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Under the fluctuation of the mood, the fire control technology will lose the original level, causing the temperature of the Spirit Flame to rise and fall. That’s why it will fry the furnace. It must be stable from beginning to end.

“Why don’t we know that the mood should be stable and not fluctuating, and it is not all to blame you brat, it is too shocking, this is…”

A discipline complained faintly, but at the next moment, his face suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: “Not good, I complain about this kid, his mood is unstable, Spirit Flame is out of control, and he is about to fry.”


Immediately afterwards, the pill furnace of this discipline was also exploded, Qi Qi was blown out, and all spiritual medicine was destroyed.

Frying the oven four times in a row, the people were blown up. Even the old and respectful Elder Nie’s eyes jumped violently, his face was extremely ugly, and there was a trace of murderous aura surging.

Otto and 3 other disciplines fryers one after another, causing a strong impact and destroying a lot of his Cave Mansion. If it continues, his Cave Mansion will not be kept.

“None of you should talk to this kid. If anyone is in the fryer, never want to step into my Cave Mansion.”

Elder Nie said solemnly, at this moment, even he couldn’t help but want to kill Qin Yu.

The three remaining Gu Ling, Wei Qingqing, and He You all sank.

They come here to help Elder Nie refine medicine pill and act as a drug boy, not just for the contribution point, but to observe Elder Nie pill concocting and learn the technique of pill concocting.

If you can’t step into Elder Nie’s Cave Mansion, you will not only have no chance to get contribution points, but you will also not be able to learn the technique of pill concocting. The loss will be too great.

“These 6 green Spiritual Pills are refined. The first 5 formation marks are not too troublesome. I am already on the 5 Dao Mark road.” Qin Yu said with a smile, feeling deeply.

6 Spiritual Pill is Grade 6 Medicine Pill, but before Grade 5, it was very simple, at least for Qin Yu, the reluctant Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, it was too simple.

However, Qin Yu knows that the most difficult part is the 6th Dao Mark Road. If the 6th Dao Mark Road can be refined successfully, this medicine pill can be considered as a complete completion.

Moreover, the finished product of the 6-pattern Spiritual Pill is still Peak in the Grade 6 Medicine Pill, so it is more difficult to refine.

“5 Dao Mark is on my way!”

Gu Ling, Wei Qingqing, and He You were hearing this, their brows twitched violently, and the 3 Spiritual Pills they refined only had two.

According to their level, if 5 Dao Mark road is refined, it is transcendence, but Qin Yu does not rely on the pill furnace to become a pill, but it is already 5 Dao.

At this moment, the moods of the three people could not help but fluctuate again. At this time, the formidable power of the fryer would increase several times, but all three of them showed signs of the fryer.

“Qin Yu, stop talking to me, or else the old man will kill you, and the three of you, concentrate on refining medicine pill.”

Elder Nie saw that all three of them had signs of a fryer, and immediately scolded Qin Yu and the others.

He admitted that although Qin Yu was truthful, it was too shocking.

If you don’t shut up, three people fry the furnace together, and his Cave Mansion will be destroyed.

Qin Yu heard Elder Nie’s roar, his heart was stunned, and hurriedly shut up, because this time, he clearly felt that Elder Nie was angry and really wanted to kill him.

However, above Qin Yu’s state of mind, there is not the slightest fluctuation. Therefore, the medicine pill in his palm is slowly being refined in the future, forming the 6th Dao Mark road.

As long as the 6th Dao Mark Road is fully formed, his medicine pill will be successfully refined.

“Well, this kid is under my murderous aura, his mood is completely motionless, really strong, and his palm is really pill, and he is about to refine the 6-pattern Spiritual Pill.” Elder Nie’s eyes lit up.

In the Sky Cang Sect, he is the undead Old Monster who has lived for 100 years, second only to the existence of giants such as Bei Lao and Hai Dong Qing.

On weekdays, Elder Nie’s angry roar alone, let alone Outer Elder, even if many Elders on the Inner Sect 7 peak are hearing this discoloration, their mood will be affected.

And because he was overly angry and deared for his Cave Mansion just now, so the roar was mixed with murderous aura, but Qin Yu’s mood was not fluctuated from beginning to end, and it was not affected by his killing intent at all.

This concentration is too strong!

Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, without changing his face, that is what Qin Yu is in.

However, Elder Nie didn’t know that Qin Yu had been threatened by Songshe from Beast Palace when he was on the battlefield of 100 races, or when he was on the 3rd and 4th Layer of Earthquan.

At that time, Qin Yu was just a nobody on the battlefield of the 100 clan, so he dared to share the Beast Palace Elder giving tit for tat with Song She, and today, how afraid of his murderous aura of Elder Nie.

Besides, Elder Nie will not really kill him.


At the moment when Elder Nie was stunned, Qin Yu’s face became serious. Looking at the sky moved towards Cave Mansion, there was an aura of destruction.

“Thunder Tribulation, this is Dan Thunder Tribulation!”

Everyone raised their heads together and looked towards the sky, where the clouds are densely covered and the thunderclouds are rolling, it is the Thunder Tribulation that can only be obtained by refining the Grade 6 Medicine Pill, making the complexion greatly changed.

“He won’t really become a pill in his palm, he will refine the Grade 6 Medicine Pill, otherwise, how could this pill Thunder Tribulation appear?” Elder Nie said in amazement.

Even if he, the Grade 7 Grand Alchemist, wants to refine the Grade 6 Spiritual Pill in the Peak ranks, he needs the assistance of the pill furnace, and he cannot achieve pill in the palm.

But Qin Yu actually did it. In the refining technique of Grade 6 Medicine Pill, it was much higher than him, which made it difficult for him to accept.

At this moment, Elder Nie suddenly felt that he had lived as a dog all his life, and he was no better than Qin Yu, a youngster less than 20 years old, and a barely Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master.

“You continue to refine the medicine pill, don’t be affected by the Thunder Tribulation, I will protect you.”

Elder Nie suddenly burst into shouted, and a powerful breath was released, protecting Gu Ling, Wei Qingqing and the others, but Qin Yu was not protected.

Dan Thunder Tribulation this thing can only be resisted by the Medicine Refining Master himself, no one can intervene, so he did not protect Qin Yu, lest Dan Thunder Tribulation become stronger.

But after seeing Dan Thunder Tribulation, Otto and the others who were in the fryer earlier, their expressions changed drastically. They ran away in a hurry, afraid of being involved in Dan Thunder Tribulation, die without a burial site.

“This kid refined the Grade 6 Medicine Pill, and then Dan Thunder Tribulation appeared. I am the 4 major pill concocting Heavenly Master of the Medicine League. I don’t believe it can be better than him.” Gu Ling was taken aback and continued to refine the medicine pill. , It has almost reached the 5 formation mark, and the Grade 5 Medicine Pill has been refined.

Gu Ling’s hard work also affected Wei Qingqing. Wei Qingqing calmed his mind. Secretly thought: “I can’t refine the Grade 6 Medicine Pill, but I have to try it. I can’t just lose.”

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