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Hearing 7 When Qin Yu asked him to leave, the disciple’s face immediately sank and said: “Young Sect Master, how can this be? You are only for me…”

Qin Yu was trapped in the ant colony to save him, but now Qin Yu lets him leave, 100 people in his heart are unwilling and want to come in again and help Qin Yu!

“This is an order. If I ask you to leave, you will leave.”

Qin Yu coldly shouted and explained: “If you stay here, not only won’t you help me, but it will involve my hands and feet. It is better to leave here now.”

This discipline hearing this, I was stupefied, but I quickly figured out the truth.

With the battle strength of the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, the gap between Qin Yu and Qin Yu is too big!

Because of his weak strength, Qin Yu will indeed be bound by his hands and feet with him. On the contrary, it is Qin Yu who can walk alone and escape smoothly.

“Young Sect Master, be careful, I’ll go to Chen Senior Brother Lu and wait for you, you must come back!”

Having said this, he hurried away and ran away from this ghost place so as not to be involved in the ant colony again. In the end, he asked Qin Yu to help him.

After sending this discipline away, Qin Yu complexion sank turned around and asked: “Chi Rong, you should know where the queen is.”

“Hey, this is not difficult. Follow the direction of the colony moving the corpse, and you can find the queen. If the queen can be erased, the colony will automatically disperse.” Chi Rong explained with a smile.

After having the answer, Qin Yu was enveloped under the God Slaughter Extreme Flame, and went extremely fast in the direction of the ant colony moving the corpses. The magnificent colony continuously chased Qin Yu behind Qin Yu.

Fortunately, Qin Yu’s speed is not slow, and with God Slaughter Extreme Flame such as Spirit Flame body protection with huge formidable power, it is safe when working with ant colonies.

God Slaughter Extreme Flame continuously emits terrifying heat and burns everything. Where Qin Yu passed, a large number of black magic ants fell down one after another, dying in the flame, scorched by God Slaughter Extreme Flame.

Looking from a distance, Qin Yu left a lot of scorched corpses behind, one after another pungent smell, continuously 4 spread out, making the entire mountain range, there is a smell of scorched corpses.

After about half an hour, Chi Rong suddenly opened the mouth and said: “Master, we have arrived at the place. We saw that there is no cave under the mountain bag ahead. The queen should be hiding in it.”

Qin Yu stopped and moved towards the distance, only to see that in the distance, there was a mountain bag of more than ten meters, with a width of about 100 meters, almost equivalent to a small mountain.

On the side of the mountain, there is a huge cave, to-and-fro black magic ants, continuously coming in and out from the cave, like a castle.

Here is the nest of the Black Demon Ant and the location of the queen!

“Shake this mountain bag away first, and talk to the queen after you find it!”

Qin Yu’s voice sank, and the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art of the 6th floor Great Accomplishment slowly moved up, and a vast force bulged from Qin Yu’s body.

This vast force formed energy ripples, all injected into Qin Yu’s right foot, and then, Qin Yu’s right foot fiercely moved towards the mountain bag where the nest was trampled out.

Hong long!

The majestic force impacted, and one after another violent vibration sounded from the small mountain peak. The mountain bag that was originally integrated quickly split a Dao Mark Road and spread out from the feet of Qin Yu.

The Dao Mark Road is 2 meters wide, and it spreads for more than ten meters before stopping, but under the cracks, there are layers of black rocks.

The black rock is extremely dark, emitting a dazzling black light under the sun, and it is extremely cold, giving people an oppressive smell of death.

“The black rock is the nest made by the black demon ant, but the thing is already extremely hard, and it doesn’t look weaker than the middle grade Venerable Artifact.” Chi Rong explained.

Qin Yu slowly nodded, his foot trembled with full force, even if it is the Body Martial Artist of the 7th Layer Initial Stage of the Dharma God Realm, it can be crushed unpreparedly.

However, this foot did not shake the black rocks apart, which shows how hard the black devil ant nest is. It is reasonable to say that its hardness is not weaker than that of the middle grade Venerable Artifact.

Brush, shua!

Qin Yu’s foot trembled, which seemed to anger the queen in the black demon ant’s nest. A large number of black demon ants burst out of the nest instantly. The black devil ants smashed into one piece. There were 10000 in total, and they buzzed at Qin Yu. , Something like a spike appeared in his mouth.

“Master, hurry up, these black demon ants are angry. They must kill the queen as soon as possible, otherwise they will be besieged by these black demon ants, but they will be unable to escape.” Chi Rong said with some shock.

Qin Yu looked at the densely packed black devil ants, and the expression changed. This black devil ant colony, fierce and unafraid of death, counts 10000 in a crowd, it is indeed a bit difficult to handle.

When the time comes, even if he has God Slaughter Extreme Flame body protection, these black magic ants can pile up a path to him with their corpses and fight with him.

“The nest of this thing doesn’t know the thickness, and ordinary means can’t break it. Now we must use good luck stamp.” Qin Yu said solemnly.

Immediately, Qin Yu slapped the storage bag with one hand, and a square seal appeared in Qin Yu’s hands. Qin Yu moved towards the Spiritual Qi violently injected into it, making the square seal rise in the wind.

Oh la la !

This square seal is a high grade Venerable Artifact. After being displayed at this moment, it becomes a full 3 meters square, like a black millstone, floating in the sky, exuding a majestic and terrifying pressure.

Above the seal of good fortune, where there is a fiery-red fiery-red silhouette suspended, just like a Vermilion Bird One, emitting fire from the body, burning the whole seal of good fortune into a red color.


After the seal of good fortune took out, with the beat of Qin Yu fiercely, like a flaming pop, the black lair on the ground moved towards the ground fell down, immediately inciting a terrifying energy of destruction.

At the moment when the two hit, the terrifying energy of destruction quickly penetrated into the black rock, causing one after another crack to immediately appear on the originally hard black rock, showing signs of collapse.

These cracks spread with lightning speed, moved towards all around, and after just a few breaths, they spread all over the mountain bag, and finally caused the mountain bag to collapse suddenly.


After the mountain bag collapsed, deep in the earth, there was a dull sound of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, as if the entire Heaven and Earth were shaking.

Qin Yu stretched out his hand and took the seal of good fortune into his hands. He was a little surprised at the scene in front of him. Now the formidable power exploded from the seal of good fortune is much stronger than before.

“With the enhancement of my realm, Good Fortune Seal is gradually under my control, so such a powerful formidable power has exploded, which is worthy of high grade Venerable Artifact.” Qin Yu said in surprise.

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