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Although Qin Yuan’s realm and actual strength are above him, he has the two powerhouses of Gu and Han Biao and more than a dozen experts to help out, and he can completely ignore Qin Yuan’s existence.

Seeing the sneer on Su Li’s face, Qin Yuan’s expression suddenly became gloomy, but Qin Yuan still stood in front of Qin Yu without any retreating intent.

“You won’t go?”

A slight anger appeared on Su Li’s face, and then moved towards Xiang Gu behind him and said: “Brother Xiang Gu, please take action and stop this guy.”

“Hehe, I have long heard that Gu Youfeng’s disciple Qin Yuan is extremely powerful, and I want to learn something. Now this opportunity is just right.” Xiang Gu laughed and stood directly opposite Qin Yuan.

At the moment when Xiang Gu stood up, an extremely majestic aura within the body slowly released, forming a strong Spiritual Qi storm with an extremely terrifying sword energy coercion.

It can be seen that in Xiang Gu’s whole body, the majestic sword energy is so rich that it finally condenses into one after another extremely fierce sword wind, covering the whole body.

“Really strong, big sword energy, is this Xiang Gu’s strength?”

“This sword energy edge is indeed strong enough, but it should not be Xiang Gu’s true strength. Xiang Gu is estimated to be stronger than this.”

“Yes, although Qin Yuan’s strength is not weak, but if you want to stop Xiang Gu, and then want to help Qin Yu, it is unlikely.”

Xiang Gu’s breath, terrifying, made many disciplines around feel a strong sense of oppression, complexion greatly changed.

This feeling is like being a peerless powerhouse with a sword against the throat, which can be pierced at will, and then the head falls.

It can be said that just being enveloped by Xiang Gu’s sword energy, everyone felt that one of their feet had stepped into the hell of death.

Although the two people did not do anything, the atmosphere between them was extremely tense, and it seemed that a terrifying battle could erupt at any time.

“Tianhe Realm 5th Layer Peak, and also comprehend the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage realm to the point of 50%. This ancient strength is indeed a bit powerful.” Qin Yu murmured in his heart, and an imperceptible fighting intent appeared in his eyes.

Qin Yu has not been in Inner Sect for a long time, and also went out to perform a mission, so he is not very familiar with the geniuses of each peak. It is the first time I have seen Xiang Gu.

And Qin Yu, like Xiang Gu, are both Sword Dao experts. Now when they encounter such a powerhouse, Qin Yu naturally wants a battle in his heart and decides the outcome.

“It is indeed a bit powerful, but in terms of Sword Intent comprehension, he is not as good as the master, and the master’s real battle strength does not necessarily need to be on him.” Dragon Soul smiled and opened the mouth and said.

The Sword Intent of Qin Yu’s Fourth Stage world, as early as the Barbarian Race, has reached 55%, which is about 5% higher than this one. It can completely crush Xianggu on top of the Sword Intent.

Only above the power of realm, Xiang Gu is not so powerful that’s all.

After Xiang Gu stopped Qin Yuan, there was no powerhouse beside Qin Yu.

Seeing this, Su Li walked up with a sneer and said sarcastically: “Qin Yu, I said long ago that my things are not so easy to take. Now I will return all my things and take them again. Come out 20 medicine pill to compensate me.”

As long as Qin Yuan is trapped in this threat, no one can help Qin Yu, and then, Qin Yu can only receive insults and blackmail from them.

In addition, he has long heard that Qin Yu is a Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master. The medicine pill is refined by using the ancient Pill Recipe method and tempering is performed. The value is dozens of times the value of ordinary medicine pill. Strong, a middle grade Spirit Stone of 3,000,000.

In that case, he asked Qin Yu to refine 20 medicine pills for him, and asked Qin Yu to double the middle grade Spirit Stone and various materials he took away from him.

“20 medicine pill, this…”

After hearing Su Li’s request, everyone around them took a breath of air-conditioning. According to the selling price of medicine pill refined by Qin Yu, it might take a few hundred million middle grade Spirit Stone.

In other words, Su Li asked Qin Yu for a few 100000000 million middle grade Spirit Stones, which was a huge amount of Spirit Stones enough to scare countless Sect Elders.

“I don’t have 20 medicine pills, but when I sold medicine pill some time ago, there were 2 left, and it is the rarest one-dollar spiritual pill. I don’t know if you dare to ask for it.” Qin Yu lightly saying, smoothly. In the storage bag, take out 2 bottles of medicine pill.

Among the two bottles of medicine pill, each contained more than ten thumb-sized pills. They whirled around, emitting an incomparably peculiar medicinal fragrance, which was dispersed throughout the great hall.

When everyone saw these two bottles of medicine pills, their eyes all shrank fiercely, and swallowed involuntarily, very greedy.

The medicine pill refined by Qin Yu is not only extremely precious, but also hard to find. Even if many people own Spirit Stone, they may not be able to buy it.

Now there are 2 bottles and more than 20 one-dollar mixed Spiritual Pills, just put them in front of them, and no one can help being moved, wanting to get these medicine pills for their own.

“Hehe, you know what you are interested in and know you are afraid.”

Looking at the 2 medicine pills that Qin Yu took out, Su Li’s face also showed a touch of joy. He thought it was Qin Yu who saw that he was powerful and wanted to be subdued.

Therefore, Su Lisi grabbed the moved towards Qin Yu without the slightest hesitation, and wanted to get the two medicine pills from Qin Yu.

Although these two bottles of medicine pill are ten times different from what I requested, they are already enough to make up for my loss.

And then, he can continue to threaten Qin Yu to refine medicine pill for him, using Qin Yu as a Dan slave.

As long as you have mastered the Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master of Qin Yu, the super genius level, he can be satisfied with as many medicine pills and Spirit Stones as he wants in the future.


Just when Su Li stretched out his right hand and wanted to grab the porcelain bottle in Qin Yu’s palm, Qin Yu’s wrist shook suddenly and missed the palm of Su Li’s stretched out hand.

Immediately afterwards, a blue light flashed, directly inserted into Su Li’s cheek and fiercely slapped it, and a crisp sound was immediately heard from Su Li’s face.

Su Li was taken aback, he was slapped by Qin Yu fiercely again, and he was completely teased by Qin Yu.

“What kind of thing are you, you dare to blackmail me. This slap is for your reward, let me go!” Qin Yu said indifferently. From the beginning to the end, there was no idea of ​​giving Suli medicine pill.

Su Li wants to blackmail Qin Yu, yes!

But the premise is that Su Li must have strong enough strength, otherwise he would dare to blackmail Qin Yu in full view of his rubbish, which is completely a act of courting death.

“Impudent, you fucking dare to slap me.”

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