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Hong long!

Hearing these seven words, many of the Celestial Sect’s disciplines and Elder’s brains were instantly congested, and they all buzzed, their faces were extremely pale and lost their blood.

Let them sect their discipline and Elder to their sect Celestial Sect, to their Master elders, relatives and friends, how can they get it right?

But if you don’t turn around, it’s death. There is no second way to choose!

In an instant, everyone’s bodies became extremely cold, as if they had fallen into an ice cave, shiver coldly all over, feeling helpless, and not knowing what to do for a while.

Bei Lao and Hai Dongqing, as well as the Peak Masters of the peaks, trembled with anger, and their expressions were ugly to the extreme. Moro’s move was too ruthless.

It is that’s all to let the 100 tribes rebel against the Celestial Cang Sect, and now let the disciples and Elder of the Celestial Sect rebel against each other, killing people and condemning the heart, which is extremely sinister.

“Li’er, the people of the Celestial Clan Sect killed your big brother and insulted our Su Family’s face. Now that Celestial Sect is not staying, you come back to my Su Family, and I will let you worship Beast Palace and take Beast Palace Elder as a teacher. “Su 1000 Shadow moved towards Su Li said.

Since no one spoke for a while, he would let his son rebel first, take the lead in convicting the Heavenly Cang Sect, and deal a fatal blow to the Heavenly Cang Sect.

Today, he has to personally apply a heavy blow on top of the destruction of the Heavenly Cang Sect, so as to vent his hatred.

“After today, there will be no Celestial Clan Sect, Tiger Beast Clan’s son, you have also left Cang Cang Zong, and I entered Beast Palace with patriarch, the same high position and great wealth.” Tiger Beast Clan’s clan owner said slowly.

Su Li, as well as several disciplines of the Tiger Beast Clan in the Sky Cang Sect, heard the words of his father and the Patriarch, a dull hesitant color flashed on his face, but eventually he walked out and led the rebellion!

“It’s not to blame me, the Heavenly Cang Sect has come to an end.”

“Yes, let’s rebel too, otherwise, after today, there will be no Sky Blue Sect and no place for us to stand.”

After Su Li and the others walked out, many disciplines also came out one after another, announcing the sentence of Heavenly Cang Sect, which immediately caused the people’s mind of Heavenly Cang Sect to completely collapse.

After the collapse, many Elders and disciplines walked out one after another. All of a sudden, the Celestial Sect’s camp almost lost most of the disciplines and Elders.

Qin Yu’s eyes were also completely heavy. He wanted to kill, but he didn’t move.

There are too many people, his current strength is limited, he can’t kill, he feels powerless, he is still not strong enough!

As for using the Emperor Artifact to kill these dogs, it is not necessary, it is too wasteful!

“Alright, you have convicted the Heavenly Cang Sect, so today, we are enemies of life and death, and I hope you will not regret it.”

Bei Lao danced wildly, smiled tragically, and couldn’t help wanting to roar in his heart, resentful.

However, most of these betrayal disciplines are Outer Disciple and Outer Elder and many Inner Disciple.

The 20 Direct Disciples of the Celestial Sect have never moved.

Sect Elder, the inner Sect Elder, has never moved!

“Xia Shuiyun, Lanyue, one of you two has excellent internal strength and excellent Sword Art. The future achievements are no less than those of us Old Guy. If you are willing, you can join us Snow Moon Sect now. My mother-in-law Situ is willing Personally accept you two as disciples.”

The mother-in-law Situ of XueMoon Sect suddenly said that to dismantle the Direct Disciple of the Heavenly Cang Sect, the primary targets are Xia Shuiyun and Lan Yue.

As a result, the innate talent of these two people is really good. It only takes one or two steps to reach the Inner Sect Elder level. It really makes her excited and want to be included in the Snow Moon Sect.

2 Come, she wants to open the gap of Direct Disciple in these two people.

All eyes were focused on Xia Shuiyun and Lan Yue, making these two people a focal point of ten thousands, which was extremely envious.

The status of Granny Situ in Snow Moon Sect is equivalent to Bei Lao and Hai Dongqing. They are figures of a specific level and can be accepted as a discipline. That is Supreme’s chance and glory.

The Sky Sword Summit Peak Master and the Peak Master of Xiaoyue Peak couldn’t help their brows beating violently, but none of them spoke, on the contrary, they were extremely silent.

2 There was a hint of hesitation on the person’s face. After a few breaths, Xia Shuiyun walked out, moved towards Granny Situ, and said respectfully: “Shuiyun pays her respects to Granny. It was originally a disciple.”

“Hehe, okay, you stand behind me!”

A satisfied smile appeared on Granny Situ’s face, and then looked towards Lan Yue, and said in a commanding tone: “Blue Moon, I know you don’t want to judge sect, but a wise man submits to circumstances, old woman, I see you innate talent Not bad, so I cherish my talents. I don’t want to see you die by a random knife. You still don’t stand up.”

In her opinion, even though Lan Yue hesitated under death, she could not resist the pressure and walked to her obediently and became the discipline for her to sit down.

“Mrs. Situ, do you know swords?”

Lanyue didn’t walk out, but rather asked indifferently, asking whether Granny Situ knew swords!

There was a dull and suspicious color on the face of Granny Situ, and she said a little displeased: “The old woman naturally understands Sword Dao. It is more than enough to point you to a warrior in the Tianhe realm.”

“Hehe, this is a bad word!”

“If you know Sword Dao, you wouldn’t want me to come into your door. Did you ever know that a sword cultivator, when the sword runs through Changhong, kills all enemies, why did you bow your head?”

“But you recruited me by saying that you want me to worship your door with humiliation before death. If you want me to bow, you want the sword in my hand to bow. This is also called understanding the sword?”

“I, Lanyue, is the Direct Disciple of the Celestial Sect, but I also inherit the rise and fall of the Celestial Sect. Even if I die, I can’t bow my head. The sword in my hand is my heart, and my heart cannot tolerate any humiliation. exist.”

“Since you don’t understand swords, what qualifications do you have to be my Master?”

“You, Granny Situ are not worthy!”

After Lan Yue said, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, sword edge 3 feet, blue light flowing, and extremely cold, revealing endless killing and Sword Dao concept, reaching the sky, with extraordinary tolerance.

Sword repairer, from unyielding suit!

Everyone looked at the extraordinary aura of Lanyue’s sword pointing to the sky, and the blue clothed decisive posture, could not help but rise a touch of majestic blood energy in their hearts, which seemed to be driven by Lanyue’s sword power.

Especially the last sentence: “Your mother-in-law Situ is unworthy”, it is even more deafening, deafening, and shocking for a long time.

“Swordsman, you should kill the 9th Layer. From unyielding, Lanyue is right. Granny Situ is not worthy to be his Master because she doesn’t understand swords.”

“Grandma Situ might shaking the entire Celestial Continent, but she lost to a Direct Disciple from the Celestial Sect, hehe, above Sword Dao. This matter spread out, and the face of Grandma Situ might not be stored.”

“A woman who still has such knowledge, facing death threats, speaks Sword Dao bluntly, dares to point to the sky, but it is those dignified 7-foot men who have judged the Tiancang Sect. It is really shameful.”

The Elders of Inner Sect of the Celestial Sect looked at Blue Moon, their faces filled with relief!

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