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“Beijing, whether you believe me or not, but you should know that I will not crack a joke for this kind of thing. After all, with your realm and cultivation base, wanting to squeeze me to death is just like squeezing to death. An ant is almost the same.” Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.

He said the plan, equivalent to handing his head over to Bei Lao and Hai Dongqing. If the transformation fails, the other party will be angry and kill him.


Bei Lao moved in his heart and immediately said: “Well, we believe you this time, let’s talk about your transformation plan first.”

Until now, there is no other way, but Qin Yu can do it!

“I need to reply to Divine Sense’s spiritual medicine, the more the better. In addition, I need 2 kilograms of sea and sky stones!” Qin Yu said of his transformation plan, and said more than 120 shortcomings of Chi Rong. All said it.

“There are more than 120, and I have to replace the blue sea sand crystals with sea and sky stones. There are so many mistakes.” Bei Lao heard this and took a deep breath.

Xing Zhuang, Elder Nie, Elder Su, and Elder Han also came to their senses. They were all shocked. Didn’t expect so many mistakes in the process of refining.

No wonder the current smelting stage is here, there are always some problems, and it is impossible to enter the next cooling tempering stage.

As the first Refiner Master of might shaking Heaven Continent, Xing Zhuang naturally has this feeling for a long time, but with his refining level, he can’t tell it at all.

Knowing that he had blamed Qin Yu before, Xing Zhuang hurried forward and said sincerely: “Master Qin, the old man was in a hurry and was guilty of the crime. Please forgive me. I hope you will not remember the villain. .”

After all, Xing Elder Zhuang actually wanted to bow down.

For this Emperor Artifact, he devoted too much effort, there is no way to give up like this, and even willing to die for it, even more how is to bow down.

Seeing this, Qin Yu heart startled, rushed forward, and supported Xing Elder Zhuang, said with a smile: “What is this Elder, you dignified Elder identity, bow down to my discipline, it would be a loss of integrity. “

“Master Qin’s words are wrong. The so-called master is a teacher. You are much better than me. You are my Master. The discipline bows down to the Master. This is what it should be, even more how my discipline was wrong just now. “Xing Zhuang shook the head said, and finally broke free of Qin Yu’s obstacles and bowed down.

Qin Yu took a deep breath, and an expression of admiration appeared on his face.

An inner Sect Elder, might shaking the existence of the entire Celestial Continent, the first Refiner Master of the Celestial Continent, but would rather lose face and bow down to his own discipline.

This incident is not ashamed, but Xing Elder Zhuang’s courage is shocking.

A person, no matter what kind of high position he is in, has an extremely broad mind, and Xing Elder Zhuang’s mind is scarcely comparable.

Han Xin was humiliated under his crotch, but in the end it was a soldier. This was also because Han Xin had a broad mind.

Only with a broad mind can you have tolerance, and have enough long-term vision to look at as time goes by and the long river of history, and be proud of the people in it.

After Xing Zhuang pleaded guilty, Qin Yu explained to everyone the final transformation method of Iron Bone Lance according to Chi Rong’s words. After half a day, he stopped.

“Several people, it’s up to me to extract the blue sea sand crystals and integrate them into the sea and sky stones. As for the re-training of the more than 120 materials, I will let Elder Nie, Elder Su, and Elder Han be responsible.” Qin Yu said with a smile , Assign their respective tasks.

However, not at all Xing Elder Zhuang during this task made Xing Elder Zhuang’s expression tense, and hurriedly came up and asked: “Master Qin, what about me?”


Qin Yu said with a smile: “Xing Elder Zhuang is the first Refiner Master of our Heavenly Cang Sect. He is naturally responsible for the most important part, tempering the iron lance.”

“What, temper iron lance?”

Xing Zhuang didn’t understand, and curiously asked: “Isn’t the exercise only the last step of cooling down? Why do we need to exercise now?”

“Hehe, you don’t know this. When mixing the weapon, due to the material, the temperature of each part of the weapon is different. If you wait until it cools before you temper, because of the temperature, many materials will break. And it can’t be tempered in place.”

“A weapon requires thousands hammers, hundred refinements, before it can take shape and burst out endless formidable power!”

Qin Yu explained with a smile, and immediately took out a jade slip from the corpse soul beads, threw it to Xing Elder Zhuang, and said: “I have a refining technique here, called thousands hammers, hundred refinements. When you can exercise, follow this technique.”

Venerable Artifact level weapons, that’s all, are not too demanding, but Emperor Artifact level weapons must be tempered during the smelting process!

“Refining technique?”

Xing Zhuang opened the jade slip suspiciously, looking at the densely packed numbers above, deeply held breath cold air, and lost his voice in shock, but for a long time he was shocked and speechless: “This…this…”

On this jade slip, there are not only the melting temperature of various materials, but also the technique and strength of the tempering, and it is extremely precise and extremely strict.

A little more strength, a little less strength, no way!

“There is such a perfect refining technique in the world, Master Qin, do you really want to give this thing to me?” Xing Zhuang took a deep breath and asked.

“If Xing Elder Zhuang wants to buy, then hand over all the Spirit Stones on you.” Qin Yu cracking a joke said with a smile.

However, Xing Elder Zhuang did not take out the slightest hesitation, and directly took out a storage bag and handed it to Qin Yu, saying: “This is 800 million middle grade Spirit Stone. It is all my belongings. Now I will give it to Master Qin. .”

“800 million !”

When everyone saw this scene, they were completely crazy. It was just a refining technique. Xingzhuang actually had to spend 800 million middle grade Spirit Stone to buy it, which was unbelievable.

Qin Yu was also a little shocked. He just said casually, equivalent to cracking a joke, but didn’t expect Xing Elder Zhuang to directly take out 800 million middle grade Spirit Stone.

“This…” Qin Yu said surprisedly, not daring to reach out for a while, shocked!

Qin Yu’s background is not bad. After this period of accumulation, the middle grade Spirit Stone on his body now has reached 1 billion, but he earned 800 million at once, which is really shocking.

Moreover, Qin Yu didn’t expect that the thousand hammers, hundred refinements method that Chi Rong gave him has reached such a value.

Seeing that Qin Yu seemed not to take over at all, Xing Elder Zhuang looked pale, and said in a very embarrassing manner: “Master Qin, I know that 800 million middle grade Spirit Stone is indeed too few, and it doesn’t match this thousand hammers, hundred refinements method. Everyone knows, but I really don’t have any more Spirit Stones.”

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