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“Impudent, you fucking dare to slap me.”

After Su Li reacted, he became furious, but he himself was not Qin Yu’s opponent, so Han Biao who moved towards next to him said: “Brother Han Biao, this evil creature dares to slap me in front of so many people, trouble You take him down, I want to torture him fiercely and make him regret coming in this world.”

Thinking of this incident, Su Li became angry. Not only did Qin Yu slap him a lot in the market, but now when he arrived at the auction, Qin Yu also slapped him in front of everyone.

In more than half an hour, he had been slapped twice by Qin Yu fiercely. Equivalent to was twice insulted. This bad breath really made him hard to swallow.

If he doesn’t teach Qin Yu a lesson today, and completely suppresses Qin Yu, and tortured Qin Yu alive, there will be no face for him to be in the Sky Sect.

Han Biao on the side was also somewhat shocked by Qin Yu’s move. He dared to beat Su Li in front of so many people. Qin Yu was still Number One Person.

Let’s not talk about Su Li’s battle strength, but Su Li’s big brother, Su Tianyu’s terrifying existence protects Su Li, so no one dares to do that.

The reason why he came to help Su Li get ahead was because of the face of Su Tianyu and Su Family.

After hearing Su Li’s roar, Han Biao slowly moved towards the front and stood up and said, “Qin Yu, you seem to be a bit arrogant, right?”

“I am arrogant?”

Qin Yu sneered, taunted: “I’m sitting here, so many of you come to block me, threatening me in front of the many Outer Elders and all the disciplines of the Celestial Blue Sect, and say that I am arrogant? Do you want to show your face.”

Han Biao was stunned by Qin Yu’s words, and was a little speechless. If according to the truth, so many of them insulted Qin Yu and Qin Yuan, it is indeed a bit excessive, but…

“No matter how bad Su Li is, he is also Su Tianyu’s younger brother. It is not something you can do, and it is not someone you can slap in front of so many people.” Han Biao’s voice sank, and Brace Oneself said.

The so-called dog hitting depends on the owner. Su Tianyu’s reputation is suppressed here. Even if he is himself, he must be in awe of Su Li by 30%, let alone slap Su Li directly under the eyes of everyone.

“You are afraid of Su Tianyu, doesn’t mean I am afraid.”

Qin Yu sneered, indifferently said: “In addition, if you want to be a dog for others, you should be your own. Don’t take me. I don’t have the habit of being a dog for others.”

Han Biao has the strength of the 5th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, and he also has the qualifications to compete for Direct Disciple. He is also considered a strong one, but because of fear of Su Tianyu, he came to help Su Li to get ahead.

Such servility makes Qin Yu extremely disgusted!


Han Biao’s expression was completely dull, and Senran said, “I originally wanted to look at Gu Youfeng’s discipline at the same time, so I could just ask you to kneel down and apologize. Now it seems that I must take care of you. Let you remember.”

A terrifying pressure was slowly released from Han Biao.

Under the gaze of everyone, Han Biao’s huge body suddenly burst into some grayish auras, and these grayish auras vaguely transmitted extremely terrifying wave power.

Moreover, after the grayish breath came out, Han Biao seemed to have an extremely ancient posture on his body. Even his full head fine black hair, because of the appearance of these grayish breaths, changed and became grayish. .

Mo about 2 or 3 breaths, originally Han Biao with normal skin.

At this moment, the whole body turned into a gray color, gray skin, gray pupils, gray hair, and it looked quite strange.

“this is……”

Seeing Han Biao’s whole body turned into this look, and exuding an extremely astonishing aura, Qin Yuan on the side immediately shrank his eyes, and said in amazement: “Qin Yu, go back, this is our Gu Youfeng’s Grimly dead.”

“What, gray death?”

“Oh my god, this gray death skill is not Gu Youfeng’s Supreme cultivation technique. I heard that among the Heaven Rank high grade martial skills, they are all extremely powerful.”

“Han Biao not only cultivation success, but also seems to have reached the realm of Great Accomplishment, his whole body has become ash-gray, this…this…”

The disciples around looked at the gray-white Han Biao, and they were all shocked. One after another surprised voice rose from the crowd.

Even many Outer Elder were completely shocked by this scene at this moment.

Many of these Outer Elders come from Gu Youfeng, so they understand the secrets of Gu Youfeng, knowing that although this gray death evil skill does not reach the martial arts level, it is the closest spirit among Heaven Rank high grade martial skills. martial arts of terror martial arts.

“Grey death?”

Qin Yu also looked at Han Biao curiously. To be honest, even though Qin Yu had visited Gu Youfeng, he always followed his own path. He didn’t know much about the inheritance of Gu Youfeng.

didn’t expect that there is such a powerful and incomparable in this ancient Youfeng, although it is not as good as Qin Yu in the Barbarian Race ancestral land to get the ghost prison cage, but this gray death skill is indeed considered powerful. .

“Hehe, I really thought I was invincible, so I dared to confront Brother Han Biao and provoke Brother Han Biao to anger. It depends on how you die.”

Su Li, who was standing by, smiled negatively at this moment, and said: “Brother Han Biao, don’t hurt him too badly, otherwise I would die without torturing him twice. That would be boring.”

Han Biao was nodded with a proud expression on his face. He moved towards Qin Yu indifferently and said: “Qin Yu, I just gave you a chance, but you didn’t catch it. Then, you will fall into infinite regret. “

Hong long!

The majestic gray Spiritual Qi suddenly moved towards Han Biao’s right hand and condensed away, causing Han Biao’s right hand fingers to grow a lot out of thin air, and one after another cold light minions grew.

From a distance, Han Biao’s right hand is like a grim ghost claw. Fiercely’s moved towards Qin Yu’s neck grabbed it, trying to choke Qin Yu’s throat.

Seeing this scene, many warriors closed their mouths, too scared to speak loudly. In the following words, Qin Yu was afraid that he would really suffer.

A grave expression also appeared on Qin Yu’s face. He could feel the terrifying power grabbed by Han Biao’s hand. It was extremely powerful and made him feel threatened.

However, Qin Yu’s face was not flustered, but slowly raised his right hand, and a black rays of light appeared in his hand.

After the black rays of light burst out, an extremely tyrannical aura suddenly fell on the hearts of the crowd and collided with Han Biao’s ghost claws.

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