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Lu Kang’s expression was also ugly. At this last moment, didn’t expect to kill Cheng Yaojin, who couldn’t tell good from bad and ruined his good deeds.

Moreover, he was quoted at a price of 50000 middle grade Spirit Stones that was higher than his price to buy these 2 Spirit Pills, which made the limelight in front of everyone, which made Lu Kang extremely unhappy and gritted his teeth.

“Where did the wild boy dare to fight with my Lu Kang for things and destroy my good deeds of pleasing Yulan?”

Lu Kang looked at Qin Yu, and there was a very cold expression in his eyes, which contained the meaning of anger, and he felt fiercely in his heart.

In Lu Kang’s eyes, Qin Yu’s bid at this time must be to behave in front of Yulan and compete with him, but Qin Yu doesn’t mean this at all, just purely for the spirit pill.

As the host of the auction, Yulan saw someone bid, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, said with a smile: “The discipline on the 3rd floor is bidding 3 150,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, and is there anyone increasing the price? , If no one raises the price, these two soul pill will belong to the discipline on the third floor.”

“and many more!”

Seeing that Qin Yu made Yulan’s heart in full bloom, Lu Kang couldn’t stand it anymore and directly bid: “I bid 400,000 middle grade Spirit Stone.”

Lu Kang has always been performing tasks outside and didn’t know about Qin Yu. He thought that as long as he bid a few more times, Qin Yu could completely dispel the idea of ​​fighting with him.

Although it would cost him a lot of Spirit Stone, it was worth it to be able to show off in front of everyone, even more how, as long as he bought these 2 Soul Pills, Yulan would look at him with admiration.

Seeing that Lu Kang was still bidding, and watching Qin Yu with an extremely cold expression, an unpleasant expression flashed across Qin Yu’s eyes, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

This Shen Po Pill is not a good thing in the eyes of others, so Qin Yu increased the price of 50000 middle grade Spirit Stone at one time, in order to tell Lu Kang this way and make Lu Kang regress.

It’s just that Qin Yu didn’t expect. Lu Kang was so stupid that he thought that Qin Yu was going to compete for love with him and chose to continue to increase the price.

But no matter what Lu Kang does, Qin Yu will not give up these two spirit pills, so he directly ignored Lu Kang’s threat and continued to open the mouth and said: “2 middle grade Spirit Stone.”

“What, 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone? Is this guy crazy?”

Upon hearing Qin Yu’s offer of 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, a crazy expression appeared on everyone’s faces, secretly thinking Qin Yu was a little crazy.

Although many disciplines know that Qin Yu has money, even so, there is no such way to waste it.


Lu Kang was also a little irritated by Qin Yu’s actions, and immediately stood up, angrily said: “Okay, okay, do you want me and earning? Well, well, I will bid 600,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, depending on how you fight. “

“600,000 middle grade Spirit Stone?”

Seeing Lu Kang very angry bid for 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, and asked Qin Yu how to compete with him, he was almost laughing.

With Qin Yu’s net worth of nearly 1 billion middle grade Spirit Stone, whether it is 500,000 or 600,000, or 6,000,000, 60 Million middle grade Spirit Stone, for Qin Yu, it is just one hair from nine oxen.

It is ridiculous that Lu Kang offered 600,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, thinking that he was awesome, and he came to ask Qin Yu how he can compete.

“600,000 is what kind of shit, I’ll bid 1.2 million.” Qin Yu said lightly.

“What, 1.2 million!”

Oh la la !

The entire auction floor was completely boiled. The mouths of countless disciplines were wide open. I couldn’t believe my ears. Qin Yu actually bid 1.2 million middle grade Spirit Stone.

“It’s only 2 spirit pills, Qin Yu actually bid 1.2 million middle grade Spirit Stone, crazy, crazy.”

The expression on Lu Kang’s face also solidified in an instant. His bid was only 600,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, which was already high, but Qin Yu’s bid was 1.2 million, which was twice his price.

In this situation, he even went to ask Qin Yu how to compete with him, isn’t this hitting him in the face?

In Yulan Elder’s beautiful eyes, a strange expression also flashed. The value of these two spirit pills is up to 2 middle grade Spirit Stone. Lu Kang can reach 300,000, which is almost twice the value of the spirit pills. It went far beyond her expectations.

But Qin Yu is now bidding a full 1.2 million middle grade Spirit Stone, which is simply unprecedented, which shocked her.

The crowd all looked at Qin Yu in amazement. For a while, everyone’s eyes in the entire auction hall were all concentrated on Qin Yu, shocked.

The person involved, Lu Kang, was the first person to wake up from shock, with a fiery pain on his face, angrily said: “Boy, are you kidding me?”

“Playing you?”

Qin Yu shook the head, indifferently said: “I just want to buy a medicine pill, but I don’t have any thoughts to play with you. Of course, if you have to think so, then treat me like I’m playing with you. I don’t care anyway. .”

To be honest, Qin Yu and Lu Kang are not familiar with each other. They neither mean to rival for love with Lu Kang, nor do they want to play with Lu Kang, but Qin Yu has no way of thinking about Lu Kang.

“Evil creature, you impudent!”

Qin Yu’s words seemed to irritate Lu Kang completely. Lu Kang roared in anger, and the realm power all over his body exploded fiercely, forming a terrifying coercion that spread throughout the auction floor.

However, Qin Yu turned a deaf ear to Lu Kang’s anger, still sitting there with a very indifferent expression, even Lu Kang didn’t want to take care of it.

Qin Yu is not interested in taking care of this kind of dog that bites people. Besides, this is the auction field. If Qin Yu doesn’t take action, someone will naturally take care of Lu Kang.

“Lu Kang, Hugh is impudent, this is the auction field, not the place where you run wild.” Yulan said directly, scolded coldly.

“What, am I indiscriminately?”

When Lu Kang saw being scolded by someone he liked, his lungs were about to explode, angrily said: “This kid is playing insulting me. You don’t go to him, but you say I am impudent indiscriminately. Could it be that you think this brat is not a success?”

It’s just that Lu Kang just blurted out these words and realized something was wrong, but it was too late to change his words.

Sure enough, Yulan, who was on the auction stage, put away the smile on his face, and an extremely cold feeling came down, and said Senran: “This Elder doesn’t care about you on weekdays, but gives you a face Nothing?”


Before Yulan’s words fell, a terrifying pressure that was several times stronger than Lu Kang descended on the auction field. At the same time, a Qianqian stretched out a thin hand and moved towards Lu Kang slapped it down.

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