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Under this situation, Moro is not fighting now, nor is he not fighting.

As one of the 3 great hall masters of Beast Palace, might shaking the existence of the Celestial Continent level, how did Moro think that when he came to the Celestial Sect this time, he lost such a big face and was questioned by a junior even 3 Dumb Wuyan.

Now, even if he sends the discipline up, not only is he sent to death, but he is killed by Qin Yu one after another, then their Beast Palace will be embarrassed home.

“Boss North, Hai Dongqing, didn’t expect that you have developed such a discipline, hehe, it is really eye-opening.”

As if knowing that he could not provoke Qin Yu, Moruo suddenly turned his attention to Bei Lao and Hai Dongqing, with an intriguing expression on his face, saying, “Old Bei Bei, if it is the disciple that you have cultivated so hard, If you die in battle for a while, or are poached by other sects, what should you do to Heavenly Sect.”

“you dare! ”

Hearing this, no matter whether it was Bei Lao or Costin, all of them “ge-deng” in their hearts, and their expressions suddenly changed.

“Hehe, until now, the old man has nothing to dare to dare to, put aside all considerations of face just put aside all considerations of face.”

Moro sneered and said: “Old North Monster, Hai Dongqing, you two know the purpose of our coming this time, not only the Emperor Artifact you refined, but also the Heavenly Seal.”

“What, Heavenly Seal!”

Hearing Moro’s words, except for some people who knew the inside story, everyone was shocked, revealing an incredible expression.

The so-called Celestial Seal is also an Emperor Artifact, a treasure brought by Celestial Old Ancestor from overseas. 1000 years ago, might shaking the entire Celestial Continent, suppressing everything.

However, for unknown reasons, Beast Palace attacked the Celestial Sect once 1000 years ago, and with the help of mysterious forces, it directly defeated the Celestial Sect.

After that battle, the Cang Cang Yin also disappeared.

But no one didn’t expect that, now Beast Palace and Heavenly Dragon Empire, Heaven Origin Sect, Snow Moon Sect return in a swirl of dust, they are actually looking for the Cang Cang seal and extinguishing the Cang Cang Sect once again.

“You guys, you may not know that the Cang Cang seal involves a certain inheritance, so it is extremely important. Today, our Four Great Influences return in a swirl of dust, just to let the Cang Cang Sect tell where the Cang Cang seal is and find That mysterious inheritance.” Moro continued, another explosive news.

“Molo, you have enough!”

Bei Lao’s face was black and blue, scolded: “Do you want this to make the world known? It will not do you any good.”

Regarding the secrets on the seal of the sky, not only Bei Lao knows some, but also the Beast Palace and Heavenly Dragon Empire.

It’s just that this matter is kept secret, no one will say it, but now Moro has announced it, making the world known.

In this way, today the extinguish sect of the Tiancang Sect does not say that even the discipline and Elder who escaped will face a huge disaster and be hunted and killed by others, asking the secret of Tiancang Yin.

“Hehe, Old Monster North, if you tell the old man where the Heavenly Seal is and hand over the Emperor Artifact you have refined now, we can ignore everything that happens today, and we will go down the mountain, otherwise, this Palace Lord first punishes the heart, then Sect extermination.” Moro said with a cold laugh, still reluctant.

This remark fell in the hearts of all the Celestial Sect’s disciples, causing the Celestial Sect’s all disciples and some unaware Elder to be buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The 100 ethnic groups who came to watch the ceremony were all shocked!

Obviously, no one didn’t expect that the Celestial Clan Sect was destroyed 1000 years ago because of some inheritance on the Celestial Seal.

Now, Four Great Influences have joined forces to restart the battle of Sect extermination 1000 years ago.

No wonder Four Great Influences descended on each powerhouse one after another.

The Celestial Sect seems to be on its own territory, but facing the cooperation of Four Great Influences, it is still on the weak side.

If the Celestial Clan Sect is destroyed, then these Elders and disciplines will also be killed and die here.

An extremely strong emotion of terror spread in the hearts of everyone.

Bei Lao’s expression sank, extremely ugly, and brace oneself said abruptly: “The Heavenly Seal disappeared with the war 1000 years ago, I don’t know where it is. Even if you kill the old man today, it is impossible to get the Heavenly Seal’s whereabouts. .”

“Hmph, since you don’t say anything, don’t blame the old man for being rude and murdering.”

A cold light flashed in Moruo’s eyes and said, “Master Su Family, you are the first family head of the Celestial Sect. Your son was killed and you were repeatedly insulted by a discipline. This hatred is not small, right?”

Su 1000 shadow hearing this, suddenly stood up and said indignantly: “Molo Palace Lord, don’t worry. Starting today, my Su Family is a member of the Beast Palace. As for my Su Family, Tiancangzong and Qin Yu’s children’s The grievances will also be reported today, and the head of the Patriarch decided to kill all the people of the Heavenly Blue Sect.

They had discussed this line before, and now it is even more shocking when spoken in public. It made the panic of the Sky Cang Sect people even more intense.

“Tiger orc patriarch, what about your tiger orc?” Moruo asked with a smile.

“Hehe, a wise man submits to circumstances, my Tiger Orcs are naturally standing on the side of the powerhouse. Like the Su Family Lord, my Tiger Orcs joined the Beast Palace today, and I also ask Moro Palace Lord to take care of them.” patriarch said.

“My Li Family is relatively close to the Heavenly Dragon Empire, so I naturally joined the Heavenly Dragon Empire. Please don’t dislike Wu Tianwang.”

“Hehe, let’s join Snow Moon Sect!”

“We join Heaven Origin Sect!”

Many of the 100 families who watched the ceremony responded.

At this brief moment, most of the 100 races, Qi Qi sentenced to the Heavenly Cang Sect, joined the Four Great Influences, became one of them, and turned to the Heavenly Cang Sect.

Many Elders of the Celestial Clan Sect, seeing this scene, their expressions were extremely dark and gloomy, and their lungs exploded. Bei Lao said angrily: “These dogs are really hateful. They are sheltered by us on weekdays, but now they are like this. , The old man can’t wait to kill all of you dogs.”

The 100 clan turn up without being invited has long been guilty of taboos, and now they are rebelling in public. Even though the many Elders of the Celestial Clan Sect are prepared in their hearts, they are somewhat unacceptable at this moment.

Qin Yu’s eyes also condensed a little, showing cold light, Moro’s this move was a slaying and murderous, it was too vicious.

Of course, many races of this kind are not rebellious, such as Barbarian Race, such as Snake Spirit Race, but they are a minority after all. Faced with this situation, their faces are not good.

“Old Monster North, don’t you still tell the whereabouts of the Cang Cang Yin? Hehe, now it’s just 100 tribes who are rebelling. Next, it is your Cang Cang Sect who rebelling.”

Moruo sneered, and immediately moved towards the Cang Cang Sect and everyone said: “All the Cang Cang Sect Elder and the discipline listen, we Four Great Influences give you a chance to survive. If anyone turns against the Cang Cang Sect and kills the Cang Cang Sect, whoever will You can live, otherwise, don’t blame us for killing to the last one.”

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