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Everyone’s eyes converged. 7 The faces of more than a dozen huge warships approaching Heavenly Star Island became dignified. With the arrival of these Heavenly Star Island powerhouses, the situation on this Sea Territory will change. Is getting more and more complicated.

The discipline of the Celestial Sect is also a little worried about this.

Nowadays, not only the experts of Star Island have gathered here, but also the experts of Heavenly Star Island have also appeared, the strength is stronger than that of Star Island.

On the contrary, their strength is insufficient. If you enter the double star ruins, if you encounter these experts, you will have a lot of trouble.

It was Qin Yu, though his eyes were solemn, but he quickly relaxed.

Along the way, the trouble he encountered is really not a few. At this time, even though there are many powerhouses, Qin Yu has a way to deal with it.

The warships converged continuously in the crowd, and among them there appeared the powerful presence of each and everyone. Even the experts of the 7th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, they are everywhere, not a few.

Hong long long !

When everyone was gazing at the warship coming in the direction of Heavenly Star Island, the originally peaceful Black Demon Sea suddenly floated violently, and a large amount of sea water surged, forming a wave of several dozen meters.

“The double star ruins are about to appear!”

Seeing the strong fluctuations above the sea surface, everyone’s eyes condensed slightly, and the double star ruins that had originally disappeared under the sea surface were finally about to be revealed in front of everyone.

With the violent rumbling sound coming from the seabed, the entire seabed seems to be shattering. The power erupting under the seabed made the waves above the sea even more fierce, and finally reached a height of 100 meters, surging.

“Not good, the double star ruins were born, the seabed was torn apart, and the force leaked out was too strong, we hurried back.”

Seeing the black mass of 100 meters above, everyone was shocked and hurriedly moved towards the distance and retreated.

If you are involved, even if you are immortal, there will be no good fruit to eat.

This wave is not far from where Qin Yu and the others are standing. Seeing the extremely turbulent assaults the senses of the wave, Qin Yu suddenly urges the warship to hide it.

Many warriors who had not had time to escape were involved in the stormy sea. Under the power of the fierce waves, some warriors with a weaker cultivation base were directly torn apart by the sea water and turned into a smear of blood. , Into the Black Demon Sea.

The originally pitch-black sea suddenly became scarlet because of this sudden wave of sea water. There were a large number of corpses floating on it, as many as 100, which turned it into a Sea Territory burial. Ground.

The power of very terrifying, if we do not step back in time, we are afraid we will die in it. “Chen Lu ugly complexion said with some fear, in shock.

Although everyone knows the approximate location of the double star ruins, the most accurate location is unknown.

Therefore, the double star ruins impacted from the sea, and the terror wave caused directly hit everyone in a completely unprepared.

“Being born before dying, this force is indeed terrifying, but without such a powerful force, it will not be able to withstand the pressure of the Black Demon Sea and rise from the sea.” Qin Yu said solemnly.

The Black Demon Sea contains the majestic demonic energy and Asura gas. The density is very high. The corpse of the warrior will not sink into the sea. Even if it rots, it will float.

In other words, the weight of the Black Demon Sea under the same volume is several times that of ordinary sea water, and the pressure of the entire Sea Territory can be imagined.

Accompanied by the protruding waves of the sky and the violent shaking of the sea, more than ten minutes later, an incomparable gigantic island slowly appeared in front of everyone, with no end in sight.

From a distance, there are various buildings and pavilions on this island, which are exceptionally brilliant, even more brilliant and majestic than the Barbarian Race imperial city Qin Yu has seen.

On the island, there are still many broken arrays suspended.

It is precisely because of the existence of these Formations that the double star relics in the seabed will not be submerged by the sea, but most of the places have been preserved.

Of course, there are some places that were submerged by the Black Demon Sea water, but after the double star ruins rose to the ground, the water in these places also receded.

Looking at the constantly floating incomparable gigantic islands, everyone’s eyes became hot at this brief moment, and their eyes were full of intense madness. The fist peaks were clenched and begin to stir.

“Is it finally?”

One after another The sound of surprise rushed in, and many warriors rushed forward in a hurry, wanting to occupy a good position, and rushed in when the island stabilized.

As time passed, the entire island was suspended more than ten meters above the sea, and the surrounding waves gradually calmed down.

After the surrounding waves were completely extinguished, the countless experts turned into black ants, continuously moved towards all around and poured into the double star ruins.

The warships above the sea disappeared at a rapid speed, and the number of people was also rapidly reduced. Many warriors rushed in immediately to obtain treasure in advance.

“Let’s go in!”

From the battleship from Heavenly Star Island, a purple clothed youth gave a soft drink, and the silhouette instantly swept out, bringing dozens of powerhouses into it.

After the purple clothed youth entered, he came from other families on Heavenly Star Island, and also walked inside, making the mountain gate suddenly crowded.

However, this phenomenon was quickly resolved. Under that state of lurking and surging, many warriors quickly entered the mountain gate and disappeared in front of everyone.

“Young Sect Master, without further ado, let’s rush in too!”

Seeing the hot scene, Chen Lu and the others were also a little moved, itching unbearably, could not help but moved towards Qin Yu suggested.

Qin Yu nodded, after putting away the warship under his feet, led the Sky Cang Sect and everyone at an extremely fast speed, passed the mountain gate moved towards the double star ruins and entered the mountain gate.

After entering the mountain gate, what you see is a mess, with ruined walls everywhere. Obviously, there has been a huge disaster here, and it has almost been beaten through.

The palaces and buildings that originally looked magnificent in the distance are also full of one after another chaos marks, and many of them are dark red and blood dyed.

“It’s horrible. There are traces of blood everywhere here. It’s hard to imagine what level of war is happening here.”

Looking at the traces of war and the scarlet land left behind by large swaths of blood, Chen Lu and the others held breath cold air and were shocked to speak.

“To be precise, there should have been a large-scale massacre here!” Qin Yu said slowly, with a little seriousness in his tone.

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