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Murderous aura is a state of intangible and intangible, just like the surrounding air. Although you can breathe, you can’t see or touch it. You can only feel the wind pressure caused by its flow through the sense of touch.

Things like this are generally extremely difficult to condense. Even if it is his Old Monster, he can’t help but be big. If he wants to deal with these murderous auras, it takes a lot of hands and feet, and it takes a lot of time!

However, Qin Yu unexpectedly arrived in a mass of murderous aura the size of a condense fist peak within a few minutes, and its purity reached almost 90%, approaching perfection.

Qin Yu smiled and nodded, and said: “Although I haven’t condensed to a nearly perfect state, I believe that more than 90% purity is enough.”

For Qin Yu, it is not difficult to condense the murderous aura in his hand to perfection, but it takes too much time, and some are not very cost-effective.

After all, the closer it is to 100% perfection, the more difficult it is to condense. It is the truth that things are perfect.

“Enough, enough, enough.”

Chi Rong hurriedly nodded, the little hand of the Primordial Spirit villain moved towards the murderous aura in Qin Yu’s hand, and a force of imprisonment appeared, and these murderous auras were collected.

At the same time, Qin Yu’s Divine Sense swept away the corpse soul orbs, and eleven corpse puppets appeared in front of them, each of them exuding extremely cold and fierce aura, which was obviously practiced by Chi Rong.

Two of them, although still a bit tattered, have been largely repaired, and they have reached the point where they can barely cope with the enemy.

Most of these eleven corpse puppets are now the 4th Layer Peak Level of the Tianhe Realm, and there is one of them that exudes the powerful aura of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, which is extremely terrifying.

It can be said that after several days of restoration, every corpse puppet nowadays is extremely fierce, and the battle strength is not weak.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Yu can feel the smell of ghost bamboo grass from these corpse puppets. Apparently Chi Rong uses ghost bamboo grass and has initially practiced these corpse puppet sacrifices.

After incorporating the ghost bamboo grass, the combat strength of these corpse puppets has become more perfect. The expert of the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm is here, and it may not be able to break its strong defense.

Therefore, Qin Yu was extremely satisfied with Chi Rong’s performance. With this helper, he would have to rest assured about the formation of a corpse puppet army, and he could save more time for cultivation.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu’s brows moved a little, turned his hand and took out patches of gray scales, and said, “Chi Rong, melt the scales of these ancient fierce crocodiles.”

“The scale armor of the ancient fierce crocodile, and it is the realm of the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm? Hehe, this is a good thing. If these things are integrated into the corpse puppet, it is not worthwhile, but I will make these scales into a powerful Battle Armor , Worn on the body of the corpse puppet.” Chi Rong said with a smile, seemingly satisfied with the hardness of these scales.

“Become a Battle Armor?”

Qin Yu’s face was taken aback for a moment, and curiously asked: “Aren’t you still a Refiner Master?”

“It can be said that it is, or it can be said that it is not. Refiner Master specializes in making Battle Armor weapons for the living, and I specializes in making Battle Armor weapons for the dead, but it is true to say that I am a Refiner Master. I also know a lot about Refiner Master, at least on this Heavenly Continent, no one knows more about refining tools than I do.”

Chi Rong explained that a cold and arrogant expression appeared on his face, said with a smile: “Master, if you have good materials, I can also create two Emperor Artifacts from Sect Leader.”

“Create an Emperor Artifact!”

When Qin Yu heard this, there was an expression of astonishment on his face. Didn’t expect Chi Rong to have the ability to build Emperor Artifact.

Indeed, in a strict sense, Chi Rong sacrifices and practices various corpse puppets all the year round, and then is equivalent to sacrifice and practice various weapons and Battle Armor to build weapons.

These corpse puppets are all dead. After being sacrificed and trained, each corpse puppet will be equivalent to a killing weapon, but it needs the martial artist to stimulate that’s all with Divine Sense.

As for Chi Rong, who used to be the Primordial Spirit powerhouse, it is really hard for him to build the Emperor Artifact, which makes Qin Yu’s heart very moved.

It’s just that if you want to build an Emperor Artifact, you need a lot of materials, which is extremely difficult to collect. Generally, it is difficult to collect all the materials needed for an Emperor Artifact with the power of ordinary people.

You know, Qin Yu just repaired the ancient battleship, it cost Qin Yu countless resources, and this is also the case that Qin Yu also blackmailed countless Elders and plundered many precious materials from them.

If it is collected by Qin Yu alone, it will be impossible to complete without 3-5 years. Therefore, creating a brand new Emperor Artifact is difficult for Qin Yu to enter into heavenly ascension.

The various materials used to repair the ancient warship are nothing but one hair from nine oxen for building the ancient warship.

The keel of the ancient warship was condensed from iron wood, an extremely rare high-quality material, and Qin Yu had never seen it before.

The material of iron wood is divided into many kinds, including Jiannan iron wood, deep sea iron wood, and the most famous is the legendary treasure tree Adam iron wood.

However, these things belong to the legendary existence. Qin Yu has only been seen on the ancient battleship. As for the reality, let alone seen, even if I have never heard of it.

Seeing Qin Yu’s contemplative appearance, Chi Rong’s face could not help but a smile appeared, said with a smile: “Master, with your current strength, you have not yet used the Emperor Artifact, and you don’t have much ability to build the Emperor. Artifact, so don’t think about these things anymore.”

Let alone whether Qin Yu has the ability to build Emperor Artifact, these materials for building Emperor Artifact are extremely scarce on the Celestial Continent, and Qin Yu may not be able to find it.

Moreover, even if the Emperor Artifact is really built, Qin Yu can’t stand it just by stimulating the Emperor Artifact. It doesn’t need a single blow at all. Just barely activate the Emperor Artifact and you can drain the Spiritual Qi of Qin Yu within the body. .

However, this is not an unsolvable matter, and Qin Yu also has a general plan for this matter.

“Really? I really don’t have the capital to build an Emperor Artifact, but what if I want to repair an Emperor Artifact?”

Qin Yu grinned, flipped his hand, and the ancient battleship appeared in Chi Rong’s eyes.

“What, this is…Emperor Artifact!”

Seeing the ancient battleship, even Chi Rong suddenly shrank his eyes, and his eyes were filled with expressions of astonishment. I couldn’t believe that Qin Yu actually owned an Emperor Artifact.

As a cultivation success Primordial Spirit Level other Old Monster, Chi Rong’s eyesight is so vicious, he naturally recognizes the ancient warship as an Emperor Artifact at a glance.

Even if it is a broken product, the Emperor Artifact is the Emperor Artifact, and on the ancient warships, there is constantly a trace of imperial prestige, falling on the Primordial Spirit of Chirong, bringing him some incomparable terror and oppression. force.

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