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After Qin Yu and the others all 7 entered, Ye Tianyi took a deep breath and withdrew to the palm peak, following Qin Yu and the others, stepping into the bronze gate.

Hong long long !

As Ye Tianyi entered for the last time, the bronze gate that had already opened a gap was quickly closed and restored to its original appearance, as if it had never been opened before, immobile.

Several people looked at the space in front of them, it was extremely dim, even Divine Sense was greatly suppressed, and could only release a distance of ten meters away, as if being imprisoned within the body.

“Is this the core of Tianyuan Secret Realm sect, and the prohibition of Formation here is really powerful.” Qin Yu murmured.

As Divine Sense spiritual medicine is often swallowed, Qin Yu’s Divine Sense is extremely large.

However, here, Qin Yu was still strongly suppressed, making Qin Yu’s heart slightly moved. If he was like this, the others, let alone, were suppressed severely.

Everyone walked along the inside, all the way to the depths of the ancestral hall.

Immediately, a few strong rays of light pierced the darkness in front of a few people, causing their eyes to shrink slightly.

A huge thunder pool appeared in the eyes of several people, and in this thunder pool, Fan was moving purple-golden liquid, surging inside, releasing one after another small electric arc.

“This is…Purple Gold Thunder, and it has reached the point where the Thunder Spirit turns into liquid.”

Seeing the purple-golden thunder pool in front of them, everyone’s eyes lit up, revealing a strong expression of shock.

One after another purple light bloomed in the Purple Gold thunder pool, and a golden breath was brewing in the purple light. One after another arc, continuously jumped up from the thunder pool, forming waves of destruction.

“Hehe, didn’t expect there is still a Purple Gold thunder pool here. This is a legendary thing. We are really lucky.” Lin Zixiao said with a smile.

The original size of the Purple Gold thunder pool was extremely huge, but after countless years of loss, the current Purple Gold thunder pool is only 10% of the original size, and the Purple Gold thunder liquid inside is also a lot weaker.

But this 10% Purple Gold thunder pool, the Purple Gold thunder liquid contained in it, is also a huge wealth for everyone. If you go into it for tempering, you will definitely get a great benefit.

“Purple Gold mine fluid, this thing is indeed a good thing!”

In Qin Yu’s eyes, a touch of joy also appeared. Such a majestic Purple Gold lightning fluid was enough to make his Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art completely enter the 6th floor Great Accomplishment and reach a new level.

Hey, hey, dong!

However, just when Qin Yu and the others were extremely excited, there were a few strong footsteps in the dark space, causing the expressions of the few people to be slightly condensed.

Everyone looked in the direction that the footsteps came from, and saw a very tall man who appeared in front of Qin Yu at this moment, followed by a few experts behind him, and sneered at Qin Yu.

“Han Brown!”

Looking at this extremely tall man, everyone’s eyes were softly trembled, recognizing his identity.

This person is no one else. He is the first champion of Barbarian Race Ye Liao, Han Zong, and the Great General of Barbarian Race.

At the beginning, outside the Barbarian Race palace, Han Zong, representing the Lord of Barbarian Race, abolished Yin Huai’s Imperial Teacher status and threw ruthless out of the Barbarian Race palace.

As the strongest fighter under Ye Liao, the master of Barbarian Race, Han Zong appeared here is understandable.

However, to everyone’s expectations, the realm of Han Zong is not the 5th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, but has reached the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, which is a level stronger than before.

Moreover, the realm of Han Zong’s 5th Layer Initial Stage is much stronger than Chen Yang, Song She and the others.

Vaguely, it also revealed a smell of the 5th Layer Middle Stage of Tianhe, as if you could step out of this step at any time and become a real expert of the 5th Layer Middle Stage.

After entering Tianyuan Secret Realm, Han Zong obviously got a lot of benefits and his strength has been greatly improved.

It is worth mentioning that the several subordinates behind Han Zong also have not weak battle strength, all of which are the realm of the 5th Layer Initial Stage, each and everyone is comparable to powerhouses such as Chen Yang and Song Shena, and sufficient There are as many as 8 people.

Such a lineup can only be described as horror. Even if it is the ancient fierce crocodile killed by Qin Yu before, all of them are fearless.

“Hehe, military leader, in order to prevent accidents, let us guard here, didn’t expect you guys are really here.”

Han Zong looked at Qin Yu and the others with a sneer on his face, and immediately said in a sharp voice: “However, you are all courting death here.”

“Han Zong, you are very impudent. The people here are all the disciplines of the Celestial Cang Sect. Would you still dare to kill anyone?” Ye Tianyi coldly shouted and said aggressively.

As one of the experts of Barbarian Race, Han Zong was originally a member of Ye Tianyi’s father, General, but when Ye Liao rebelled, Han Zong took the Barbarian Race’s army to rebel, and became Ye Liao’s red man in one fell swoop.

For this traitor who had betrayed his father, Ye Tianyi was full of hatred, and he couldn’t wait to give this beast alive.


Hearing Ye Tianyi’s call for harmony, Han Zong’s brows raised slightly, looking at Ye Tianyi, he said lukewarmly, “Ye Tianyi, you think you are still the master of the Barbarian Race. Lord, are you still the prince of Barbarian Race? Hehe, don’t forget, you are not anymore, but a stray dog.”

Barbarian Race was formerly the father of Ye Tianyi. Ye Tianyi is naturally the prince, but now…


Ye Tianyi was speechless by Han Zong’s words. He trembled and said, “Even if I am nothing now, it is several times better than you, a traitor. You have suffered from my father’s favor, and finally Don’t you feel ashamed to betray him?”

“Hehe, shame?”

Han Zong waved his hand and said dismissively: “People go to high places to water seeks its own level. Your father is too weak and too rigid. Knowing that the Heavenly Cang Sect is bound to perish in the future, you are still holding onto the Heavenly Cang Sect. Let go, no wonder I betrayed him. As for you said that they are all disciplines of the Celestial Sect, hehe, do you think this identity is still useful here?”

“Entering this Tianyuan Secret Realm, we are equivalent to entering a closed area, even more how we are still in the ancestral hall, killing them here, others are afraid that they will not even find their bodies.”

After all, a hideous murderous intention could not help appearing on Han Zong’s face, one after another strong and vigorous aura, fluctuating around his body, forming a strong pressure, moved towards Qin Yu and the others enveloped.

Facing Han Zong’s strong murderous intention, Qin Yu slowly stood up and said, “The identity of the Heavenly Cang Sect’s discipline doesn’t work, don’t know if strength works?”

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