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Du Yunxiao’s expression turned ugly, because they not only failed to release the restriction, but also took the lives of Du Yi and a few experts. Even the Imperial Teacher Yinhuai who had been invited lost an arm and suffered heavy losses.

Although I knew that Qin Yu wanted to use this incident to beat him, embarrass him, and raged in his heart, but he didn’t dare to break out. He could only brace oneself and accompany said with a smile: “Young Master Qin laughed.”


Qin Yu shook the head, his face solemnly said: “Hehe, Patriarch Du, I don’t want to laugh, besides, trifling an array restriction that is arranged by hand, how can it be rare to live in the Du’s family, one of the four masters of Barbarian Race? “

This Qin Yu speaking of which seemed incredibly light, but it fell into Du Yunxiao’s ears, but it really made him wonder how to answer. His complexion was red and blue, and his heart was aggrieved, unable to speak.

Even the Formation that Qin Yu arranged casually couldn’t be cracked, which proved the incompetence of their Du family, and it didn’t sound very good to be spread out.

“Young Master Qin, you arrange the array, we really can’t figure it out.”

Du Yunxiao was full of aggrieved heart, but could only brace oneself, and explained: “I came this time, just to give the Spirit Stone to Young Master Qin, and let Young Master Qin help release the Great Elder of our Du family, and by the way, unlock the Great Elder. array.”

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

Qin Yu frowned, said with a smile: “I don’t know how many Spirit Stones Patriarch Du brought? After all, I am also the Young Sect Master of the Celestial Sect, so I can’t make any shots.”

“Can’t just shoot casually?”

Du Yunxiao is completely speechless. When you set up the Formation, how can you just shoot it casually?

However, he can only hide this idea in his heart, and dare not say it casually, otherwise the life of their Du Family Great Elder and the others would be lost.

Under the roof, people have to bow their heads!

“Young Master Qin, according to your instructions, I will bring 15,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, and come to replace!” Du Yunxiao said, hurriedly handing Qin Yu a storage bag.

Qin Yu didn’t get the storage bag, but moved towards Lanyue. Lanyue immediately understood. After taking the storage bag, Divine Sense swept it away and said, “Young Master Qin, the number is correct.”

“Since it’s correct, let Du Tian Senior Gu and the others go quickly. They are locked in a secret room by you, I’m afraid they have suffered a lot.” Qin Yu said with a smile, this is from Lan Yue I took the storage bag in my hand and put it away contentedly.

15,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, more than the many inner Sect Elders in his pitting Cang Cangzong, is a huge harvest, almost emptying out the heritage of the Du family.

Soon, Lan Yue brought Du Tiangu and the others out of the secret room. Du Tiangu had unkempt hair and a smell of urine, making him extremely embarrassed.

“Great Elder !”

The few people from the Du family who came to rescue saw that Du Tiangu was broken into this human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost. They all creded out in surprise, and they hated Qin Yu even more and couldn’t bear it. I want to do it.

“Patriarch, why are you here?”

Du Tiangu cried with joy after seeing Du Yunxiao.

Since Du Yunxiao appeared here, it meant that he was saved, so he almost didn’t cry.

In the past few days, he was sealed by Qin Yu as the cultivation base. Ten people were imprisoned in a small secret room less than 5 square meters. There was no place to relieve him.

In the end, they couldn’t help it. Some people solved it directly by the side, but because the space was too small, all ten people smelled of urine, which was extremely unpleasant.

As the Great Elder of the Du family of Barbarian Race Four Great Families, he wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain. When has he suffered such inhuman grievances?

“Senior Brother Lin, what is going on?”

Qin Yu looked at Du Tiangu’s embarrassed look, sighed, and said, “Senior Brother Lin, why did you imprison Elder Du in such a small place? It’s okay now, so that Elder Du pissed off. It’s really smelly. !”

After speaking, Qin Yu couldn’t help fanning his sleeves, as if to catch a fly again, with a look of disgust.

This is not to blame Qin Yu. In fact, the smell on Du Tiangu’s body is too strong, anyone will dislike it. Some female disciple can’t help but vomit.


Lin Zixiao’s expression was stunned. He didn’t expect Qin Yu, a man of blood and iron, who would even move towards someone else splashing dirty water on his body. Then he explained: “Sorry, it’s because we didn’t think about it well and I wronged Elder Du!”

“What, we have suffered so much humiliation, even if we are wronged?”

Du Tiangu hearing this, suddenly to get really angry, angrily said: “Patriarch, just these little bastard, killed the old 2nd and 3rd fourth child, and we suffered all the grievances, so we will kill them, and their heads Cut down and light the sky lantern.”

After speaking, Du Tiangu couldn’t help showing a fierce gaze, triumphant. Now that their Du Patriarch and Du Yunxiao are here, Qin Yu and the others will undoubtedly die.

“Kill us?”

Qin Yu and Lin Zixiao were hearing this, their faces sank immediately, and Qin Yu ordered: “Senior Brother Lin, don’t give me a hand, give this old dog a lesson and let him be honest.”


After receiving Qin Yu’s order, Lin Zixiao walked forward directly, slapped fiercely and slapped it up, and the bang spread!

Du Tiangu only felt that his eyes were dark, and there were stars in his eyes, not knowing East, South, West, North.

“You… impudent… our Patriarch is here, you dare to beat me, after catching you, must break your body for 10000 paragraphs. Du Tiangu came back to his senses and said angrily.

He himself was sealed with the cultivation base and that’s all, but his Patriarch Du Yunxiao is here, and it is also the powerful existence of the 4th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, and it can completely crush Qin Yu. Qin Yu dares to fight in front of Du Yunxiao. he?

Pa pa pa !

Immediately afterwards, Du Tiangu’s face heard the sound of one after another slap, and the power of each slap was full, and Old Guy’s face was distorted as a whole Old Zhang.

“Old Guy, is it arrogant enough? If not, I don’t mind letting Senior Brother Lin slap you a few more times until you shut up obediently.” Qin Yu said coldly.


This word fell into Du Tiangu’s ears, causing Du Tiangu to tremble involuntarily. He swallowed what he wanted to say, and stood there with fear.

He was really afraid of being beaten by Lin Zixiao, and being slapped in front of so many people, his old face was also lost.

“Du Tiangu, enough!”

Du Yunxiao couldn’t stand it anymore, and directly shouted loudly, like a thunderstorm, sounded in Du Tiangu’s ears, yelling at Du Tiangu.

“Patriarch, I…”

Du Tiangu wanted to cry without tears, Du Yunxiao not only refused to help him, but also scolded him in front of everyone, making him full of sorrow.

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