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If you stay defensively, if you don’t get injured, these ancient blood bats will disperse their attacks, and everyone will bear it together, so that someone will not be besieged.

But if anyone is injured, even if there is a small scratch on the body, a small amount of blood energy is emitted. These ancient blood bats will smell the blood and will attack collectively, instantly kill them, and suck them dry within the body. Blood.

It can be seen that layers of extremely powerful Spiritual Qi shields erupted on everyone’s bodies, colliding with the sky-wide ancient blood bats.

Hey, hey, hey!

Under this collision, many ancient blood bats shattered, and blood poured on everyone’s Spiritual Qi shield, making everyone’s Spiritual Qi shield instantly become blood red.

This thing is far from the ancient blood bat, which is a cold-blooded animal and has no concept of companion.

Therefore, even the blood of the ancient blood bats also caused a lot of riots of the ancient blood bats. They followed the corpses of their companions and pierced one end, eating and eating blood.

Everyone was inside the Spiritual Qi shield, looking at the ancient blood bats on the ground, eating the blood of their companions, their faces suddenly became paler and more ugly.

Their Spiritual Qi shields were also contaminated with the blood of the ancient blood bats, and as a result, they were hit more intensely.

The impacts of 100 to 1000 came together. For a while, their Spiritual Qi shields were a little unstable and even showed signs of broken.

Most of the realm of the ancient blood bats are in the 2 Heavenly Layer of the Tianhe Realm. If they are taken in a single round, they will naturally not be the opponent of everyone.

But because of the large number and constant impact, no matter how strong everyone is, it will inevitably be somewhat unsupported.

Hong long long !

Seeing that their Spiritual Qi shield was unstable, everyone’s complexion was shocked, and they hurriedly ran the Spiritual Qi and blessed them on the Spiritual Qi shield, which made the Spiritual Qi shield stabilized again.

However, as a result, the Spiritual Qi consumed by everyone within the body has become abnormally fast, draining outward like a river!

If this continues, once everyone within the body’s Spiritual Qi is consumed, then only death and the destruction of the whole army will greet them.

Qin Yu is at the forefront of the team, with a cyan Spiritual Qi shield suspended on his body. Outside the shield, is the God Slaughter Extreme Flame that is urged by Qin Yu.

God Slaughter Extreme Flame turned into a flame screen, and the Guardian people caused many ancient blood bats to fall and burned to the people.

But there are too many ancient blood bats, and they are swarming over. No matter how strong the God Slaughter Extreme Flame is, it can’t stop too many at the same time.

“A sword of blood is overwhelming!”

Qin Yu glanced at the battered and exhausted people behind him, his complexion sank a little, and then he shot out with a single sword. Suddenly, there were 100 ancient blood bats, all buried under Qin Yu’s sword.

Such a strong attack, continuously performed, after more than ten moves, destroyed 1000 ancient blood bats, leaving a lot of corpses under their feet.

However, Qin Yu’s complexion still hasn’t changed much, but the expression is more solemn.

Killing 1000 ancient blood bats has no effect at all for more than 10000 blood bat colonies.

On the one hand, he wants to bless the Spiritual Qi shield, on the other hand, urge God Slaughter Extreme Flame, on the other hand, urge the sword to fight against each other, and the Spiritual Qi consumption within the body is also a bit huge.

In just over ten minutes, Spiritual Qi of Qin Yu within the body has consumed one of three people.

This is the level of his Spiritual Qi accumulation, in an extremely vigorous state, ordinary people, in this state, I am afraid that Spiritual Qi has been exhausted long ago.

When Qin Yu was having a headache, Lan Yue also slammed into Qin Yu’s face, the brilliant sword light slammed out, killing a lot of blood bats, and some eagerly asked: “Young Master Qin, how much is your Spiritual Qi? ?”

“There are still about 2/3, but it won’t last long!” Qin Yu replied, without much concealment.

Lan Yue frowned deeply, and said worriedly: “I only have about half of my Spiritual Qi left. If I continue to consume it, I am afraid that it will not last a few minutes, and we will all die here.”

As time goes by, if everyone’s physical exertion is excessive, the consumption of Spiritual Qi will also increase, so the persistence time will be shorter.

If you don’t want to kill it now, then everyone can only be killed here, and the consequences will be disastrous!

“It’s really hard to handle!”

Qin Yu said solemnly, moving towards with some worries in his heart. Looking ahead, I saw that many ancient blood bats were stuck on the dead blood bat corpse, sucking blood.

“En? Since these blood bats like to suck blood, then I will feed them blood. In this way, I can let others kill them first.”

Qin Yu suddenly noticed in his mind, he removed the Spiritual Qi shield from his body, and the Sky Moon Sword fiercely stroked his arm, and a burst of blood sputtered out.

“Young Master Qin, what are you doing?”

Seeing Qin Yu took the initiative to cut his body, Lan Yue turned pale with fright in fright, and looked at Qin Yu with an incredible expression.

Qin Yu’s behavior is equivalent to courting death in front of such a large number of ancient blood bats!

“Hehe, although these distant ancient blood bats can also eat blood of their kind, the most attractive to them is the blood of human warriors and Demon Beast. In that case, I will attract them with my blood.”

Qin Yu said with a smile, another sword, moved towards his right arm.


On the right arm, there immediately appeared a bloodstain like the left arm, with blood flowing, and the smell of blood radiated from the surrounding space.

“What, attract these distant ancient blood bats with blood?”

Lanyue hearing this, immediately looked at Qin Yu with crazy eyes, and lost her voice in amazement: “Young Master Qin, are you crazy? You will be attacked by blood bats like this.”

Sure enough, Blue Moon’s tone barely fell, the sky full of ancient blood bats, seemed to feel the fresh blood energy smell on Qin Yu’s arm, and they all turned their spearheads and culled at Qin Yu.

The far ancient blood bats moved towards Qin Yu swarmed and culled, and the pressure on everyone suddenly eased a lot.

However, when they looked up, they saw Qin Yu’s body, all packed with distant ancient blood bats, screaming one after another.

Countless ancient blood bats, like waves in the vast ocean, are about to submerge Qin Yu’s body, so that everyone can’t see Qin Yu’s silhouette.

“Young Sect Master !”

Seeing this scene, the faces of everyone suddenly became shocked. At this moment, even if they were stupid, they all knew what Qin Yu meant.

“Blue Moon, take them away!”

Among the blood bats, Qin Yu’s voice came, slightly indifferent and domineering, and fell in the ears of everyone, causing everyone’s body to shake.


Lan Yue said anxiously, in the face of such a large number of far ancient blood bats, even Qin Yu would not be able to hold on.

“Take them away!”

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