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According to Chi Rong’s knowledge, there may not be an Emperor Artifact in the entire Celestial Continent today, and it is calculated to be there, but it is also enshrined as an ancestor, and no one can take it out.

But didn’t expect, Qin Yu unexpectedly took out an Emperor Artifact, which made him watch it, and his heart was shocked to the extreme.

This powerful background is probably stronger than the Old Monster of Five Great Influences.

After all, except for 3000 years ago, the Celestial Clan Sect had an Emperor Artifact, he rarely heard that the faction had an Emperor Artifact.

Even if you have the Emperor Artifact, it is owned by a huge force, not an individual.

For example, Heavenly Cangzong is a huge sect, especially in 3000 years, it is a Hegemon-level existence, and it is nothing but an Emperor Artifact.

As for the individual, wanting to own the Emperor Artifact is completely a fantasy story.

In the hands of Qin Yu today, in addition to the ancient warship he took out, the Soul Orb is also an Emperor Artifact, and it is also a middle grade Emperor Artifact!

A warrior with battle strength at the 4 5th Layer of the Tianhe Realm, but possesses 2 Emperor Artifacts. If this kind of thing spreads out, I am afraid that the entire Celestial Continent will go completely crazy, setting off a large foul wind and bloody rain.

“But it’s a broken product Emperor Artifact that’s all. Although I have repaired this thing a lot and have some imperial prestige, it is still not enough perfect after all.” Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.

Repairing this Emperor Artifact has cost Qin Yu countless experiences and materials. Even though Qin Yu’s background is incredibly rich, it feels a little worn down.

The most fatal thing is that Qin Yu has no extra time now, and the Emperor Artifact is too slow to be repaired, and it can’t be completed without a few months.

“The broken product Emperor Artifact is also the Emperor Artifact, and although this ancient warship is broken in many places, it is not difficult if you want to repair it, but this thing, the owner should not just take it out in front of others next time. So as not to cause some unnecessary trouble.” Chi Rongshen took a deep breath, warned repeatedly.

Qin Yu naturally understands the principle of an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, but he is also relieved of Chi Rong, after all, Chi Rong is now completely under his control and dare not have any ambitions towards himself.

“I know this, but what I want to know is, if I get enough materials, how long will it take you to completely repair this ancient warship to the perfect degree?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

Although Qin Yu itself can repair this ancient warship, the repair speed is indeed a bit slow.

Moreover, Qin Yu always has a feeling that the crisis of the Sky Blue Sect is about to come, and there is not much time left for him, so he must repair the ancient warship early.

If there is an Emperor Artifact in the hands of the Celestial Cangzong crisis, then Qin Yu’s methods in the turmoil this time have added an extremely powerful weight.

“As long as there are enough materials, it is not difficult to repair. It will take more than a month to repair the hull and then arrange the Formation.” Chi Rong said with a smile.

Repairing the Emperor Artifact is indeed a bit difficult for Qin Yu, but for his Primordial Spirit Level and other Old Monsters, it is a good thing.

“Oh, how fast?”

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up slightly and said, “In this case, this thing will be handed over to you to fix it. Of course, if I have time, I will also help. As for the materials, don’t worry, I will try to collect everything. of.”

“Hehe, that’s good, I believe it is not difficult to collect materials with the master’s ability.” Chi Rong chuckled and said, seemingly confident in Qin Yu, and also saw Qin Yu with monster eyes.

Qin Yu’s realm is a bit low, but even this thing Emperor Artifact can be obtained. What is the difficulty in collecting some materials?

In addition, Chi Rong realized more and more that he couldn’t see through Qin Yu.

The mystery and cultivation cultivation technique of Ancient Ghost Race that Qin Yu has mastered has made him extremely surprised, and now he still masters two Emperor Artifacts, which are really unimaginable.

After all, Qin Yu’s realm is here, no matter how bad the sky is, it shouldn’t have such a background.

Seeing Chi Rong’s confidence in Qin Yu, Qin Yu couldn’t help but laughed bitterly, and said, “Don’t look at me with monster eyes. Let’s practice corpse puppets now.”

Chi Rong was nodded and began to practice the corpse puppets, while Qin Yu helped Chi Rong to condense the murderous aura. The two people worked together, and the cooperation was perfect.

After discussing it, Chi Rong walked to a corpse puppet, swinging his hands with the mysterious seal, and carved a weird pattern on the corpse puppet. Then Qin Yu gave him the murderous aura air mass and blended into it.

Of course, before that, Qin Yu also knocked down a lot of murderous aura stones from the stone wall, blended them into the corpse puppets, and served as the cornerstone of the murderous aura air mass.

With these murderous aura stones, the corpse puppet can better absorb these murderous aura air masses. In addition, it can continuously emit a murderous aura to supplement the murderous aura consumed by the corpse puppet.

Soon, the two people completed the training of the first corpse puppet. The corpse puppet was exposed to dim light, and the dark black skin was glowing with a halo, giving people an extremely aloof feeling.

If you add the murderous aura that Qin Yu and Chi Rong just melted into, these corpse puppets are even more powerful, releasing cold light and majestic murderous aura all over their bodies, as if they were killed from hell. Like evil spirits, terrifying is extremely.

After ten and five days, Qin Yu walked out of the murderous aura stone prison, and within this period of time, Ye Tianyi and Ye Zhuqing’s bloodline relatives gradually regained consciousness.

In addition, with the help of Lanyue and the others, Ye Tianyi and the sweeper smoothed out the remnant forces left by Ye Liao, and controlled the entire Barbarian Race.

“Young Master Qin !”

Qin Yu walked out of the murderous aura stone prison, Lan Yue had been guarding here a long time ago, seeming to have been waiting for Qin Yu, but did not go in and disturb Qin Yu.

“Cultivation is good these days, and your blood energy seems to have increased a lot.”

Qin Yu looked up and down the Blue Moon, and found that the realm of Blue Moon had not only improved again, it had reached the level of the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and the blood energy was also extremely strong.

What surprised Qin Yu even more was that on Lan Yue’s body, there was a faintly discernable smell.

The whole person stood there, not only peerless grace and elegance, but also giving people a feeling of showing off one’s ability, even blood.

Obviously, during these ten and five days, when helping Ye Tianyi regain the Barbarian Race, Lan Yue killed many people, otherwise the impossible would be contaminated with such majestic blood-reeking qi and such a sharp edge.

It can be said that today’s Blue Moon is no longer the one that Qin Yu encountered on the outer sect Martial Competition, with a little innocent blue moon, but an Owner’s fierce means that can resist the terrifying powerhouse of one party.

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