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Amidst the 7 huge waves formed by the ancient blood bats, Qin Yu’s voice came again, even more indifferent and domineering, and no one could question or refute.

Lan Yue’s heart sank, knowing that Qin Yu is for their good, and they can’t waste it here, otherwise it will be Qin Yu’s burden, now brace oneself, moved towards everyone ordered: “Everyone is following me, leaving here, No one is allowed to stay.”

Although everyone hesitated, they still followed the blue moon bursting out, fleeing the attack range of the ancient blood bats, and stopped at a distance of 500 metres.

“Blue Senior Sister Yue, Young Sect Master cut his arms for us, and used his own blood to attract the ancient blood bats. Let’s leave like this. Is it really okay?” a discipline solemnly asked.

If it is Qin Yu’s strength, there is no fear of these distant ancient blood bats. It is because of their existence that Qin Yu did not kill them immediately.

Instead, Qin Yu cut his arms and raised the blood bats with his own blood so that they would not be attacked by the blood bats.

If you leave like this, everyone feels unethical in their hearts.

Lan Yue was also struggling in her heart. Why didn’t she know that she just dropped Qin Yu and let Qin Yu stay here alone and was attacked by a distant ancient blood bat, which was too unjust.

But Qin Yu had orders first, and she did not dare to defy Qin Yu’s orders at will.

Moreover, this matter involved the lives of everyone. Once she hesitated, everyone would die here. She Lan Yue also couldn’t bear this responsibility.

All eyes were focused on Lan Yue’s body at this moment, making Lan Yue feel more pressure in her heart, and for a while, some could not speak.

“Young Master Qin asked us to come out. There must be a way to escape. Let’s leave here first, or it will waste Young Master Qin’s painstaking efforts.” Lan Yuesi said, brace oneself said, turning to leave.

Although everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they eventually followed Lan Yue and left. As Lan Yue said, if they stay here, they will not only waste Qin Yu’s pains, but sometimes they will become a burden to Qin Yu.

“If Young Sect Master dies in the hands of these beasts, I will definitely kill them back, completely destroy these beasts, and avenge the Young Sect Master, no regrets if I die!”

A discipline coldly shouted, glanced in the direction where Qin Yu was, swears secretly, and immediately the unwilling group of followers left the passage and continued to go deep in.

Qin Yu’s all around, each and everyone The far ancient blood bats the size of a football, all have scarlet eyes, bloodthirsty rays of light erupted in their eyes, black light flowing on their bodies, moved towards Qin Yu to kill.

Especially on the blood mouth of Qin Yu’s arms, several blood bats have been contaminated, wherever eating and eating Qin Yu’s blood essence, one after another stings.

As for other places, although there are many ancient blood bats, they cannot bite Qin Yu’s skin with their bite strength, so Qin Yu did not receive much attack.

“Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art!”

Qin Yu’s body shook slightly, and the black light of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art suddenly flowed from his body. A powerful counter-shock force exploded, suppressing all the ancient blood bats on his body into blood. mist.

Hey, hey, hey!

Under such intense vibration, the effect was very good. Within 2 meters of Qin Yu, all the ancient blood bats were shattered, and there were a total of 100.

The body of the ancient blood bat burst into pieces, and the flesh and blood instantly submerged Qin Yu, making Qin Yu’s whole body flushed, looking like an Asura killer walking out of a sea of ​​blood.

Blood-red skin, blood-red pupils, blood-red clothes!

“It’s a good thing for you to send them away, but these blood bats will keep an eye on the blood on your body. They want to get rid of them completely. It’s impossible, unless you kill them all.” Dragon Soul said solemnly.

Qin Yu’s body not only has his own blood, but also the blood of countless broken blood bats. It is like a blood man. The blood smell is too strong and will be chased to death by ancient blood bats.

Moreover, the Spiritual Qi of Qin Yu within the body also consumes a lot of money, and now only half of it is left, which urgently needs to be refilled.

“Let’s add some Spiritual Qi first. If there is no spiritual Qi source supplement, sooner or later it will be consumed here.” Qin Yu lightly saying, reaching out, the hundred thousand middle grade Spirit Stone appeared in Qin Yu’s hands.

The hundreds of thousand middle grade Spirit Stones shattered one after another and were absorbed by Qin Yu refining. However, under such a hasty absorption, the effect was not very good. Even his 10% Spiritual Qi within the body could not be supplemented.

“A sword of blood is overwhelming!”

Qin Yu used his sword again, wrapped in a strong Sword Dao concept, and slaughtered with a single sword, 2 100 distant ancient blood bats were completely killed by Qin Yu.

However, at this time, on Qin Yu’s 2 arms, one after another heart-piercing pain and numbness came from Qin Yu, which made Qin Yu a little startled and moved towards the arm and looked over.

On the wounds of both arms, when the blood was bitten by the ancient blood bat, there were large tooth prints left behind, and there was a black and blue color in the flesh and blood.

This black and cyan color seems to be caused by some toxin, not to mention the smell of one after another, and it spreads along the blood, moved towards Qin Yu’s whole body.

Qin Yu discovered that the blood vessels all over his body were slightly bulging, and there was one after another black blood flowing on his body, causing his body to change color.

However, this color is very similar to the burst color of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art. If it weren’t for the tingling sensation that Qin Yu had on his body, it would be hard to find Qin Yu at all.

“These ancient blood bats are poisonous!” Qin Yu complexion sank said very ugly.

If this continues, the toxin will invade his internal organs and his heart. Not only will it cause him extreme pain, but his whole body will also be anesthetized.

After reaching a certain level, Qin Yu will be unable to move even a little bit and completely lose his mobility.

At that time, Qin Yu will become a doll, and can only watch these ancient blood bats continuously sucking his blood essence until they are sucked into a corpse.

When I think of this, Qin Yu’s face is very ugly, and he feels a little worried!

Moreover, as Dragon Soul said, as long as he has wounds and blood stains on his body, these ancient blood bats will hunt him endlessly until he dies and becomes a corpse.

At the moment, this situation seems to be unsolvable, and it is a dead end.

“Toxin, and it is a narcotic toxin, it is really difficult to deal with. After your body is anesthetized, even if I control your combat body when the time comes, I can’t exert much formidable power.” Dragon Soul said solemnly, also a little anxious.

With his current Divine Sense, controlling Qin Yu’s body can indeed burst out even more powerful power.

But if Qin Yu’s body is anaesthetized, he can’t control it, let alone kill all the ancient blood bats and escape from here.

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