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Although it has been more than 700 years, but because of the double star ruins sinking into the seabed, there is a lack of air and the blood energy is difficult to decompose, so there is still a large amount of blood stained with purple black.

Based on these purple black soils, it can be inferred that what happened here was not just a slaughter, but an incomparable gigantic slaughter.

“Large mass murder!”

Hearing Qin Yu’s explanation, everyone held breath cold air, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

To slaughter the entire sect by the strength of oneself, this can only be done by how powerful existence it is, and there are still so many ruined walls on the scene. Obviously this slaughter is a complete collapse, and there are almost no warriors in Double Star Sect. Any force of resistance.

“Well, mass murder!”

Qin Yu nodded, explained: “It seems that the legend that Duan Dahu said before is most likely to be true, and it is likely that the Asura family of Black Demon Sea can do this.”

For this massacre, Qin Yu and the others did not see it with their own eyes, and even now they have never seen the so-called Asura.

But as early as the Tiancang Sect, they had heard of the cruelty and blood of the Asura clan, and with their methods and cruel nature, they could indeed do such horrible things.

“Tsk tsk, it seems that the Asura clan is really terrifying, it provokes them, there is nothing good to eat.”

Chen Lu couldn’t help being speechless. If he encounters the Asura clan in the future, he must be more careful, otherwise he will provoke the Asura clan and there will be no good fruit.

Immediately, Chen Lu and the others looked towards all around, many warriors came here, they seemed to choose a direction with Qin Yu.

“Although there was a slaughter here, but because of the long-term sinking into the seabed, there will be no Demon Beast here, so there is no danger.” Chen Lu said with a smile.

“No danger?”

However, when Chen Lu’s words fell, a faint smile appeared on Qin Yu’s face, shook the head, and denied Chen Lu’s words.

Hong long!

Chen Lu didn’t have time to ask Qin Yu’s meaning. In the mud not far away, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound suddenly erupted, and immediately there was an extremely huge giant beast.

This strange fish is more than 30 meters long and rises from below the ground. The whole body is made up of scales and joints. Like a centipede, it rushes towards the surrounding crowd quickly, tearing 7 people in an instant. Cracked into blood mist.

“The sea cave centipede!”

Seeing this huge Sea Beast that looked like a centipede, everyone was complexion stiffened and hurriedly backed away, avoiding this sea cave centipede far away.

The so-called sea cave centipede is a kind of Sea Beast, similar to the blood sharks that Qin Yu hunted before, but the difference is that this sea cave centipede can survive even if it leaves the sea.

On weekdays, this sea cave centipede is hidden in the mud of the seabed, specifically culling those powerful Demon Beasts.

Now, it is culling the humans who entered here, and with its huge physique and terrifying battle strength, it kills to get rich.


Under the sea cave centipede, relying on densely packed minions, there seem to be dozens of them, each of which is as thin as a warrior’s forearm, with 3 points and 2 sides, flashing cold light, as sharp as a blade, continuously penetrating each A warrior.


Seeing this sea cave centipede continuously obliterate the surrounding warriors, instantly turning this place into a hell, Chen Lu couldn’t help but feel the sound of peng peng in his heart, and an ugly color appeared on his face.

He originally thought there was no danger here, but now a sea cave centipede of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm appeared, which really made him a little afraid.

Fortunately, this sea cave centipede is some distance away from them, otherwise, if you can’t perceive it, then they will be the first to hunt down.

The surrounding warriors were suddenly attacked and killed by the sea cave centipede, which was difficult to reflect. Coupled with the reason of strength, more than 20 people were quickly killed, almost equivalent to a massacre.

After the sea cave centipede killed these warriors, his eyes suddenly focused on Qin Yu.

It seems that Qin Yu is threatening to it, and his eyes are full of strong killing intents, roar rushed towards Qin Yu and the others, making the Celestial Sect’s disciples shocked and afraid!

Qin Yu remain unmoved, said with a smile: “Chen Junior Brother Lu, the blood stab you got before hasn’t been used before. Now I don’t know how to use this sea cave centipede to try my hand. I’m just familiar with the use of some blood stabs. method.”

“Young Sect Master means to let me do it?” Chen Lu hearing this, some of his scalp numb.

Although the blood stab formidable power he got is strong, it has not been tested so far, and his realm is only the 5th Layer Peak of Tianhe Realm.

If on weekdays, facing a sea cave centipede of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, he would have escaped long ago, but at this time, Chen Lu thought of Du Guangyuan’s use of his finger bone to obliterate Du Guangyuan, and his heart was suddenly filled with strong fighting intent.

“Please Young Sect Master help me sweep the formation, I will test this guy to verify the formidable power of the blood stab.” Chen Lu said solemnly.

Qin Yu nodded, stepping out with Chen Lu, scavenge for Chen Lu, and Chen Lu went straight to the sea cave centipede of incomparable gigantic size.

Seeing that culling came, the sea cave centipede was extremely ferocious, with countless sharp blades on his body. Chen Lu didn’t dare to hold it in the slightest, and the blood thorn appeared in his hand instantly.

“weng! ”

At the moment when the blood fiend thorn urged, an unusually sharp cold light emerged, and the blood light surging. Following Chen Lu’s divine sense, he moved towards the front in an instant.

The bloody thorn was extremely fast, facing the sea cave centipede at an astonishing speed. The sea cave centipede suddenly raised its head, and the sharp minions in the depths resisted the bloody thorn.

Hey, hey!

However, the formidable power of the blood stab is extremely amazing. When the blood light collided with the sea cave centipede, the latter’s seemingly sharp and hard claws instantly turned into pieces.

After the blood fiend pierced the minions resisting the sea cave centipede, the remaining power remained undiminished, and it approached the sea cave centipede’s forehead, directly piercing the sea cave centipede.


After the blood spattered from the sea cave centipede, the huge body that was rushing forward suddenly collapsed ahead of time and died directly.

“So simple?”

Seeing that he wiped out the fierce sea cave centipede with a single blow with the blood evil stab, Chen Lu’s face showed an expression of astonishment, as if he couldn’t believe the scene before him.

Although the realm of the sea cave centipede is in the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe realm, but with its Demon Beast body and its terrifying power, even if it is encountered by the human warrior of the 6th Layer Peak of the Tianhe realm, it is estimated that they will be a little afraid.

But such a powerful monster-level Demon Beast was killed by himself with a single blow.

Rao was his hands, and was surprised by this scene!

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