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Qin Yu was under the claw 7, and his whole body was imprisoned by a powerful force, unable to move even a little bit, Spiritual Qi and Divine Sense within the body, also couldn’t work.

“Dragon Soul !”

Watching the claws fall, Qin Yu loudly shouted, Dragon Soul took control of Qin Yu’s battle body in an instant, a force that was even greater than before, burst out of Qin Yu’s body.

As this vast power burst out, Qin Yu’s breath suddenly increased countless times, reaching the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm. The imprisoned silhouette finally moved a little.

Oh la la !

After Qin Yu’s body moved for a while, he did not at all escape, but instead urged the ancient Rongling Formation with all his strength, burned the remaining Spirit Stone, and thoroughly integrated the majestic energy on the ancient battleship, forming a huge defense.


Qian Yuan Kun’s claws instantly fell on the defenses of the 100000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone, and a dull sound erupted, an extremely powerful ripple of destruction, erupting from the place where the two clashed. .

The countless boulders, the entire square, all shattered under the ripples of destruction erupted by this blow, and the earth collapsed in this brief moment.


Qin Yu’s battle body was under this blow. In this brief moment, it seemed to have received a huge impact. A mouthful of blood spurted. Not to mention, the internal organs must be spurted, and the whole body appeared one after another. Blood stains.

His battle body, unexpectedly in this brief moment, seemed to be broken and turned into blood mist!

“Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art!”

At a critical time, Dragon Soul controlled Qin Yu’s battle body and ran the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art extremely fast. The majestic black light surged out, and the Spiritual Qi within the body was running wildly, which was able to support it.

After being supported, the ancient warship suddenly crashed on the ground because it lost all the Spirit Stones.

And this blow also consumed all the Divine Sense of Dragon Soul.

Dragon Soul didn’t make a sound, but just helped Qin Yu block the blow, and then fell silent completely!

After Qin Yu took control of his body, he felt the tearing pain from all over his body, almost unable to stand, and his consciousness became a little blurred.

This is the other strength of Giant level. Even if Qin Yu consumes 100000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone at once, the defense built with the help of Emperor Artifact cannot be supported.

Moreover, Qian Yuan Kun was just a casual blow. I was afraid that even 1% of the true strength would not be played out. Otherwise, Qin Yu would have just died.

“My strength is still too weak. Even with the Emperor Artifact blessing and massive Spirit Stone burning, there is nothing I can do.” Qin Yu said bitterly.

He is not willing!

However, seeing that Qin Yu was not dead, Qian Yuan Kun was even more shocked than Qin Yu, and he couldn’t believe his eyes.

An ant unexpectedly survived his attack, which surprised him too much, it was more like a slap on his face.

“Should you use massive middle grade Spirit Stone burning instead of your own death? I have to say, you are so surprising, but the more you do this, the more you should be killed, otherwise the future will inevitably be a disaster.” Qian Yuan Kun is indifferent. Said.

Qin Yu controller Emperor Artifact, and also showed a variety of innate talents. He can survive a single blow under his Giant level, which is really unimaginable.

Therefore, it is necessary to kill Qin Yu now, or wait for Qin Yu to fully grow up, and it will be a fatal threat to their Four Great Influences, and Qin Yu cannot be allowed to leave alive.

“The Spirit Stone on your body has burned, right, then you can die.” Qian Yuan Kun said indifferently, and then another killing burst out.

This blow was enough to kill Qin Yu and completely despair Qin Yu.

“Qin Yu !”

“Senior Brother Qin !”

“Big Brother Qin!”

Seeing that killing light fell, Qin Yuan, Lu Kang, Mu Yunshang, Ruo Yunfei, Ye Tianyi, and Ye Zhuqing all rose in shock, and their eyes were filled with desperate expressions.

Of course, there are different voices among the 100 races, each and everyone has an expression of take pleasure in other people’s misfortune on their faces, wishing that Qin Yu would die here immediately.

“Hehe, this little bastard killed that many of us. Is it finally going to be wiped out now? It’s really exciting.”

“Yes, just let little bastard die like this all of a sudden. It’s too cheap for him. He should be caught and tortured for 100 percent to let him see the hell on earth.”

People of the 100 clan, one after another sarcasm and cheerful words blurted out, they waited for the moment of Qin Yu’s death, for too long too long.

“Do you want to die here?”

Qin Yu looked at the falling killing light, and a look of despair also appeared in his eyes, but Qin Yu did not have the slightest regret.

With 1.8 billion of the massive middle grade Spirit Stone, with one life of oneself, in exchange for the heavy price of 100 people, it is enough to die here.

“If I was born 20 years earlier, no, I was born 100 years earlier, I must cultivate my war sword as hard as I can, slaughter 1 people, and slaughter these aloof and remote giants.” Qin Yu shouted angrily.

He was born too late, but the catastrophe of the Celestial Clan Sect came too early, so that his innate talent was useless, and he was not reconciled.

“weng! ”

Just when the killing was about to fall on Qin Yu, a long rainbow thread Tearing the Void, Zou Ran killed Qin Yu, causing Qin Yu’s eyes to shrink slightly.

This Changhong is a lance, with blood on it, erupting endless imperial prestige, suspended in front of Qin Yu, blocking the terrifying blow for Qin Yu.

“Fuck Yuan Kun, your face is so thick that you came here to insult a discipline of my Heavenly Cang Sect. The old man blushes for you and feels disgusted.”

Bei Lao leaped past, standing on top of the iron bone lance, looking at Qian Yuan Kun in a cold voice, his face covered in killing intent, his clothes had long been stained with blood robes.

“Hmph, this kid holds the Emperor Artifact that doesn’t belong to him. Naturally, the old man will not let him live. If you put you in my position, you will do the same.”

Looking at Bei Lao’s angry expression, Qian Yuan Kun was coldly snorted and said with some dissatisfaction.

Current interests, life and death are current, there is no right or wrong, only who is stronger.

Hey, hey, sou!

After Bei Lao appeared, dozens of silhouettes appeared again in the sky, among which is included Peak Master of Guyoufeng, Peak Master of Xiaoyuefeng, Peak Master of Sky Sword Summit, etc., and other Four Great Influences. The expert.

All of these people were dressed in blood robes, and they could not see their original clothes for a long time. Obviously, they had experienced a terrifying fight in the mountainside.

Qin Yu scanned these people, his eyes condensed a little. The 7 Peaks Peak Master of Celestial Cangzong have arrived, and Xing Elder Zhuang has also arrived, but Qin Yu is the only one who is familiar with Elder Nie and Elder Su, the two Grade 2 Grand Alchemist. .

Moreover, there is no fluctuation in the mountainside. Obviously these two people will not end well.

“Peak Master !”

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