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Seeing the auction item coming up, the eyes of everyone reluctantly moved away from Yulan Elder, and finally all condensed on the jade plate.

After Yulan tore the red cloth on top of it, there were 2 thumb-sized medicine pills inside.

“The first item in this auction is 2 Grade 6 Medicine Pill that can enhance Divine Sense. The reserve price is 200,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, and each increase in price shall not be less than 10000.” Yulan explained with a smile.

“Hehe, for the sake of Yulan Elder, it is also worth 200,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. I bid 200,000 middle grade Spirit Stone and bought this Shenpong Pill.”

As soon as Yulan’s voice fell, a discipline laughed aloud, and expressed his willingness to bid for 200,000 middle grade Spirit Stone for 2 Shenpo Pills.

“200,000 want to prank Elder, really wishful thinking, I bid 210,000.”

“22 10000!”

“23 10000!”

Many people in the field laughed and bid, which caused the scene to be extremely hot, but more of it was based on the beauty of Yulan, and not at all valued these two spirit pills.

Only a few people showed interest on their faces after hearing this Divine Soul Pill, and Qin Yu was one of them.

“Shen Pill Pill, didn’t expect the first item in this auction, it turned out to be such a good thing.” Qin Yu’s eyes flashed with joy.

The general warrior pays too much attention to military force and realm, and consumes a lot of resources to improve the power of realm, and does not attach much importance to the strength of Divine Sense.

But Qin Yu knows that the strength of Divine Sense of the martial artist is the top priority, which not only involves cultivation speed and making a breakthrough, but also involves the power of the future Primordial Spirit level.

At the beginning, when Qin Yu and Cang Ao worked together on the battlefield of 100 races, Cang Ao told Qin Yu that Qin Yu must pay attention to the cultivation of Divine Soul.

In addition, Qin Yu and Dragon Soul 2 can enhance the spiritual medicine of Divine Sense by swallowing them from time to time, so Divine Sense is not weak. Qin Yu is naturally very interested in these two spirit pills.

“Master, if you have to find a way to get these two soul pill, they will definitely come in handy in the future war.” Dragon Soul also said nervously, letting Qin Yu take the shot.

The power of Dragon Soul comes from the power of Divine Sense. The stronger the Divine Sense, the stronger the battle strength that will erupt after controlling Qin Yu’s battle body.

Even if Qin Yu doesn’t use it, he still has to get these 2 Soul Pills to Dragon Soul and let Dragon Soul swallow them, so as to play a role of killing move in the future.

Moreover, the spiritual medicine that enhances Divine Sense is too few to find. If you miss this time, you won’t specify when you will come across it next time.

“300,000 middle grade Spirit Stone.”

Just when Qin Yu was preparing to bid, an extremely high-profile voice suddenly appeared in the auction house, quoting 300,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, which attracted everyone’s attention.

“Lu Kang!”

Everyone looked at the sound, but found that the person who made the sound was just the disciple Lu Kang of Gu Youfeng, with a faint smile on his face at this moment.

“Hehe, there are not many 300,000 middle grade Spirit Stones, moreover, you can get a smile from Yulan Elder. This sale is a good deal.” Lu Kang said with a smile, with a slight connotation in his words.

However, this is not a weird thing. Yulan’s age is only 25 years old. Today, Lu Kang’s age is also around 23 years old. There is not much difference. It is normal to speak casually.

In addition, Yulan doesn’t have the prestige of Sect Elder at all, and doesn’t care about such things at all, so Lu Kang is naturally impudent.

“Hehe, Lu Kang, you have a bit of foresight. You know that this pill is out of the ordinary, and you bought it. This deal is indeed a good deal.”

Yulan smiled softly, and then changed the conversation: “But I think other people, presumably are also interested in this Divine Soul Pill, don’t know who is willing to bid?”

“Hehe, Yulan Elder, although the Shenpodan is rare, it must belong to me. I believe no one will bid anymore. Besides, if you want to compete with my Lu Kang for something, you have to have this courage.”

A confident smile appeared on Lu Kang’s face, and he was bound to win the two Divine Soul Pills.

At the same time, Lu Kang’s eyes flicked fiercely across the auction field, with a trace of cold expression, and the threat was self-evident.

Hearing this, although Yulan had a bright smile on her face, there was an unpleasant expression flashing in her eyes. It was obvious that she was extremely dissatisfied with Lu Kang’s threatening behavior.

As an auction, the higher the auction price, the better. Under Lu Kang’s threat, others will fear Lu Kang and dare not bid.

“This Lu Kang is also too stupid. He wants to please Yulan, but he didn’t know that when he was filming flattery, he was on the horseshoe.” Qin Yu said with interest.

Qin Yuan was also nodded, and at the same time jokingly said: “Lu Kang’s battle strength out of the ordinary, but his EQ is a bit low, but I see Junior Brother Qin’s meaning, it seems that he also has an idea for the 2 Shenpo Dan.”

Qin Yu did not answer, just nodded with a smile, ready to bid at any time!

When Qin Yu was talking with Qin Yuan, Lu Kang’s eyes swept over the crowd and found that the whole auction room was silent. No one dared to compete with him, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

“Yulan Elder, you have seen it too, no one is bidding anymore, now hurry up and announce it.”

Lu Kang didn’t even know that Yulan was extremely unhappy with him, and he looked so complacent, said with a smile.

Although Yulan was extremely dissatisfied with Lu Kang, there was no one bidding at the scene, and she could only sigh in her heart, and brace oneself announced: “Since no one bids anymore, then these two Shenpo Dans belong to Lu…”

“3 150,000 middle grade Spirit Stone!”

Yulan hadn’t said the last two words yet, but a faint voice came from the third floor, and the price of 2 3 middle grade Spirit Stone was quoted.

“What, someone bid 3 150,000 middle grade Spirit Stone?”

After hearing this, everyone was in an uproar and moved towards the 3rd floor. Finally, their eyes fell on Qin Yu’s body, held breath cold air, and looked at Qin Yu with surprise, secretly thought Qin Yu dared to meet Lu. Contend for things.

“It turned out to be this guy Qin Yu, hehe, this guy dare to provoke Lu Kang, he is really brave.”

“Yes, Lu Kang is qualified to compete for the existence of the inheritance disciple on Gu Youfeng. He is powerful. It is not a wise move for Qin Yu to offend Lu Kang.”

“Two divine soul pills are nothing, but Lu Kang obviously meant to please Yulan Elder. It’s strange that Lu Kang didn’t get angry when this kid ran out to spoil the situation.”

Many disciplines shook their heads, secretly thought that Qin Yu dared to compete with Lu Kang for these two spirit pills. Not only was it not a wise move, it was stupid.

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