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Moreover, if there is no Emperor Artifact, it will be even more ugly when Celestial Sect is hit next, so this Emperor Artifact cannot be missed.

“Chi Rong, do you have any way to make it up? I don’t want to let them down.” Qin Yu took a deep breath and asked, and his heart became extremely nervous.

Although this iron bone lance Emperor Artifact does not belong to Qin Yu after being refined, Qin Yu is still extremely nervous, for fear that Chi Rong has no good solutions.

“There is a way, but I don’t know if Old Guy can accept it, and refining Emperor Artifact requires the support of majestic Divine Sense. Although your Divine Sense is not weak, it is still too far away from refining Emperor Artifact.” Chi Rong said with some worry.

Refining the Emperor Artifact, but requires extremely large Divine Sense power as support. Qin Yu’s Divine Sense is extremely powerful, but it still cannot reach the refining Emperor Artifact level.

When Qin Yu heard that there was a solution, he felt a little relieved, and said, “Just say it, I will communicate with them for the rest.”

“Okay, master, there is a problem with the materials of this Emperor Artifact. You need to extract all the blue sea crystal sand and add about 2 catties of sea and sky stones to re-smelt. In addition, there are more than 120 kinds of materials. If the treatment is in place, they also need to be smelted separately.” Chi Rong explained one after another.

“The blue ocean crystal sand needs to be extracted and re-smelted with sea sky stones, and there are more than 120 materials that have not been processed in place?”

Hearing Chi Rong’s words, Qin Yu’s head got bigger. Didn’t expect that there are so many problems in the Emperor Artifact, which makes people speechless.

“You just said that the problem is not big.” Qin Yu said irritably, some to blame Chi Rong.

Chi Rong suddenly became aggrieved, for fear that Qin Yu would get angry, and hurriedly explained: “The difficulty of refining the Emperor Artifact is beyond imagination, and more than 1000 materials are used in it. Compared with these, these problems are not a big problem. , And it’s not irreversible.”

“Well, you’re right!”

Hearing Chi Rong’s explanation, Qin Yu slowly nodded and reluctantly agreed.

Indeed, according to what Chi Rong said, the problem is really not big, and everything can be reversed.

For example, if the iron bone, the main material for refining the Emperor Artifact, has a slight error, even if the weapon is completely destroyed and irreversible, it is a big problem.

The ability to understand is different, and the angle of view of the problem is also different, not a question of who is right or wrong.

“Master Qin, we are going to the final stage next, please help us.” Master Xing Zhuang said with a smile, obviously still not knowing the seriousness of the problem.

However, Qin Yu shook the head and directly refused: “Xing Elder Zhuang, it’s not that I, Qin Yu, doesn’t give you face. If you continue to smelt, the impossible refining Emperor Artifact is at best a bit stronger than the high grade Venerable Artifact. Substandard that’s all.”

“What, impossible to refine the Emperor Artifact?”

This word came out of Qin Yu’s mouth, like a basin of cold water, splashed on everyone’s head, making everyone’s complexion extremely pale, and even one hour, speechless.

Even the giant level of Bei Lao and Costin, the unchanging characters of Mount Tai who collapsed in front of them, all have their own complexion sank, showing an ugly expression.

Qin Yu’s sentence seemed simple, but it was equivalent to negating all the efforts of all of them for decades.

From the very beginning to get the refining method of iron bone lance, find the main materials, and then learn the knowledge of refining, all kinds of things, the price paid is too great.

Now they are only the last step behind. However, because of Qin Yu’s words, they have been hit hard, and they have denied all their efforts over the years.

A defective product that is stronger than high grade Venerable Artifact? Hehe, what’s the use of this thing, what they want is the Emperor Artifact!

“Impossible, impossible, refining this iron bone lance, I have studied for countless years, and all Elders have also participated, each step we strive to be perfect, how could it be a defective product, Qin Yu, you lie!”

Xing Elder Zhuang was somewhat absent-minded, and immediately became completely crazy, with traces of blood in his eyes, dancing wildly, and even a completely crazy feeling, and said warmly: “Qin Yu, I treat you kindly. But you are so rude, saying that it is a defective product, it is too fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness.”

Faced with Xing Elder Zhuang’s questioning, Qin Yu was not angry. If he suffered untold hardships and prepared something for countless years and was denied by others, he would not accept it and would be completely mad.

This is like Martial Dao. You suffer untold hardships cultivated for countless years, and you only have one step to embark on the road of supreme powerhouse, but in the end, there are many problems in the cultivation and you can’t set foot. The cultivation deviation and the cultivation base are destroyed. No one can accept it.

“If Xing Elder Zhuang doesn’t believe it, then I can’t help it, I just go!” Qin Yu indifferently said, shook the head, stepping out of the Fire Pond.

Although this is a bit of a blow to Xing Elder Zhuang, if Xing Elder Zhuang can’t even accept this, he will not agree to Qin Yu’s plan next.

Seeing Qin Yu leaving behind, countless people are desperate.

Although they don’t believe Qin Yu’s words, they have seen Qin Yu’s methods. If Qin Yu said so, the matter is most likely to be true.

“Ai, didn’t expect the Emperor Artifact, which we prepared for many years, turned out to be a defective product, which is really unacceptable.”

“What Qin Yu said may not be right, but now this iron bone lance has been refined to the final stage, but it has not been successful. It is inevitable that some problems will arise.”

“In that case, our hard work over the years will be so in vain.”

One after another The sound of sighing came from the mouths of many Elders and giants, which was mixed with extremely strong despair, and my heart was uncomfortable.

Bei Lao and Hai Dongqing seem to be unable to accept this fact. The eyes of the two people are all disappointed.

“Qin Yu, this Emperor Artifact really can’t be refined successfully, can I just give it up in vain?”

Bei Lao asked, and looked at Qin Yu pleadingly. This could hunt down the Beast Palace giant, might shaking the existence of the entire Celestial Continent, and bowed his head at this brief moment.

“If I say it is saved, do you agree with me if I come up with a reform plan?” Qin Yu turned around, with a smile on his face, indifferently asked.

If Qin Yu directly stated his plan, everyone might not agree.

Qin Yu first made everyone desperate, and then put forward his own reform plan. When he died, he would pull people back from hell and give everyone hope. In this way, everyone might agree with them. .

Sure enough, Qin Yu tone barely fell, Bei Lao stepped forward and said: “If it is really saved, then we will listen to you naturally, but this matter…”

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