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“Remember now!” Qin Yu nodded said, remembering Sarutake’s words in the heart.

Saruwu also nodded gestured, and quickly left with a few experts of the green Ape Race, and finally left Qin Yu and the others standing there.

“Brother Qin, I have also heard of Miao Yuan’s reputation. He can definitely rank in the forefront of the young crocodile Spirit Race. He is a very scary guy. He didn’t expect him to be invited to come this time. Now, we have to be careful.” Hu Lie leaned forward, cautiously warned repeatedly.

“Being so valued by you, and being mentioned by Yuan Wu, it seems that Miao Yuan is indeed no small thing.”

Qin Yu smiled slowly and said, “Hehe, this battle for the spirit of the snake Spirit Race inheritance is getting more and more interesting, but it’s a worthwhile trip.”

Regarding Miao Yuan’s matter, the two people talked for a while, and Qin Yu has some understanding of this person. Miao Yuan is indeed strong, but Qin Yu is not as refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of the vases, so he dare not. Challenge.

Soon, under the leadership of Hu Lie, Qin Yu and the others found a hotel, Qin Yu asked for a small courtyard alone and lived in.

The other people are all gathered in a small courtyard to communicate with each other and learn about their strengths, or some people have secluded cultivation.

Qin Yu stretched out his palm lightly, and took out a jade token, and shot it in the direction moved towards the small courtyard. A light glow flashed immediately above the small courtyard.

In the center of rays of light, a portal appeared!

Qin Yu stepped into the portal and checked the other Formations in the small courtyard. Finally, he smiled and said, “This small courtyard array is very well arranged. It is difficult to come in if you are not a Formation expert. Repair the ancient wars here. The boat is safe.”

The ancient battleship was originally an Emperor Artifact, because the Formation on it was in disrepair, there was no battle strength, and the hull was also greatly damaged, and it fell to the high grade Venerable Artifact level, and was used by the Peak Master of Gu Youfeng to drive.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Yu was able to borrow this item from Gu Youfeng Peak Master. Otherwise, Qin Yu would not have such a big face. He borrowed an Emperor Artifact from Gu Youfeng Peak Master.

If the ancient warship is repaired, then the equivalent to Emperor Artifact is born, and an Emperor Artifact can completely affect the situation of the entire Celestial Continent, and Qin Yu has to be careful.

If anyone knows that Qin Yu has the ability to repair the Emperor Artifact, or Qin Yu owns the Emperor Artifact, it will not only be a catastrophe for Qin Yu, but will also accelerate the demise of the Celestial Sect.

The Heavenly Cang Sect is also in the process of refining the Emperor Artifact, but the Emperor Artifact has not been successfully refined. The remaining Four Great Influences will not actually act on the Heavenly Cang Sect, but will first attack some in the area of ​​the Cang Cang Sect. Small race.

In the eyes of Four Great Influences, the Heavenly Cang Sect will perish sooner or later.

Before their extinction, they needed to carve up the Celestial Cangzong territory, such as the bloodshed supported by Beast Palace before, and now the Barbarian Race, which is known by Four Great Influences to carve up the territory.

Only by occupying a wider territory, after Four Great Influences destroys the Heavenly Cang Sect, will they have more voice and gain more benefits from it.

Naturally, Heavenly Cang Sect also knew about these things, but although Heavenly Cang Sect sent countless Outer Elder-level experts, it still inevitably got worse.

An Emperor Artifact can motivate Four Great Influences to carve up the Celestial Sect.

This shows how powerful the Emperor Artifact is, and how dare Qin Yu expose the restoration of the Emperor Artifact.

After checking the independent small courtyard array, Qin Yu also arranged a few of his own arrays. Then, he brought out the ancient battleship summon.

Oh la la !

The ancient warship was spurred by Qin Yu, and it exploded infinitely, and finally turned into a huge warship 100 meters long and 30 meters wide. It landed in the center of the small courtyard, where it lay horizontally.

The moment the huge body fell to the ground, the entire small courtyard shook, but there were many Formations in this small courtyard, and all these fluctuations were concealed, but no one outside noticed it.

Qin Yu jumped, came to the ancient warship, took out countless materials, spurred God Slaughter Extreme Flame, and then smelted the materials.

“The above array does not need to be repaired now. The first thing to be repaired is the hull of this warship.” Qin Yu said in a low voice, with grave expressions all over his face.

The body of the ancient warship was made of a single plant of iron and wood combined with countless precious materials.

Iron wood is the bone, and other materials are supplemented!

Qin Yu checked and found that the keel made of iron wood was not damaged, but in other places, there were neither too big nor too small damage, and in some places, it was quite serious.

However, as long as the keel built by Tiemu continues, there is a possibility that this warship will be repaired, and Qin Yu has studied it a long time ago, and it is not difficult to repair it now.

Countless materials, under the smelting of God Slaughter Extreme Flame, were made into inch by inch parts by Qin Yu, some were repaired, and some completely replaced the previous construction. ,

Moreover, every time Qin Yu repaired a place, he used pen and paper to record and drew it.

While repairing the battleship, it is also an analysis of the battleship, preparing for Qin Yu to build his own ancient battleship Emperor Artifact in the future.

After half a day, Qin Yu looked at several places that had been repaired by him, and was extremely satisfied, and after the Spiritual Qi was injected, the speed of this warship also increased significantly.

“I have repaired 5 places now, the warship has been improved a bit, and even the imposing manner of the warship has become a little different, and the coercion is more intense.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

However, Qin Yu looked at other places that had not been repaired, but suddenly his head grew bigger.

There are more than 1000 places where the entire warship is damaged, and these are just the bottom and cabin, not other places, let alone the upper array.

If you want to completely cultivate this warship, the materials consumed are undoubtedly a huge number, and even if there are materials, it is quite time-consuming.

But thinking of an Emperor Artifact can move the balance of the entire Celestial Continent, possessing the most powerful formidable power. The decadent posture in Qin Yu’s heart was swept away, and continued to be repaired.

Although a day and a half is not long, Qin Yu still makes up more than a dozen places, which makes Qin Yu extremely satisfied.

In the early morning of the day, Qin Yu’s eyes were bloodshot and looked extremely tired. Therefore, he stopped his movements, swallowed 2 medicine pills, and started to refining.

These 2 medicine pills are Grade 5 Medicine Pills, which are optional for Qin Yu’s realm, but they have refreshed Qin Yu’s spirit. While the bloodshot eyes in his eyes disappeared, his breath reached its peak.

After adjusting the breath to Peak, Qin Yu did not continue to repair the warship, but put the warship away and walked out of the small courtyard, because today is the day when the snake Spirit Race feasted and helped.

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