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Especially when he saw the colony of ants moving their bodies, Chen Lu couldn’t help feeling a little nervous. These black magic ants were too terrifying, and he immediately wanted to leave here.

However, Chen Lu was still a step too late. He tone barely fell and the black magic ants discovered the existence of Qin Yu and the others. One of them screamed and erupted with a sharp and piercing sound, like a magic sound in the ant colony. Amidst the mighty opening.

Under the magic sound of this black demon ant, many black demon ants around stopped unexpectedly, and moved towards Qin Yu and the others.

Oh la la !

In less than half a second, countless black demon ants swept towards Qin Yu and the others as fast as the water of the Black Demon Sea, terrifying matchless.

Almost in the blink of an eye, these black demon ants killed more than ten meters in front of Qin Yu, and it didn’t take long for Qin Yu and the others to be submerged.


Qin Yu expression changed slightly, coldly shouted, and took the extremely fast moved towards the distance of the Celestial Blue Sect’s discipline to retreat to avoid the attacks of these black demon ants.

Once caught by these black demon ants and swarmed up, no matter how strong the realm is, these fierce and unafraid of death monsters will be eaten away, and there is hardly any way to survive.

Hey, weng!

Just when Qin Yu and the others retreated, among the black magic ant colony, a one after another buzzing sound erupted again. Upon closer inspection, there was one after another black wings on the black magic ant. Tremor.

The wings are not big, each of them only has a finger length, which is not enough to support the flight of the black demon ant.

However, under the constant shock of the wings, the speed of the black demon ant suddenly increased by as much as 2 times, which was extremely terrifying.

The terrifying black demon ants kept pouring in, speeding up, and suddenly killed Qin Yu and the others. One of the Celestial Sect’s disciplines was too late to retreat, and was directly surrounded by the black demon ants, his face suddenly changed.

When I was in the Celestial Sect, this discipline followed Qin Yu to kill all the way through blood, Willpower is strong, but it is not difficult to kill blood in the face of human warriors.

But now, he is facing fierce and unafraid of death, fearless and cruel black demon ants, who don’t know the so-called fear at all, only knowing to kill and swallow.

Facing such a terrifying existence, the face of this discipline naturally changed drastically, and he hurriedly operated the cultivation base, punched out, and continuously bombarded the black demon ants.

Hey, hey!

The realm of this discipline is in the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and the strength is also quite good. With a punch, more than a dozen black magic ants burst into pieces and turned into majestic blood mist.

However, after he blasted out this fist, he discovered that these black demon ants had completely ignored his killing, and seemed to be stimulated by the smell of blood, becoming even more brutal, moving towards him.

Seeing this scene, this discipline was completely desperate. Even though it was of good strength, it would not last long under the continuous attack of the Black Demon Ant.

When other disciplines saw this scene, the complexion was greatly changed, and they wanted to help, but they were stopped by Qin Yu.

“If you go up, it’s just courting death, it doesn’t have any effect, Chen Lu, you take them to a safe place and I will save people.” Qin Yu ordered.

Chen Lu and the others seem to know that there is no effect at all when the time comes. Even if he urges the blood stab, the formidable power that erupts is not bad, but he still can’t do the whole body in the face of massive black demon ants. Retreat.

“Young Sect Master Be careful!”

Chen Lu was nodded, took the remaining discipline, and moved towards the Safety Sector domain to avoid it.

At the same time, when Qin Yu stepped out in the next step, he came to the front of the discipline, and his whole body exploded, forming a terrifying destruction energy.

Hey, hey, hey!

This destructive energy burst out like ripples all over them, and the black demon ants within 3 meters overturned and shook into blood mist.

However, Qin Yu’s actions were the same as the previous actions of the Celestial Cangzong discipline. Not at all had a deterrent effect. The densely packed black demon ants once again attacked and killed them with lightning speed.

“Young Sect Master, we…”

Seeing this, the disciple looked a little desperate.

“It’s okay, you hide behind me and rush out, I will block these things.” Qin Yu instructed in a deep voice.

Oh la la !

After the sound fell, Qin Yu within the body suddenly burst out one after another azure flame, and violently injected Spiritual Qi, forming an azure fire sea all over the body.

This azure fire sea is the God Slaughter Extreme Flame, with extremely high formidable power. It is blocked between Qin Yu and the black demon ant, continuously burning the black demon ant, and crackling.

With the help of the fire sea formed by God Slaughter Extreme Flame, Qin Yu and the others slowly retreated far away, but these black demon ants, like bone-eating maggots, still entangled Qin Yu and the others.

“This thing is really terrifying. There are too many to kill, and the most important thing is that these things are fierce and unafraid of death, even if they are hell, they dare to enter.” Qin Yu complexion is gloomy said.

In the face of ordinary warriors, Qin Yu doesn’t have any fear, but the black demon ants are different. Each and everyone is not very strong, but there are too many.

Even with the block of God Slaughter Extreme Flame, these black magic ants still fought in advance of fierce and unafraid of death, stepping into the God Slaughter Extreme Flame one by one, forcibly paving a path with their corpses.

Terrifying !

Really too terrifying!

“The black magic ants are indeed terrifying, and they have the command of the queen. If they don’t want to get rid of the queen, there is no way to get rid of these things.” Chi Rong said aloud, his voice also a little solemn.

As a powerhouse above the Primordial Spirit level, Chi Rong’s eyesight is so arrogant that he doesn’t even look at the Emperor Artifact, but now when I see these black demon ants, they even say this remark, which seems to be somewhat dreaded.

“Queen Ant?”

Qin Yu was slightly surprised.

“Yes, all the black magic ants are controlled by the queen. For the queen, these black magic ants are not only its children, but also the tools and chess pieces for his battle. They can give these things the order to die, so these things Just fierce and unafraid of death.” Chi Rong explained, knowing something about the Black Demon Ant.

Now that the black demon ants are besieged in the center, if the queen is not cleared out, these black demon ants are a group of puppets, and they will rush towards Qin Yu rushing towards Qin Yu without any stopping.

Even if God Slaughter Extreme Flame exists, these black demon ants can fill a path with their corpses to approach Qin Yu and besieged Qin Yu.

“If there is no other way, you can only find the queen ant, otherwise, you will really be trapped here to die.” Qin Yu said solemnly.

After that, Qin Yu moved towards looking not far behind, the Celestial Cangzong discipline that he had rescued, but rushed out of the encirclement, waiting anxiously in the distance.

“You go to Chen Lu and Du Guangyuan, and leave here first. This is not where you came from.” Qin Yu was instructed in a deep voice.

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