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Listening to the constant voices of discussion on the stage, many of the disciplines all understood and learned the specific reasons why Han Biao lost.

“I actually lost, damn it!”

Only Han Biao was extremely dissatisfied with the result of this battle in his heart, and shouted angrily.

He has always regarded himself as Gu Youfeng’s Number One Person, and now he lost to Qin Yuan, so he was extremely unwilling.

Han Biao lost the game, which means he fell out of the top 3.

Although there is still a third round challenge opportunity, but he did not enter the top 3 earlier than Qin Yu, which is an insult to him.

“Congratulations to Qin Yuan Senior Brother!”

Qin Yu smiled and came to Qin Yuan’s face, a hand slowly fell on Qin Yuan’s back, and input pure Spiritual Qi to help Qin Yuan suppress the fluctuation of blood within the body.

Although Qin Yuan defeated Han Biao this time, Han Biao’s strength was extremely terrifying. Under Han Biao’s power, Qin Yuan’s breath was violent and could erupt at any time.

After Qin Yu’s pure Spiritual Qi was input, his aura within the body stabilized, and he turned to Qin Yu and said with a smile: “Many thanks Junior Brother for helping, but I just barely won and didn’t help. You teach Han Biao.”

“Hahaha, it’s okay, because next, I will teach him personally.” Qin Yu said with a smile, not caring at all, but full of confidence.

Han Biao is definitely not convinced now, and will take advantage of the third round to challenge Qin Yu. At that time, Qin Yu can personally defeat Han Biao.

“Teach Han Biao personally?”

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Qin Yuan shook the head and said: “Junior Brother Qin, you still don’t underestimate Han Biao. After the first battle between me and Han Biao, Han Biao knew the stakes between offense and defense. After going up, it will directly attack you infinitely.”

With the strength of Han Biao and the intrepid power of the gray death power, if it is a continuous attack, it is difficult for anyone to resist it, and accidentally, the small life will be lost.

“Unlimited onslaught? Hehe, he can send it out. If he can’t send it out, it’s just a Stinking Insect.” Qin Yu said nonchalantly.

Next, although Chen Tang and Wei Xiaoyong were extremely fierce, they even played True Fire.

But the fight between the two people was mediocre and mediocre compared to the battle between Han Biao and Qin Yuan, and there was not much beauty. After more than ten minutes, Chen Tang defeated Wei Xiaoyong, just like Qin Yu and the others. Become the top 2 discipline.

“Now, this Elder announced that Qin Yu, Qin Yuan, and Chen Tang have entered the top 3 and become the top 3 existences that surpass everyone.” Referee announced loudly.

“Top 3!”

Hearing the announcement of referee Elder, most of the warriors were in awe, and they were able to reach the top 3, indicating that the strength of these 3 people is not weak.

Among them, Qin Yu entered the top 3 in the second round bye. Chen Tang’s realm is lower, but it is also stronger, but it is a bit worse than Qin Yu and Qin Yuan these two people.

Han Biao disagreed with this result. While hurriedly condensing the breath of within the body, he looked at Qin Yu with a cold face, gloomily said: “This evil creature entered bye. Why does it rank among the top 3 seats? Damn it, God. Treat me unfairly!”

Although he lost to Qin Yuan’s hands, Han Biao was not convinced. Even more how, Qin Yu was much weaker than Qin Yuan. Why should he surpass Han Biao and occupy the top 3 position first.

“Next, we start the third round challenge. For the 7 losers, everyone has a chance to challenge. If they win, they will replace them as the new top three. If they lose, they will always lose their chance to become Direct Disciple. Opportunity.” Referee announced.

Hearing this rule, the seven losers, including Lu Kang and Han Biao, all had their eyes clear. They stared at Qin Yu and Qin Yuan and other three people, thinking about their challenges.

Qin Yuan defeated Han Biao, it was the strongest existence among the three people, so no one dared to challenge, and Qin Yu defeated Lu Kang and other powerhouses, and did not receive much attention.

Only Chen Tang has been targeted by many disciplines. This makes Chen Tang bitterly laughed and said with a smile: “Two Senior Brothers, I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep it, and I can’t become a Direct Disciple with you. , You two take care.”

Now that he has become the weakest among the top three, he will inevitably be challenged. With his strength, I am afraid that he will not be able to keep this position. At least he is not an opponent of Lu Kang and Han Biao.

However, before everyone challenged Chen Tang, Han Biao walked out of the ring, angrily said: “Qin Yu, get out of here, I want to challenge you and regain my glory.”

This furious voice, with endless anger, was just like the roar of Ancient Ominous Beast, deafening, making many disciplines and their complexions greatly changed.

The scene that everyone had anticipated in their hearts had finally begun, and it was still in the endless anger of Han Biao. At this time, many of the disciplines all showed sympathy for Qin Yu.

If the general situation is okay, but today’s Han Biao has lost one after another, and even the top 3 seats have not been contested. Under anger, Qin Yu will definitely not end well.

“You want to challenge me?”

Qin Yu looked at Han Biao, who had a hideous and even distorted face, and a sneer appeared in his heart, waved his hand and said, “Go away, you are not my opponent.”

Oh la la !

As soon as Qin Yu said this, the whole discipline of the square was in an uproar, shocked.

The battle between Han Biao and Qin Yuan showed their strength to the extreme. It was an expert recognized by many Elders.

But Qin Yu said that Han Biao was not his opponent, and let Han Biao go directly. It took so much courage and arrogance to say such a thing.


When Han Biao heard this, his lungs were exploded with qi, and the veins on his forehead violently. He said sternly: “If you can only take advantage of your tongue, then get out of the top 3. Don’t say these are useless.”

Han Biao knew how powerful his strength was. Although he was defeated by Qin Yuan by a single move, he could completely crush Qin Yu.

“Hehe, since you are courting death yourself, then don’t blame me for being impolite.”

Knowing that a fight is inevitable, Qin Yu walked directly from the crowd to the arena without ink, said with a smile: “Let’s do it.”

“Grey death, open for me!”

Han Biao wanted to kill Qin Yu angrily for a long time. At this moment, seeing Qin Yu finally stepped onto the ring, apart from anything else, he not only urged the cultivation base to the extreme, but also exploded out of gray death power.

The gray aura that erupted from the gray death evil art quickly formed dozens of gray claws, and fiercely’s moved towards Qin Yu’s throat grabbed it with an unprovoked and fierce attitude.

Moreover, the power of these dozens of claws is extremely powerful, and can easily tear any warrior of the 5th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm. If all of them fall on Qin Yu, I am afraid that it will be able to live Qin Yu’s battle body. Ripped apart.

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