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“Qin Yu, 2 days later, it will be the day when the snake Spirit Race inheritance feasted the spirit child. When the time comes, there will be a helping battle. If you have a seed, come, when the time comes, I will pull out your skin and come. Pay homage to Miao Kong.” Miao Luo said coldly when he was leaving.

Qin Yu grinned and laughed, inheriting the day of Lingzi’s banquet, he was going to help Ruozong in the fight, so naturally he would come in person.

It’s just that Qin Yu didn’t expect that behind this Miao Luo, there was also a Holy Son standing.

The only thing I don’t know is that the Holy Son behind Miao Luo has several points of strength, how does it compare to Ruozong?

But Qin Yu is not interested in inquiring about this. Now that half a day has passed, the so-called inheritance Holy Son banquet and help, but only one and a half days left, when the time comes will naturally know.

Now, everyone’s gaze towards Qin Yu is no longer as disgusting as before, but there is a feeling of awe, because of Qin Yu’s strength.

powerhouse is respected, this is the truth of Martial Dao World!

One punch kills a warrior in the 2nd Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, and has not used any cultivation base. Such battle strength is worthy of admiration.

Under the gaze of everyone, Qin Yu walked off the ring and came to the side of Tiancangzong and Hu Lie and the others. Hu Lie immediately greeted him and gave a thumbs up, said with a smile: “Strong!”

“Reluctantly make do!”

Qin Yu said modestly, said with a smile: “We have been mad at many places in the Snake Spirit City. Next, let’s find a hotel to stay and get some food by the way.”


Hu Lie said with a smile, generously bringing Qin Yu and leaving.

After the twists and turns of this matter, everyone was a little tired, so naturally there was no opinion.

Qin Yu’s current strength and vision are fully qualified to be their leader and their backbone, so that they all obey Qin Yu very much, except for the ancient rust.

However, just when Qin Yu and the others were leaving, the black-clothed youth Sarutake of Qing Ape Race, with a few of his men, suddenly stepped forward, blocking the way of Qin Yu and the others.

Everyone has seen the strength of Yuanwu, extremely powerful, even if it does not stimulate the cultivation base, it gives everyone a sense of oppression.

A strong stimulus enveloped everyone’s hearts, making everyone’s spirits tense instantly.

Qin Yu also looked up and looked towards Yuanwu, his eyes condensed slightly. After entering the snake spirit city, this Yuanwu was the strongest expert Qin Yu had ever seen, and he also felt a sense of crisis.

Brush, shua!

Under this kind of mental tension, the disciplines of the Celestial Blue Sect, such as the Great Enemy, Lan Yue and Dry Blood, even stood up directly, Sword Edge was out of the sheath, ready to fight at any time.

Qin Yu stretched out his hand to press the long sword in the hand of the dried blood, indifferently said: “Put away the sword of you two, this guy is not malicious, and he will not ignore the rules of the snake spirit city.”

Everyone is around the snake spirit battle stage, but after all, they are under the snake spirit battle stage. They still have to abide by the rules of the snake spirit city and can’t do anything indiscriminately.

Moreover, Qin Yu knew from Saruwu’s behavior at the snake spirit battle stage just now that this Saruwu is not a person who does not follow the rules.

Otherwise, Sarutake will not go to the battle stage and will live and die, but will directly act in the event of a conflict.

Qin Yu also didn’t feel any murderous intention from this Yuanwu, but there was a faint fighting intent, which was silent and suppressed by Yuanwu.

Dry blood and Lan Yue hearing this, glanced at each other, then put away the long sword in their hands, and then stood quietly behind Qin Yu, waiting for Qin Yu to handle this matter.

“What’s your visit?” Qin Yu asked with a smile.

“You are very strong, giving me the urge to fight!”

Yuan Wu said with a cold face, and did not participate in any mood swings in his voice, as if he was only seeking war.

Hearing this in the ears of everyone around, it greatly changed the complexity of everyone around.

As the expert of Ape Race, Saruwu is quite powerful, but at this moment, he said this to Qin Yu and asked Qin Yu for battle.

“What is the origin of this young man, it has attracted the attention of Saruwu, and also made Saruwu have the urge to fight.”

“Saru Wu’s strength is extremely powerful, even Miao Luo just didn’t see it, but he attaches so much importance to Qin Yu, Qin Yu’s strength, I am afraid it is still above our imagination.

“That’s right, Qin Yu could be able to fight with Sarumu. Qin Yu’s strength is probably equal to Sarumu, at least not too weak, tsk tsk, this Qin Yu is really a master of play the pig to eat the tiger. Realm then Low, but battle strength ……terrifying.”

The people around discussed spiritedly, all with horrified expressions in their eyes, and 1000 swells were stirred up in their hearts, and they slapped their hearts continuously.

Hu Lie and Gu Rust also became extremely surprised.

Both of them are experts of the Tianhe Realm 2 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage, and they are the strongest in the entire team.

However, it was not the two of them that Saruwu found, but only Qin Yu from the 2th Layer Initial Stage realm of Diquan Realm, which made them feel a little disappointed.

2 People can feel from the eyes of Saruwu, when Saruwu looks at them, he is extremely indifferent, almost to the point of ignoring them.

But when Sarumu watched Qin Yu, he was extremely solemn.

Qin Yu has long seen through the motives of the swordsman, so there is no unexpected expression on his face, indifferently smiled and said: “Hehe, your excellency said that, is it going to fight the snake spirit battle stage?”

“The snake spirit battle stage is Life and Death Battle. I and you are lacking hatred and enmity. You don’t have to go to the snake spirit battle stage, but if you are helping the inheritance spirit, if you meet me, please have a fight.” Wu Bu said tepidly.

Qin Yu hearing this, nodded said: “it’s a deal!”

Saruwu’s strength is extremely strong, and the innate talent is not weak, Qin Yu didn’t want to miss the opportunity to compete with this kind of expert, so he directly agreed.

To kill the opponent in a second, the difference in strength is too big. It is meaningless to the strong side. However, the fighting at the same level can evoke the fighting intent of both sides in the battle, and it can also hone the martial artist itself and enhance the strength of Martial Dao.

“Then I’m waiting for your ride, but there is one more sentence. I want to remind you that if you want to fight me, you must first defeat Miao Yuan of the crocodile Spirit Race. If you can’t even beat him, there will be no Qualification to fight me.” Sarutake said indifferently.

“Miao Yuan?”

Qin Yu frowned slightly.

He originally thought that Miao Luo was the strongest person in the crocodile Spirit Race, but now it doesn’t seem to be anymore, but this young warrior named Miao Yuan.

But I think it is true. Although the crocodile Spirit Race is not as powerful as the snake Spirit Race, it is several times stronger than the Tiger Beast Clan where Hu Lie belongs. If there are only young talents like Miao Luo in the clan, it would be disappointing.

However, Yuan Wu mentioned Miao Yuan, so the strength of this Miao Yuan is probably only weaker than Yuan Wu. It is extremely powerful and should not be underestimated.

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