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The other Elder 7, whether it is Peak Master and Elder of the peaks, or giants like Costin and Beilao, are closely following Qin Yu, not daring to have the slightest intention to temporarily escape.

On top of Martial Dao, they are all super powerhouses, which can take Qin Yu threw away more than a dozen streets.

But on the top of the refining device, they are just a faint invisible ant at the feet of Qin Yu, and they can’t compare with Qin Yu who has Chi Rong’s help.

As the people deepened, the temperature in the cave became higher and higher. After Moyo walked down for more than ten minutes, everyone came to the depth of 1000 meters in the underground cave and stopped.

Here, there is a vast underground space full of ten thousand meters, and in the center is an underground Fire Pond with a radius of 100 meters.

In the Fire Pond, the rolling lava, like red blood, is boiling violently, one after another extremely hot Power of Flame, continuously rising from the lava.

“I didn’t want to bring this kind of rich lava pool here!”

Qin Yu looked at the rolling lava in front of him, and exclaimed subconsciously, this lava pool was not congenital, but was later opened up.

And only Bei Lao, Hai Dongqing, and Xing Elder Zhuang can have such powerful methods, and they have to join forces.

“Hehe, this lava pool is not too difficult. It was made by Bei Lao and Hai Dongqing with a few old fogeys of us, using various materials.” Shape Elder explained with a smile, a touch of pride appeared on his face The color.

It seems that in Xing Elder Zhuang’s eyes, it is a very remarkable thing to impress Qin Yu, a Refiner Master who is a profound mystery.

Qin Yu nodded, according to the experts of Elder such as Bei Lao and Costin, it is indeed possible to achieve this level, but the process may be extremely difficult.

Immediately, Qin Yu’s gaze lifted slightly, looked towards the center of the Fire Pond, and suddenly gathered.

In the central area above the Fire Pond, there is a lance that is about 20 meters long and has a thin arm, floating there, moving slowly.

The majestic Power of Flame in the Fire Pond is constantly spraying out, splashing on the lance, so that lance cannot be completely solidified, and it is now in a semifinished product state.

“Emperor Artifact!”

After seeing the incomparable gigantic lance, Qin Yu’s eyes condensed a little. This thing is obviously the Emperor Artifact being refined by the Celestial Clan Sect.

Although lance has not yet fully condensed, the various materials on it are in a softened state, but there are various densely packed lines on it, which is extremely shocking.

These lines, forming something like black tadpoles, swim quickly in the Emperor Artifact lance, exuding terrifying power from time to time.

“Master Qin, this is the Emperor Artifact we refined, named lance, which is now in the smelting stage.” Xing Elder Zhuang explained solemnly.

The mixer is divided into several major steps, such as material selection, fusion, smelting, and cooling.

This step of material selection is not difficult to understand. It is to determine the selection of various materials, proportions and other things. One point cannot be less, one point cannot be more, otherwise it may affect the quality of the Emperor Artifact!

This stage of fusion is to integrate all the materials into it.

Regardless of the material, the temperature of the fusion is somewhat different, even 1000 to 10000. Therefore, this stage is also the second difficult stage in the entire refining process.

In the third stage of smelting, the fusion weapon is placed in the Formation and the final calcination is carried out. Among them, it is the most difficult to master the temperature changes in each stage.

The final cooling is also very important.

When cooling, the weapons must be thousands hammers, hundred refinements, and the strength of each part must be extremely appropriate, otherwise they will break when they are not completely cooled and formed.

“Let’s go in!”

After watching for a while, Qin Yu slowly stepped into the lava Fire Pond, the terrifying temperature quickly spread across Qin Yu’s body, making Qin Yu’s body burn extremely red, as if it was about to be ignited at any time general.

“Really strong Fire Pond energy!”

Feeling the terrifying temperature from the battle body, it seems that it is about to collapse, Qin Yu’s heart can’t help but become tense.

His battle body was calcined by the flame Spirit Crystal, the hardness was extremely terrifying, and it resisted ordinary fire, which was not a problem, but now in the Fire Pond lava, there were signs of collapse, and even some flames were burned!

Under this terrifying temperature, Qin Yu’s body seems to be vaporized at any time.

“Among the various materials used to refine the Emperor Artifact, some are extremely difficult to dissolve. The flame temperature here is so high, it is reasonable, and it is only the peripheral zone. When you reach the Central Zone, even the Wheel Sea Realm’s expert, without some means, is very difficult to stop.” Chi Rong explained in a deep voice.

The flame temperature in the center, extremely terrifying, even the expert battle body of ordinary Wheel Sea Realm, can melt and evaporate, terrifying to the extreme.

“Peak Master !”

Qin Yu’s face paled slightly, and he looked towards the Peak Master of Gu Youfeng behind him.

Gu Youfeng Peak Master met immediately and raised his hand, a light blue force burst out of his palm, covering Qin Yu’s body like flowing water.

After this light blue power appeared, Qin Yu’s extremely hot body immediately showed a hint of coldness, and it constantly penetrated into Qin Yu’s pores, extremely comfortable.

Under the escort of this light blue energy, Qin Yu and Xing Elder Zhuang, Elder Nie and the others came to the lance Emperor Artifact together.

Qin Yu’s right hand was in the air, slowly touching the unsmelted lance, and then Divine Sense transmitted the sound: “How about, Chi Rong, you can see the lance problem. Huh?”

“There is no big problem with this lance. It only needs some heat. A few people can speed up the smelting, but it can be refined, but after this is released, it is always a defective product.” Chi Rong slowly explained There was a sound, and shook the head somewhat disappointed.

As the other powerhouse of Primordial Spirit Level, the defective product is almost broken copper and iron to Chi Rong, which is not worth mentioning.

In fact, although Xingzhuang’s craftsmanship is strong, it is also the first time that Emperor Artifact has been refined. It is already transcendent existence to reach this point.

However, Xing Elder Zhuang did not handle all the details. After all, each step of refining Emperor Artifact is extremely important. The processing of every material must be strictly required, and it is extremely scary. .

“Defective products?”

Hearing this, Qin Yu’s heart moved slightly, and his face looked a little slow.

The entire Sky Cang Sect has spent countless resources and spent several years in refining a defective product, fearing that it will be unacceptable to everyone, and it will be completely crazy.

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