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However, even though the cultivation base of these prisoners is not low, they have been shrouded in such a majestic murderous aura for a long time, and their minds seem to have been greatly traumatized, each and everyone muddleheaded, without knowing why.

Looking at the prisoners on the second side, Ye Tianyi couldn’t help holding breath cold air. He knew many warriors here, and most of them were his Bloodline relatives.

Immediately, Ye Tianyi heard in front of a prison door, and looked at a slightly older old man, his eyes condensed suddenly: “This is… Uncle 3!”

3 Uncle heard Ye Tianyi’s shout, muddleheaded moved towards. From this side, there was no energy in his eyes, and he lowered his head immediately, as if he didn’t recognize Ye Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi couldn’t help but tensed, knowing that Uncle 3’s condition is not very good, and hurriedly moved towards the guard scolded next to him: “What are you guys doing here, don’t let them go, let them all out.”

Under the order of Ye Tianyi, more than a dozen guards all released the people from the stone prison and moved them to the back garden of the imperial palace.

These people are 40-50 people, including many Bloodline close relatives of Ye Tianyi, and some powerhouses who are unwilling to betray Ye Tianyi’s father.

Of course, Ye Lingfeng, Ye Tianyi’s father, was also among them, but affected by the murderous aura stone, all of them are now in a coma.


Seeing that all of his Bloodline relatives looked stupid and stupid, Ye Tianyi’s face had a desperate expression, not knowing what to do.

When it was critical, Qin Yu stepped forward, the majestic Divine Sense gushing out, checking the situation of Ye Lingfeng and the others, and immediately revealed a touch of pensiveness.

“Young Master Qin, how are they, my father?” Ye Tianyi hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

“It’s okay. It’s just that it has been affected by the murderous aura stone all the year round. Divine Soul has been corroded a bit, a bit confused that’s all. I will help you prepare some spiritual liquid, put them into it and quench the body, and force it out of the body within the body. Murderous aura, that’s it.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Ye Tianyi was hearing this, and then he was relieved, and immediately people began to collect a large amount of medicine ingredients, and asked Qin Yu to configure the spiritual liquid, hoping to resolve Ye Lingfeng and the others within the body’s murderous aura as soon as possible.

After 2 days, Qin Yu prepared all the spiritual liquid, then put it in warm water to dissolve, put everyone in it, and resolve their murderous aura within the body.

After everyone was put into the spiritual liquid, that trace of strange energy continued to invade along the pores of everyone, washing everyone’s fleshy body.

Under the washing of spiritual liquid, the people’s within the body expelled one after another invisible power, it was the murderous aura that invaded them within the body, and was expelled at this moment.

After Qin Yu observed for a while, he knew that if this situation continued, Mo would have 7 or 8 days before these people would wake up.

“Brother Ye, the murderous aura of your father within the body will soon be ruled out, but during this time, I want to use the murderous aura stone prison.” Qin Yu said suddenly.

“To borrow murderous aura stone prison?”

Ye Tianyi was a little surprised and said: “If Young Master Qin wants to use it, just use it directly. You don’t need to discuss it with me, but the murderous aura here is too rich and stays for a long time. It’s not a good thing, Young Master. What is Qin doing with the help of the murderous aura stone prison?”

Qin Yu saved his life, more than borrowing the murderous aura stone prison.

It’s just that the murderous aura stone cell is a place where prisoners are imprisoned. No one wants to stay in it, even in a short time.

Qin Yu now had to borrow the murderous aura stone prison for a period of time, making Ye Tianyi extremely puzzled.

“Hehe, there is nothing special, but I want to practice something that’s all.” Qin Yu mysterious said with a smile, but did not explain too much.

After greeted Ye Tian, ​​Qin Yu entered the murderous aura stone prison. As for the disciples of the Celestial Cang Sect, Lanyue temporarily led them to help Ye Tianyi rule the Barbarian Race.

Although Ye Liao, the master of the Barbarian Race, was killed, his remaining power was deeply rooted. With the strength of Ye Tianyi and Ye Zhuqing, it was difficult to eliminate them within a time.

However, with the help of the Celestial Sect’s discipline, this is much simpler.

Qin Yu didn’t pay much attention to these things outside. Anyway, there was Blue Moon, so he didn’t need to worry about it. After arriving at the murderous aura stone prison, he took out the Soul Orb.

“Chi Rong, how about you come out and see these murderous aura?” Qin Yu asked with a smile.

Chi Rong was repairing the corpse puppet in the corpse soul orb. After hearing Qin Yu’s call, he was immediately incarnation as the Primordial Spirit villain and appeared on Qin Yu’s shoulder.

“Well, murderous aura stone? And here is a rich murderous aura. How did the master find such a place?”

Feeling the majestic murderous aura here, Chi Rong is not only unafraid, but there is a strong excitement on his face, be eager to have a try.

“This is the dungeon under the Barbarian Race palace, how about it, do you have a way to incorporate these murderous auras into the corpse puppets?” Qin Yu asked with a smile.

It has been built here for a long time, and the rich murderous aura has almost turned into substance. If these huge murderous aura can be smelted into the corpse puppet, it will be a big improvement to the corpse puppet.

Imagine a fierce and unafraid of death standing in front of you with an extremely violent murderous aura fighter machine. The average person is afraid that if he sees it, he will despair.

“Smelting murderous aura into corpse puppets is not a problem, but these murderous auras are invisible and difficult to gather. In addition, I also need some murderous aura stones as a basis to smelt into the corpse puppets, so these murderous auras will not be used. It disappears after a while.” Chi Rong frowned and said.

Just condense the murderous aura into it, after a long time of use, the murderous aura will be exhausted, and the formidable power of the corpse puppet can be reduced. Only by using the murderous aura stone as the foundation, and then condensing into the majestic murderous aura, this can long.

Of course, the premise is that you can gather these invisible murderous auras together.

“Hehe, as long as you don’t demolish this place and take some murderous aura stones, it’s not impossible. As for condensing murderous aura, just leave it to me.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Immediately, Qin Yu’s right hand slowly stretched out, Swallowing Ancestral Dragon Martial Soul urged, a powerful Devouring Power appeared in his palm, and it burst out instantly.

With the outbreak of this Devouring Power, the aura in the entire murderous aura stone prison was immediately attracted by Qin Yu, and moved towards Qin Yu’s palm condensed.

These breaths were condensed in the palm of Qin Yu, peeling off the cocoon, and condensed by little by little, and finally turned into a group of transparent intangible matter, emitting strong murderous aura waves.

“These all are murderous aura condensed by the master?”

Feeling the strong murderous aura emanating from these transparent intangible substances, Chi Rong’s pupils suddenly shrank, extremely shocked.

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