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The races in the world, absolutely 1000 1000, countless!

Some of these races are blessed by the heavens, they are extremely powerful, and some are naturally weak and hard to survive, and they are criticized.

However, in Qin Yu’s eyes, there is no distinction between the noble and the poor in the Tianxia 10000 clan. Therefore, Qin Yu naturally has no intention to catch these Spirit Races and become martial slaves.

However, other people don’t think so, and the eyes of many people in the team are already showing excitement.

Xindao, it is not bad to be able to catch one or two Spirit Race martial arts while completing the mission.

Among them, their leader Gurust!

Lan Yue naturally noticed this too, looking at the greedy gaze in everyone’s eyes, she couldn’t help but shook the head slowly, with a sigh.

However, Lan Yue was very curious about Qin Yu’s so-called snake Spirit Race deceased. Didn’t expect Qin Yu to have close contacts with the snake Spirit Race people.

“The next step is the Huoyun Desert. I believe everyone knows what exists here. From now on, everyone should be more vigilant.” Gu Rust instructed everyone as the leader.

Although everyone was greedy for those Spirit Race martial arts slaves, they also knew the horror of the desert, so their spirits tightened, watching their surroundings with extreme vigilance, and walking into the vast desert.

In the desert, everyone went forward against the wind and sand, leaving a series of footprints on the sand, but these footprints, after the wind and sand, soon disappeared.

As the people deepened, the temperature in the desert became higher and higher, and grains of sand, like iron sand, emitted terrifying high temperatures.

The soles of everyone’s feet stepped on these sand grains, all of them burning hot, and even from time to time there was a pungent smell of one after another burnt meat.

Fortunately, everyone’s realm is not low, but they can barely resist these tingling sensations, moved towards the depths of the desert, and move forward continuously.

After Moyo’s one hour, a strange movement came from everyone’s feet.

These changes came quickly, and then, pale-yellow sand snakes with the thickness of an arm burst out of the desert.

After the sand snake burst out, it drew an arc in the air, and then, like sharp arrows, moved towards everyone shot it, terrifying to the extreme.

“It’s a sand snake!”

Everyone screamed for peace, and they all urged the cultivation base, and various powerful martial skills bombarded the air wildly. All the sand snakes burst into pieces, and the blood stained everyone’s feet.

After killing these sand snakes, everyone’s brows wrinkled.

They only entered here for half an hour, but they have already been attacked by sand snakes three times.

The realm of Sand Snake is not high, and the strongest one is only 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan. It is not everyone’s opponent at all.

It’s just that these sand snakes are as numerous as cows and feathers, countless, and every once in a while, they will harass everyone and make them extremely annoying.

“It’s the third time, and the deeper you go, the more sand snakes there will be. I don’t know how the Spirit Race tribes survived in such a cruel environment.” Blue Moon looked ugly. Said.

She was originally wearing a blue robe, a beautiful face, and the sword energy on her body, which seemed extremely extraordinary and refined, but now she was stained with a lot of blood and was a little embarrassed.

Qin Yu’s body is very clean, his Divine Sense is extremely powerful, every sand snake attack, all will be avoided in advance, so it is the easiest of the entire warrior.

Looking at Lan Yue’s somewhat embarrassed appearance, Qin Yu took out 2 medicinal herbs from the storage bag, and then quietly deployed God Slaughter Extreme Flame, refining these 2 medicine ingredients into some powder.

“This thing is made by me with realgar grass. It can drive snakes away. If you put this thing on your body, sand snakes will not attack you.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“Oh? Senior Brother Qin still has such a good thing.”

Lanyue smiled and hurriedly took the realgar grass powder from Qin Yu’s hand and smeared it on her body. As expected, she was never attacked by the sand snake again.

As for the others, they were burnt by the sand snake attack. After they asked Lan Yue, they finally got some realgar grass powder from Qin Yu to save themselves from the sand snake attack.

Qin Yu gave these people benefits, but also bought a lot of people’s hearts.

These people followed Qin Yu, talking and laughing. On the contrary, they followed Gu Xi and Ouyang, but they were extremely embarrassed.

“Chief Gurust, Qin Yu seems to have a way to deal with sand snakes. Why don’t you give an order to let him hand over the way.” Ouyang whispered in Gu Rust’s ear.

Although Sand Snake did not create a fatal crisis for them, it bothered him, and because he himself had conflicts with Qin Yu, he naturally would not lick his face and ask Qin Yu for it.

Gu Rust frowned slightly, looking at the 7 people following Qin Yu, there were faint signs of fighting against him, and she couldn’t help being frowned.

As a leader, he must ensure that everyone obeys his orders and looks forward to him, but now these people are surrounded by Qin Yu, and they neglect his leader.

Thinking of this, Gu Rust stopped and walked in front of Qin Yu, arrogantly saying: “Qin Yu, you seem to have a way to deal with sand snakes, I order you to take it out.”

“You order me?”

Qin Yu raised his brow slightly when he heard this.

If the ancient rust is eloquent, Qin Yu can take out the remaining realgar grass powder and let everyone drive the snake, but the ancient rust is too arrogant.

“Yes, it is to order you. As the leader, Senior Brother Gurust is naturally qualified to order you. Do you still want to disobey the order?” Ouyang coldly shouted and sneered in his heart.

As long as there is a chance to insult Qin Yu, he will seize it, tell Qin Yu a lesson, and watch Qin Yu suffer.

“Hehe, I knew you so much, I just killed you with a single sword.” Qin Yu sneered said to Ouyang Han.


Thinking of the formidable power of Qin Yu’s previous swordsmanship, Ouyang’s face flushed involuntarily, and he couldn’t help but step back 2 steps, trying to refute Qin Yu, but he didn’t say a word.

“Qin Yu, we had an agreement before that we must obey my leader’s words. Although Ouyang said too much, what he said is true. I have the qualification to order you.” Gu Rust coldly said.

Qin Yu looked at Gu Rust, sneered, and then pointed to the people behind Gu Rust, and said: “Everyone, I don’t want to violate the order of Gu Rust chief. You guys come forward and I will apply some medicine powder to you. Drive snakes.”

The few people behind Gu Yu hearing this were all a joy. If it weren’t for Gu Rust’s majesty before, they would have come to Qin Yu to ask for medicine powder.

Now under the majesty of the ancient rust, Qin Yu took the initiative to take out medicine powder to help them drive away snakes. They were naturally overjoyed, each came to Qin Yu and stood in rows.

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