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Han Biao danced wildly, and there was a touch of blood red in his eyes. The whole person seemed to kill his eyes. The fierce attack, wave after wave moved towards Qin Yu was pressed down, extremely crazy.

“Unlimited onslaught? This is a mess!”

Seeing that countless claws almost enveloped Qin Yu, Qin Yuan couldn’t help but sink, because he had expected this scene a long time ago, and warned Qin Yu about it.

It’s just that Qin Yu didn’t seem to take his words seriously at all at the time!

Under Han Biao’s crazy attack, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to defend. Even Qin Yuan himself would not be able to completely take up these violent attacks if he confronted Han Biao again.

However, in this scene Qin Yu didn’t take seriously. Seeing Han Biao want to beat himself so much, Qin Yu couldn’t help but flashed an expression of impatientness in his eyes.

Since the summit, Han Biao has been in front of Qin Yu, showing off one’s military strength in various gestures. Qin Yu has no patience with Han Biao.

Therefore, Qin Yu did not use a sword of blood and the 9th Layer polar seal.

These two martial skills are extremely powerful and can defeat Han Biao, but they have to go through some entanglement. However, at this time, Qin Yu’s patience with Han Biao has reached its limit, and only wants to crush Han Biao.

“Ghost prison cage!”

Just as Han Biao’s sharp claw prints fell, Qin Yu’s within the body suddenly burst into endless black mist, which sprayed out like thick ink, and instantly enveloped the entire ring.

Looking from a distance, the entire arena turned into a touch of pitch black, and the black ink mist, like a golden iron horse, created a place of prison.

“Well, what martial skill is this?”

Referee above the ring, seeing Qin Yu displaying the ghost prison cage, his eyes changed slightly.

His realm was at 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage in the Tianhe Realm, but facing this ghost prison cage, he had a look of dreading inexplicably, and he couldn’t help but jump out of the ring and hover in the sky.

This sudden scene not only surprised Referee, but also many Elder level experts on the stands, even Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master, narrowed his eyes slightly.

“What a pure ghost qi, it’s not like Acquired Martial Artist’s crooked method!”

“Indeed, only a martial artist with cultivated innate Ghost Race cultivation technique can radiate such a pure ghost qi. Didn’t expect this kid to go to Barbarian Race and get such a good opportunity.”

Several Elders talked about it and felt extremely shocked by Qin Yu, the ghost prison cage.

Because of the black mist, everyone was unable to see what was happening in the ring. Divine Sense moved towards ghosts rushed towards each other, wanting to check the situation of the two people fighting.

However, with the exception of the exceptionally powerful Elder Divine Sense, everyone else in Divine Sense was unable to enter the ghost prison cage, causing an astonished expression on the faces of each disciple.

“Oh my god, this ghost prison leader can suppress the martial artist’s Divine Sense. What level of martial skill is this?”

“My realm is at the 5th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, which is barely ok, but after Divine Sense collided with the ghost prison cage, it was swallowed directly.”

“Although this ghost prison cage is powerful, Han Biao’s strength is not weak. It shouldn’t be something too big.”

Everyone began to guess, with curious faces, looking forward to the outcome of the battle between the two, but in their hearts, they were not sure that Han Biao would really survive such a terrifying ghost prison.

Within the confines of the ghost prison, all of Han Biao’s attacks failed in this brief moment. Not only that, his Divine Sense and 5 senses were all suppressed, unable to leave from the body!

Without Divine Sense and 5 sense, he can’t even see Qin Yu. There is no way to kill Qin Yu. All attacks fall on the void, 10000 points of powerlessness.

“Qin Yu, get me out!”

Han Biao roared, but his eyes were full of unowned expressions. At this moment, Han Biao was no longer as vicious as before, instead he became a little angry and jealous.

Everything he planned before was in this ghost prison cage, completely invalidated, and had no effect, and it would be easy for Qin Yu to kill him here.


When Han Biao was roaring, a fist peak fell directly on Han Biao’s chest, and then, fiercely fiercely fierce attacks fell on Han Biao’s chest, and the power exploded.

Under this fist, Han Biao only felt that his chest was torn. It was extremely painful. When he reached out and touched it, he could feel a lot of blood flowing out, bloody and bloody, and he could even touch a few of his ribs. .


However, before Han Biao could fully react, a slap fell directly on Han Biao’s face, and the hit Han Biao flew out.

Pa pa pa !

Han Biao just flew out, and another very ruthless slap came again from the other direction, and he drew Han Biao back, which finally caused Han Biao to fly randomly in the ghost prison.

Han Biao’s 5 feelings were sealed, and Divine Sense was completely despaired when Divine Sense was suppressed. The constant pain on his face and chest made Han Biao contorts one’s face in agony with a panic of 10000 points.

At this time, Han Biao was completely desperate and regretful.

According to this situation, he will be beaten to death by Qin Yu alive. Even when he is dying, he will not be able to see Qin Yu’s silhouette clearly, and he will not be able to touch half of Qin Yu’s hair.

Qin Yu can completely kill him in this ghost prison, without giving him any chance to survive.

Thinking of this, Han Biao twitched fiercely all over his body, and shivered. In front of death, all his arrogance, all his honor, completely shattered, became worthless.

Han Biao couldn’t figure out why he wanted to provoke Qin Yu, causing the current disaster!


Han Biao knelt heavily on the ground, begging for mercy: “Qin Yu, stop fighting, I was wrong, please stop fighting.”

“you are wrong?”

Qin Yu hearing this stopped, the ghost prison cage boiled, and all the black mist rolled back to Qin Yu’s body. This made Han Biao’s eyes a new light.

This light came, making Han Biao’s eyes a long-lost joy, lying there like a dog, still hurriedly begging for mercy: “Don’t fight, I really know it is wrong!”

When everyone saw this scene, each and everyone expression was stunned. After only a few breaths, Qin Yu forced Han Biao to beg for mercy.

No one could imagine that Han Biao’s such a powerful existence would beg for mercy in such a low voice.

It is even harder to think of what kind of blows Han Biao has suffered in Qin Yu’s ghost prison, which will make Han Biao kneel here in embarrassment like a dog, begging for mercy.

“terrifying !”

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