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The bad news that Ye Zhuqing was caught, like a thick haze, shrouded everyone’s hearts, making everyone silent, and their expressions were a little low.

Although Ye Tianyi 2 siblings were expelled from the Celestial Cang Sect by Song Yi a long time ago, they once belonged to the Celestial Cang Sect’s discipline, and their relationship with Qin Yu is irreversible. He had already known each other as early as the 100 clan battlefield.

Especially for Ye Tianyi, the expression is particularly ugly. Since his father lost his position as the master of the Barbarian Race, he has been dependent on his younger sister for life, and now that Ye Zhuqing has fallen into such an end, it really makes him unhappy.

“Brother Qin, although I was expelled from the Celestial Sect, and no longer the Celestial Sect’s discipline, and I owed a lot of Brother Qin before, I still have to lick my face and beg you once to help me rescue my younger sister. This great favor, Ye Tian, ​​I will never forget.” Ye Tianyi pleaded, kneeling down suddenly with a sincere expression on his face.

His younger sister was arrested, but he was powerless. He could only watch and was almost killed by the ancient crocodile. Ye Tianyi felt extremely regretful and powerless.

Moreover, all the Thunder Orbs he practiced were consumed just now when dealing with the ancient fierce crocodile. With his realm of the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, he could not compete with Ye Liao, the Lord of the Barbarian Lord.

Seeing Ye Tianyi kneel down, Qin Yu hurriedly moved in his heart and helped Ye Tianyi up and said, “Brother Ye, you are polite, even if you don’t say anything about Zhuqing, I will try my best to rescue it. Besides, our purpose at this time , Is to destroy the barbarian, naturally will not let Ye Liao, the master of the barbarian master.”

Today, the Heavenly Dragon Empire, Beast Palace, and Heaven Origin Sect Three Great Influences are dead and injured in the powerhouse in the Barbarian Race. Snow Moon Sect dare not fight Qin Yu.

Without the obstacles of these forces, Qin Yu has been exterminated and has reached the point where water flows, a canal is formed, and no one can stop Qin Yu’s footsteps.

“Is this true?”

Ye Tianyi was hearing this, a touch of joy immediately appeared on his face, and immediately explained: “If this is the case, Ye Liao’s nagant is now going to the ancestral hall of Tianyuan Secret Realm. We must rush there.”

“Ancestral Hall?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

“Well, it’s Zutang.”

Ye Tianyi was nodded, and his face solemnly explained: “After our Barbarian Race’s Old Ancestor entered the Tianyuan Secret Realm, many secrets were discovered here, all in the ancestral hall, and some of them were inherited from the world. , If Ye Liao can get it, it will be troublesome.”

“Oh, there is such a thing?”

A surprised expression appeared on Qin Yu’s face. Didn’t expect that in the Tianyuan Secret Realm, there were still such great opportunities, and he couldn’t help but feel moved.

However, it is easy to understand that in this Tianyuan Secret Realm, there used to be an extremely powerful Ancient Sect. Although it has experienced a terrifying Sect extermination battle, the impossible remains.

“Yeah, Ye Liao’s jealous black thunderball in my hand angered the ancient crooked crocodile, and made the ancient crocodiles almost killed me. He himself took my younger sister, and he was afraid that he had already reached the ancestral hall. We must go over now.” Ye Tianyi said anxiously.

In order to survive, he has spent a lot of time entangled with the ancient fierce crocodile with the help of black thunderballs, and now he must speed up his pace.

“It’s not too late, let’s go now, brother Ye, you should know the location of the ancestral hall, lead the way in front, and we will kill all the way.” Qin Yu instructed.

The entire group quickly rushed, passing by the ancient palaces one after another, moving towards the core of the ancient palace group, and rushed to the place of the ancestral hall after about an hour.

The ancestral hall in Ye Tian’s mouth is actually the great hall at the core of the entire sect, and the most glorious place when the entire sect exists.

Looking at it, the entire ancestral hall stands among the many ancient palace clusters. It is extremely huge, with a height of several hundred meters, occupying an area of ​​ten thousand meters, just like a huge palace.

In the all around of the ancestral hall, all ancient palaces are only the height of one third, densely packed stand in great numbers are around, clustering the ancestral hall in the center, just like each and everyone giant beast guarding the ancestral hall.

“Ancestral Hall, so tall and solemn, is this the core of the entire Tianyuan Secret Realm?”

Looking at the extremely tall ancestral hall in front of them, everyone was fiercely held breath cold air. It was the first time that they saw such a magnificent building. Even the building of the Celestial Sect could not compare with it.

“The door of the ancestral hall is here. I need the Bloodline of my Barbarian Race Ye Family to open it. You follow me.” Ye Tianyi was not too surprised, but quickly urged everyone to come to the door of ancient palace. before.

The so-called ancient palace gate is an incomparable gigantic bronze gate with an ancient breath exuding it, standing here quietly, as if it were everlasting.

Everyone was shocked by the bronze gate. They scanned the bronze gate and found that there was an extremely fresh blood on the bronze gate.

Seeing this fresh blood, everyone breathed tightly, because the only person who could come here was Ye Liao, the master of Barbarian Race.

Ye Liao, the master of the Barbarian Race, belongs to the same family as Ye Tianyi, and his Bloodline Strength can also open the seal on the bronze gate.


Seeing the traces left by this fresh blood, Ye Tianyi’s expression suddenly darkened, took out a dagger, without any hesitation, put his arm on his palm, blood trickling, and constantly oozing out, and Ye Tianyi The palm of his hand was bloody.

The blood-red palm was pressed against the bronze gate.

With Ye Tianyi’s blood imprinted on the bronze gate, it was originally extremely calm and immovable in the bronze gate. One after another strong fluctuation appeared, as if the blood of the sucker Ye Tianyi within the body Energy is the same.

Under everyone’s eyes, Ye Tianyi’s blood energy within the body was quickly absorbed by most of it, causing Ye Tianyi’s breath to drop a lot, and his breathing was extremely heavy.

The majestic blood energy was absorbed by the bronze gate, and a blood light was gradually released, forming a certain blood mark, which appeared on the closed bronze gate.

Hong long!

The moment the bloodmark mark was completed, the entire immovable bronze gate moved sensationally, and immediately under the gaze of everyone, a gap was slowly opened.

Although it was just a gap, it was enough for Qin Yu and the others to pass, and at this moment, Ye Tianyi’s anxious urging sound came.

“Brother Qin, you take them fast in, my realm is not enough, and the bloodline is too weak to last for long.” Ye Tianyi said shortly.

Qin Yu also knew that Ye Tianyi was uncomfortable, and immediately led everyone in one file, and walked into the bronze gate. What caught the eye was darkness.

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