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As Qin Yu controlled the ancient warship to slaughter 100 clans, the entire square suddenly became horrified and panicked!

The 100 powerhouses of aloof and remote in the weekdays, but now they are all like frightened birds, battered and exhausted moved towards all around fleeing.

Standing in the center of the square, Qin Yu looked at these people indifferently, but not at all burst out the final blow, but looked towards the depths of the Tiancang Sect’s mountain gate.

Where, an afterimage galloped forward and turned into a gray-haired old man.

This person is Yuan Kun, the giant of Heaven Origin Sect.

Qian Yuan Kun’s eyes fell on Qin Yu’s body, with a thick look of shock in his eyes, and he said unexpectedly: “tsk tsk, is also an Emperor Artifact, and is also in the hands of an ant in the Tianhe Realm. It’s really surprising.”

Emperor Artifact this thing, even a giant like him might shaking the Celestial Continent has never been in control, but now, it is controlled by a warrior in the Celestial Realm, which is really shocking.

Qin Yu’s pupil light sank slightly. Although he knew that the other party would kill him, he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

From the very beginning Qin Yu’s took out Emperor Artifact, to obliterate 100 tribes, up to now, it’s only a dozen breaths.

After more than a dozen breaths, Qian Yuan Kun actually vacated his hand from the powerhouse battle of all parties, descended on the square, and came to snatch the Emperor Artifact. The strength of this person, the powerful terrifying, and the powerful let people despair.

“Qin Yu, weapons of this level are not something you can own. You should hand over this thing obediently.” Qian Yuan Kun said indifferently, disdainfully.

A warrior of the Tianhe realm, even though his battle strength is super strong, he is always an ant in front of other characters like him at the Giant level, and he can be destroyed at will.

“What if I don’t pay?” Qin Yu said coldly.

Facing the strong oppression from the giant body, Qin Yu’s body seemed to be pressed against a majestic mountain, which was somewhat unsupported.

But Qin Yu still stood there with a strong will, his feet smashed the deck of the ancient warship, embedded in it, and looked at Qian Yuan Kun indifferently.

The four powerhouses of the 4 families that were chased by Qin Yu just now, saw that Qin Yu faced the giants, but even dared to refuse, and a hideous expression suddenly appeared on his face.

“In front of Yuan Kun Senior, this little bastard dared to be so arrogant and refused to do Yuan Kun Senior’s request. Doesn’t he really know how death is written?”

“Hmph, since this little bastard refuses to hand over the Emperor Artifact, Yuan Kun Senior shouldn’t talk nonsense with him, just obliterate him.”

“Yes, even though he has the Emperor Artifact, his own strength is just an ant in front of Qian Yuan Kun Senior, and he can’t stop Qian Yuan Kun Senior from killing him at will.”

“Fuck Yuan Kun Senior, quickly kill this little bastard, this little bastard relied on his Emperor Artifact to kill that many people, everyone was punishable.”

The people of the 100 tribe, just like a dog in the water, fled in panic, but now, they are all very vicious towards Qin Yu contorts one’s face in agony, each and everyone.

“To shut up!”

Qin Yu looked at the 100 people who were filled with righteous indignation, said with a cold laugh: “A group of traitors who don’t know shame, dare to bark here, don’t they have any shame?”


After hearing Qin Yu’s scolding sound, the people of the 100 clans looked ugly again by 30%. They hated Qin Yu to the extreme, and they wanted to cramp Qin Yu.

It’s just that no one dared to move it!

Who moves, who dies!

“Hehe, a disciple of the Celestial Clan Sect, dare to scold the 100 races in the face of death. I really admire this courage.”

Qian Yuan Kun looked at Qin Yu’s gesture of scolding the 100 Clan, and couldn’t help being sneered, and said, “However, you can’t keep this Emperor Artifact. If you don’t have a relationship, the old man will force the action to snatch it. Even if you have the Emperor Artifact in hand, you are afraid Can’t stop the old man.”

After the words fell, Qian Yuan Kun did not hesitate, and grabbed the moved towards Qin Yu who was standing on the ancient battleship.

Qin Yu’s complexion sank just wanted to burn all the Spirit Stones in the warship for defense, but at this time, a shadow appeared on the sky.

When this beautiful image appeared in midair, the white both hands forming seals exploded with a dazzling rays of light, and the big hand moved towards Qian Yuan Kun greeted him.


Qian Yuan Kun’s big hand was bounced away by this force, and a stunned expression appeared in his eyes. He looked at the person in front of him curiously, and said in surprise: “Mu Yunchang, your snake Spirit Race really intends to take this muddy water? “

“Hehe, I have long heard that the senior battle strength of Heaven Origin Sect’s Qian Yuan Kun is terrifying. I saw it today and it was really extraordinary, but didn’t expect Senior to use this kind of battle strength to deal with a junior discipline of Heaven Origin Sect. Eye-opened the little girl.”

A satirical smile appeared on Mu Yunshang’s face, and the slightest remaining unmoved said: “In front of Senior, although the little girl has a bit of overestimate one’s capabilities, she also wants to ask about Senior’s tactics.”

After Mu Yunshang finished speaking, he threw out two red long silks with both hands. Under the blessing of his cultivation base, it looked like two blood spears, and moved towards Qian Yuan Kun to kill, as if he wanted to penetrate the sky.

“Mu Yunshang, the last generation of Snake Spirit Empress, is really strong.”

Seeing Mu Yunchang’s move, everyone around made an exclamation sound.

Mu Yunshang’s attack was probably comparable to many Sect Elders of the Heavenly Cangzong, and compared to the Peak Masters of each peak, it was only a little different.

However, this person has the undead Old Monster teaching of the snake spirit Old Ancestor Jiang Lan’s level, and these achievements are naturally reasonable.

“Mu Yunshang is indeed very strong, but the opponent is might shaking the giant of the Celestial Continent, and he is still somewhat invincible.” Qin Yu said slowly, shaking his head.

In the face of other characters of this Giant level, even if Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master came, he would fall into some weaknesses, even more how Mu Yunshang did not reach the level of Gu Youfeng Peak Master.

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Qian Yuan Kun glanced at Mu Yunshang contemptuously, a disdainful expression appeared in his eyes, and two lightly touched immediately, falling on top of the two blood-red long spears that Mu Yunshang broke out.

Hey, hey!

With the sound of two explosions falling, Mu Yunshang’s two long spears condensed by Hongling suddenly burst into pieces and turned into ripples of destruction energy, overturning Mu Yunshang.


Mu Yunchang’s throat was sweet, a mouthful of blood spurted, and a flush of flushing appeared on his beautiful cheeks. Obviously, he was seriously injured by the attack, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

“Hmph, whoever dares to stop the old man from snatching the Emperor Artifact, then the old man will kill him.”

Qian Yuan Kun was coldly snorted and moved towards Qin Yu again. It seemed that Ling Ling’s killing intent appeared in his gaze, and immediately used the cultivation base, an extremely sharp claw, and fiercely’s moved towards Qin Yu fell.

This sharp claw seems to be able to penetrate the sky and possess great power. When it was caught, even the area where Qin Yu was located was imprisoned.

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