelt it. Indifferently said: “Otto Senior Brother, and this Senior Brother, You two should concentrate on warming the pill furnace, otherwise your pill furnace will explode.”

“What, fryer, who did you brat lie to? I haven’t refined medicine pill yet. It’s just a hot stove. How can I fire the fryer and deceive people.”

Otto sneered, then turned around, but saw that under his anger, he unconsciously urged the formidable power of the Spirit Flame to the maximum, burning the pill furnace with an immense red, an explosive force brewing in it .

“Not good, I was hit by this kid, it’s going to be a fryer.”

Otto’s face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly revoked Spirit Flame. The cultivation base of Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage was urged. One after another, a powerful force exploded quickly, suppressing the pill furnace, and then the pill The explosive force in the furnace was suppressed, avoiding the fryer.

Warming the pill furnace, this is the easiest step to start with pill concocting.

Otto has been refining medicine pill for so many years, almost said to have the words at hand. He didn’t expect to fry the stove in the process of warming the stove, but it almost exploded today, leaving Otto speechless in his heart.

Fortunately, he shot in time to suppress the pill furnace that was about to explode, but there were still some cracks on his pill furnace.

In other words, while suppressing the explosion of the pill furnace, he also completely destroyed his low grade Venerable Artifact pill furnace, which made him extremely sorry.

Hong long!

However, just when Otto was sorry, the sound of the fryer suddenly burst, but it was the discipline fryer that Otto and Qin Yu talked back to.

This discipline uses a high grade Spiritual Artifact pill furnace. After the terrifying energy exploded, it formed an extremely majestic wave of air, which directly blasted the discipline out and hit the walls of the Cave Mansion.


Otto said in surprise, his face dumbfounded.

Gu Ling, Wei Qingqing, He You, and the others also all looked surprised, looking at the bombed-up discipline with amazement, their eyes jumped like peng~ peng~ peng~, and they couldn’t help but be afraid.

Fortunately, when Qin Yu attacked them a while ago, they didn’t have too much anger, otherwise, they might be the ones who fry the stove now.

“Qin Yu, are you the devil, attack us deliberately and let us fry the stove.”

Otto couldn’t help but said coldly, wanting to punch Qin Yu to death, if it weren’t for Qin Yu to hit them, how could he break the pill furnace, even the fryer.

The fryer’s discipline also got up from the ground, and said with some unkind expression: “That’s right, Senior Brother, are you going to make a move? I can’t help but want to beat him.”

“You two don’t talk about it anymore. It’s obviously that your mood fluctuates too much when you warm up the furnace, and you can’t control the Spirit Flame’s heat. No wonder others, you see that Qin Yu doesn’t have a fryer.” Elder Nie said.

Otto and this discipline hearing this were extremely bitter in their hearts. Although they still wanted to beat Qin Yu to vent their anger, but still held back, moved towards Elder Nie respectfully and said: “disciple remember Elder’s teachings.”

“Hehe, don’t be angry with the two Senior Brothers. When you warm up the furnace, you must gradually increase the temperature of the Spirit Flame by step by step, so that you won’t be able to fry the furnace, but if you can make it in your palm, you can save it. this step.” Qin Yu said with a smile, helping 2 people to solve.


2 People almost didn’t vomit blood, secretly said in one’s heart, if it weren’t for Qin Yu’s constant blow to them, could they fry the stove?

“Wei Qingqing, I found that it’s no good to talk back to this kid. Let’s just ignore him and concentrate on refining medicine pill.” Gu Ling couldn’t help but said, not wanting to follow in Otto’s footsteps.

He knows what evil Qin Yu is not at all, but what Qin Yu said was too destructive and too deserves a beating that the fryer incident occurred.

This fryer incident spread out, I am afraid it will be a super stain on Pill Dao.

“I also think this is the case. If we concentrate on pill concocting and don’t compare with him, we will have a stable mood and there will be no mistakes.” He You said solemnly, with a proper posture.

“Well, let’s start pill concocting. Don’t provoke him anymore, otherwise we will all be ruined.” Gu Lingshen said with satisfaction.

Next, a few people did not speak, but Qin Yu was also disinclined to pay attention to them, but continued to put medicine ingredients, continuously tempering spiritual medicine, various steps, perfection.

Gu Ling, Wei Qingqing, and He You did not provoke Qin Yu, but they went smoothly, and soon completed the medicine ingredients tempering.

However, when they just finished the medicine ingredients tempering, Qin Yu opened the mouth and said again.

“Well, there are already three formation marks. If you save the steps of heating the furnace, you can go a lot faster. I advise you to give up using the pill furnace and become a pill in your palm.” Qin Yu lightly saying Persuade a few people.

“pu 呲!”

When several people heard this, their bodies trembled, and they almost didn’t spit out a mouthful of muffled blood, and their hearts were extremely angry.

The super level that only Grand Alchemist can reach is the realm of their yearn for something even in dreams. If they can do this step, why is it so troublesome to use a pill furnace.

It is precisely because they can’t do this step that they use the pill furnace. According to Qin Yu, pill formation in the palm is the second, and the pill furnace refining medicine pill is the richest foundation.

“This kid is too deserves a beating, hold back, hold back, I can’t get angry.”

Gu Ling was self-comforted in his heart, but due to his mood swings, Spirit Fire got out of control. A medicine ingredients that had just been put down was instantly burned by Spirit Fire.

But fortunately, Elder Nie prepared more than one medicine ingredients for them, and there are substitutes, so he continued to refine medicine pill.

“Ah, I can’t take it anymore, Qin Yu, you are so shocking.”

Just after Gu Ling suppressed the anger in his heart, a discipline who was pill concocting went crazy, shivering with Qin Yu just now.

Soon, the discipline couldn’t suppress the emotions in his heart, a mouthful of muffled blood sprayed on the pill furnace, and then the pill furnace burst open.


With the sound of the explosion, fragments of the pill furnace were everywhere. The discipline was also blown up and fell on the Cave Mansion wall, and passed out directly.

“Ai, it’s frying again. This is the first time! What’s the matter with you, your mood is so unstable, you see, I don’t have a pill furnace, I can’t fry it if I have a pill in my palm.

Qin Yu glanced at this recipe and said a little bit hate iron for not becoming steel: “When refining medicine pill, you must be as calm as possible, otherwise the medicine ingredients will be destroyed. Secondly, it will be bad if the fryer is seriously injured. The mood fluctuates too much, and the cultivation still doesn’t reach home.”

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