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Du Yunxiao was also angry. Qin Yu slapped their Du Family Great Elder in front of him, completely slapped the face of the Du Family Patriarch who moved towards him. How could he not be angry.

However, he couldn’t get angry yet. He could only swallow his anger and suppress the anger in his heart. He scolded coldly: “Du Tiangu, our Barbarian Race has been protected by the Heavenly Sect for generations, how can you make fun of it in front of Young Master Qin? Dead Young Master Qin, don’t hurry up and apologize.”

“What, he hit me and he wants me to apologize?”

Du Tiangu complexion sank, didn’t expect to hit him by himself, Du Yunxiao didn’t help him out, that’s all, and even asked him to apologize to Qin Yu, which made him want to swear.

But after seeing Du Yunxiao’s extremely ugly gloomy face, Du Tiangu couldn’t help but stunned, and said in a low voice: “Young Master Qin, everything is my fault.”

“Young Master Qin, Du Tiangu didn’t know what it was, he angered Young Master Qin, and I also ask Young Master Qin to forgive me, I don’t know the restrictions on them…”

Du Yunxiao apologized and said eagerly, wanting to ask Qin Yu to help Du Tiangu and the others lift the ban on him.

Since Qin Yu has received the Spirit Stone, the ban on everyone should be lifted.

“Hehe, it’s easy to say prohibition!”

Qin Yu sneered, immediately stretched out his right hand, and touched the little ghost in the center of Du Tiangu’s forehead. The little ghost immediately turned into a black smoke and drifted away.

Although he and the Du family are now rivals, it is not easy to force the Du family too tight, and even if the restrictions are released, Du Tiangu and the others do not have a half a month recuperation, and it is difficult to exert any battle strength.

So, Qin Yu is not worried at all!

“What, it’s so easy to unlock?”

Seeing that Qin Yu immediately released the restriction on Du Tiangu’s body, Du Yunxiao’s expression changed and he was extremely angry.

So easy to untie the prohibition, the idiot who claims to be good at all Ghost Race Formation in Yin Huai couldn’t untie it, so he took out 15,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone for nothing.

Hey, hey, hey!

Immediately, Qin Yu clicked out one after another, unlocking the restrictions on everyone, and everyone restored their free bodies, but they were still in a weak state.

After the prohibition was lifted, Du Yunxiao’s expression became a little cold, and he said with a slight tone: “Qin Yu, at noon tomorrow, the Lord of Barbarian Race will host a banquet in the palace and invite all the Peak characters of Barbarian Race. , I wonder if Young Master Qin is free?”

However, Qin Yu is not surprised that Du Yunxiao’s face changed. He pitted so many middle grade Spirit Stones in Du’s family. It would be strange if Du Yunxiao didn’t turn his face.

“The Lord of Barbarian Race hosted a banquet?”

Qin Yu frowned slightly, said with a sneer: “Hehe, Patriarch Du, your Barbarian Race master would be so kind to invite me to a banquet, maybe it’s a feast at hongmen.”

I have tossed the Du family so miserably, and I have to perform the task of destroying the barbarians. How can I think that Barbarian Race will not have any good intentions and invite myself to eat shouted.

Even more how, this matter was told from the mouth of his dead enemy Du Yunxiao, and it was not a good thing.

“Hehe, if it’s a feast at hongmen, I don’t know the owner.”

Du Yunxiao sneered and said proudly: “Of course, if you are afraid, then don’t go. Anyway, I don’t want to see a coward at the banquet.”

Hearing Du Yunxiao turning his face and calling him Qin Yu a coward, Lin Zixiao and the others became furious.

This dog was still a low-pitched, respectful attitude just now, but now it’s better, it turned out to be such a nasty face.

“Young Master Qin, don’t agree to him, this time you have taken the Du’s family seriously. You killed them and took them 15,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. They definitely want to avenge you at the banquet.” Lan Yue hurried to Qin. Yu said.

Du Yunxiao now has such an ugly face, something might happen at the banquet, so it’s best not to agree.

“Hehe, it’s okay!” Qin Yu waved his hand and signaled Lan Yue to rest assured!

“Qin Yu, if you dare not go, then say that Qin Yu is a fool, and then I will apologize to my Du’s house, and this matter will be forgotten. Otherwise, I am afraid that this matter will spread, not only to you A bad reputation will also affect the reputation of the Celestial Cang Sect. Others will say that the Celestial Cang Sect’s disciplines are all rubbish…”

It seems to know that Qin Yu dare not agree, Du Yunxiao uses the fierce irony and scorching satire Qin Yu, full of contempt.

Qin Yu grinned. After this guy turned his face, he really felt like he was a soft persimmon and he could dare to say anything. He regretted having this dog.

“Since the Lord of the Barbarian Race is so polite, I will go tomorrow. Patriarch Du must be there, otherwise it won’t be crowded.” Qin Yu said meaningfully.

Although he knows that Du Yunxiao harboring malicious intentions, Qin Yu’s realm has been enhanced a lot, and there are many hole cards and Dragon Soul, completely fearless.

Even though this banquet is the gates of hell, Qin Yu has to make a splash. By the way, let’s take a look at the Lord of Barbarian Race and Du Yunxiao. What the hell is happening?

The so-called boldness of execution stems from superb skill is exactly this truth!

“Well, did you agree?”

Du Yunxiao was hearing this, with a joy in his heart, he was really afraid that Qin Yu would become a coward, so he didn’t dare to promise himself.

As long as Qin Yu dares to come to the banquet, when the time comes, he will definitely seize the opportunity, fiercely insults Qin Yu, introduces Qin Yu into the Tianyuan Secret Realm, and takes the opportunity to kill Qin Yu.

“I hope you don’t break your promise!” Du Yunxiao said lightly, and then left with the Du family.

“Young Master Qin, you shouldn’t have promised him just now, this guy will definitely retaliate against you at the banquet and make you humiliated.” Lan Yue sighed, Qin Yu was too impulsive just now.

Since it is a banquet held by the Lord of Barbarian Race, in addition to Royal Family and Du’s family, the other Three Great Families of Barbarian Race will definitely be there.

Moreover, Heavenly Dragon Empire, Beast Palace, Snow Moon Sect, Heaven Origin Sect are afraid of getting involved, so this is a trap specially set for Qin Yu.

“Hehe, don’t worry!”

Qin Yu didn’t care at all. Carefree waved his hand and said, “Blue Moon, Dry Blood, Senior Brother Lin, you two choose a few warriors with a higher cultivation base, and prepare, and tomorrow will join me to the Barbarian Race banquet.”

After the order went down, everyone was ready to go.

Qin Yu took advantage of the night to cultivate for a while, and then took a break. At noon on the second day, he took ten people, including Lan Yue and Lin Zixiao, and walked towards the palace of Barbarian Race.

The residence of the Celestial Sect is not far from the palace of Barbarian Race.

In more than ten minutes, their entire group came outside the Barbarian Race palace, but at the gate of the palace, they saw a skinny old man with a bandage wrapped all over his body and a broken arm with a cold light on his face. , Stand there.

This skinny old man is not someone else. It was Barbarian Race Imperial Teacher Yinhuai who helped Du Yi crack the Formation, but ended up losing an arm.

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