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Qin Yu’s Sword Intent, Sword Dao, took a very pure path. There is no paranoid hobby, but it is extremely sharp, and the murderous aura is no worse than dry blood.

At the beginning of the outer sect Martial Competition, Lan Yue had already felt it. Among Qin Yu’s sword moves, there was only the pure and incomparable Sword Dao.

Seeing Lan Yue’s sincerity, Qin Yu couldn’t refuse any more, so he agreed, nodded and said: “In that case, let’s discuss each other.”

While flying, the two people said their own understanding of Sword Dao, and even when they were flying, they competed with each other 2 times to feed each other, comprehend Sword Dao.

Ouyang on the side saw that Lan Yue took the initiative to find Qin Yu, and he and Qin Yu fed each other and discussed Sword Dao. The vinegar bottle in his heart was completely overturned, and he cast a very resentful look.

“Lan Yue, Qin Yu, you cheating couple, sooner or later I will let you die in front of me and be insulted to death by me alive.” Ouyang said fiercely.

Qin Yu and Lanyue feed each other, and the Sword Intents of the two are intertwined with each other, both have a huge improvement.

Soon, Blue Moon’s Sword Intent not only reached 20% of the Fourth Stage world, but even the cultivation base broke through to the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Heavenly River.

Qin Yu’s realm is still in the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of Earthquan. There is no breakthrough, but it has become extremely solid. Moreover, Qin Yu’s Sword Intent has also made a qualitative leap, reaching a full 30%.

“Sword Intent grows so fast. In more than ten days, it has grown by 15%, which is too strong.” Qin Yu couldn’t help but sigh.

Lanyue’s innate talent is indeed very strong, which has inspired Qin Yu a lot, and Qin Yu’s innate talent is not weak, and its comprehension ability is the strongest among others, so it finally achieved a win-win result.

With the powerful Sword Intent, Lan Yue has different temperaments all over her body. Standing in the crowd, dressed in light blue clothes, the Sword Intent swelled and grinned vibratingly.

On this day, the ancient rust in front suddenly stopped, looking at the desert in front of him, his face solemnly said: “Everyone, I think we have reached the Huoyun Desert.”

Not far in front of everyone, there are countless deserts, and underfoot are patches of withered grass, entirely different.

“Fire Cloud Desert?”

Qin Yu raised his head slightly, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

After receiving the task, Qin Yu had 3 days to prepare.

But during these 3 days, Qin Yu was refining medicine pill, so he didn’t inquire about the Barbarian Race, so naturally he didn’t know the fire cloud desert.

“Senior Brother Qin doesn’t know yet. This Fire Cloud Desert is the only way to reach the habitat of the Barbarian Race. The most famous is the fire cloud in the sky.” Blue Moon saw Qin Yu with some doubts, so he quickly explained .

Qin Yu looked up and found that there were several huge fire clouds in the sky, which were so red that they were burned by the blazing sun, as if they were stained with blood.

Barbarian Race lives in the deepest part of the Fire Cloud Desert, so to reach the Barbarian Race habitat, you must pass through this Fire Cloud Desert.

However, the Huoyun Desert is extremely dangerous. During the day, the scorching sun is in the sky and the temperature is very high, which is unbearable for ordinary people. At night, the temperature is very low and it is icy cold, even colder than the Northern Extreme Cold.

Only in the morning and evening, the temperature of the Huoyun Desert is suitable for ordinary people to live in. During this time, the Huoyun Desert is the most lively.

Moreover, there are also various Demon Beasts in the Huoyun Desert. These Demon Beasts lurking in the depths of the desert. Some are extremely powerful and often hunt and kill the warriors who come and go.

“It seems that this Fire Cloud Desert is really dangerous. Demon Beast is vertical and horizontal, and the climate is not suitable. I really don’t know how the people on this land survived.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

In such a dangerous and cruel environment, it would take a lot of perseverance to survive here.

“Well, the environment here is indeed cruel, but it is not impossible. There is a Demon Beast called the Sand Swallowing Beast in the Fire Cloud Desert. Its fur can not only isolate the high temperature, but also the cold, so it lives here. The Spirit Race warriors will hunt down this Demon Beast and make ready-made clothes so that they can move at will.”

Lanyue continued to explain: “But because too many people hunted, the number of this sand-swallowing beast has drastically reduced. It can only be hunted in places where humans don’t often get involved. It is extremely precious.”

If any kind of Demon Beast becomes a necessary resource, it will not survive for a long time. Fortunately, the Huoyun Desert is vast and there are many unknown places that make the Sand Swallowing Beast survive many.

It is also worth mentioning that the sand swallowing beasts are extremely capable of reproduction.

Among the above, the supply between the sand swallowing beasts and humans has formed a delicate balance, living here together.

“Senior Brother Qin, the Barbarian Race lives in the deepest part of the Fire Cloud Desert. Before that, we have to pass through some Spirit Race tribes. These Spirit Races are formed in different sizes. The divisions are in the Fire Cloud Desert and are the most famous. This is the snake Spirit Race.” Lan Yue continued to explain.

“Snake Spirit Race!”

Qin Yu’s heart moved slightly. Before he entered the battlefield of the 100 races, in the deserted Tian City where Liu Shuangxue and Liu Shuanghan lived, he rescued a snake Spirit Race woman named Ruo Yunfei.

Ruo Yunfei followed Qin Yu for a while, and finally arrived at Mullingshan’s family, and was rescued by her elders, ending the fate between the two.

Qin Yu has also seen Snake Spirit Race on the battlefield of 100 races, but he didn’t at all communicate deeply, didn’t expect this time, and came to the site of Snake Spirit Race.

Looking at Qin Yu’s startled eyes, Lan Yue’s heart moved, said with a smile: “Senior Brother Qin, I heard that the woman of the Snake Spirit Race can be transformed into a human body. She is extremely beautiful and has an exotic atmosphere. In the Huoyun Desert, everyone wants to catch one or two snake Spirit Race women. As a slave, you can also try.”

Spirit Race warriors below the Earthquan Realm need to take a Pill of Transformation, which can be transformed into a Human Race, but the warriors above Earthquan Realm can be freely transformed into a Human Race, beautiful and beautiful, just like Celestial Immortal.

Therefore, the warriors who come to the Fire Cloud Desert often hunt down some Spirit Race warriors. The snake Spirit Race can incarnation beautiful women, which is the most eye-catching.

But also because of this relationship, the Spirit Race inhabited in the Fire Cloud Desert hates Human Race extremely. The snake Spirit Race suffers the most damage and hates the most.

“I don’t have this interest, but just think of an old friend of Snake Spirit Race.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Although Qin Yu is not a good person, he does not have the habit and habit of randomly catching some races to play with. As long as this race of the Fire Cloud Desert does not provoke Qin Yu, Qin Yu will not be unreasonable.

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