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Previously, Qin Yu had used the seal of good fortune many times, but compared to the formidable power of the previous blow, it was nothing at all. This was all because Qin Yu was insufficient in strength and could not seal all of good fortune. Formidable power broke out.

“If you want to control a powerful weapon, you must have a strong strength. With the high grade Venerable Artifact level, your cultivation base can barely control some, but this seal of good fortune is not fully opened. Wait for you to find the other 3 spirit blood. After blending in, the formidable power will be even more terrifying.” Chi Rong explained with a smile.

The seal of good fortune needs 4 spiritual blood to turn on refining before it can be used, and every time one of the 4 spiritual blood is incorporated, the formidable power of the seal of good fortune will double, even close to the existence of the Emperor Artifact.

“When I was in Snake Spirit Race, Snake Spirit Race Old Ancestor Jiang Lan once gave me a map of the Black Demon Sea, which recorded the location of the shape seal. If it is found, it will be combined with Good Fortune Seal 2. One, I believe the formidable power that bursts out will be even more terrifying.” Qin Yu explained with a smile.

Chi Rong was hearing this, and his eyes were slightly surprised, and said: “Didn’t expect this good fortune seal is actually a combined weapon, hehe, if the owner can find the other half of the shape seal, even if it is not an Emperor Artifact level weapon, it will be the same. How many.”

“This is natural. It’s a pity that the map only records the Sea Territory of the Black Demon Sea. I don’t know where it is.” Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.

Now he has just entered the Black Demon Sea, his strength is not strong yet, and he has no impression of the Sea Territory of the Black Demon Sea parties.

Even with the map Jiang Lan gave him, it would be extremely difficult to find the shape seal, just like to find a needle in a haystack.

Apart from this, Qin Yu also once got a map of Black Demon Sea in the hands of Qian San Duo, but now he also doesn’t know the location, and there is the iron wood that Qin Yu desperately wants.

If you want to build an ancient warship of Emperor Artifact, you must find a huge iron wood as the keel of the hull, otherwise, don’t even think about it.

“That’s also true. The Emperor Artifact is considered to be the treasure of the heavens in the Celestial Continent and Black Demon Sea. Even if it is a low grade Emperor Artifact, it is enough for the might shaking party, how can it be easily found.”

Chi Rong said with a smile, but before Qin Yu could answer, his expression suddenly changed and warned: “Be careful, master, the queen is about to appear.”

The entire nest was broken and collapsed by Qin Yu using the seal of good fortune. The queen ant hidden in it was naturally unable to sit still, and now broke free from the nest.

Qin Yu moved towards the collapsed nest, and saw a black huge monster slowly walked out of the sand and dust in the nest.

This huge monster is extremely hideous, especially the forehead, which is like a devil, with one after another magic lines painted on it, and the body releases majestic demonic energy, and the body is extremely huge.

Apart from this, the black demon ant’s queen is also covered with a large amount of scale armor, covering her body like armor, making her originally hideous appearance more terrifying.

After the queen appeared, the black demon ant in a violent state of 10000 actually calmed down, and moved towards all around quickly like a tide, retreating, apparently extremely afraid of the queen.

“This guy has such a hideous look. If it is placed outside, he will be treated as a devil.” Qin Yu said in surprise.

He has seen a lot of hideous Demon Beast, but compared with the black demon ant queen in front of him, it is insignificant, far less terrifying than this guy.

Moreover, the queen is full of majestic coercion. This coercion is at the 7th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, which is more terrifying than Tao Xun, who Qin Yu encountered before.


After the queen ant walked out of the nest, her eyes released 2 unusually strong cold lights, like a sharp sword, seeming to penetrate everything.

“Human warrior, you rushed into the territory of this Eminence and killed that many of my heirs. Now you still want to kill me. Today, this Eminence lets you die in the hands of this Eminence, and your combat body looks like It looks delicious.”

The huge black demon ant’s queen speak human’s words, the voice came out like a wave, shaking in the air, and was accompanied by an extremely strong roar.

It was extremely angry, but after seeing Qin Yu’s body, it showed a very greedy expression.

Obviously, this guy doesn’t know how many years he has grown up, and he has become perfect. Not only is his strength terrifying, but he can also see the secret of Qin Yu’s battle body, and his spiritual wisdom is not low.

“Who lives and who dies is not necessarily true!”

Qin Yu sneered, put away the seal of good fortune, and quickly stepped forward, the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, fiercely’s moved towards the queen smashed down.

“Hehe, a trifling human warrior, also wants to break through the defense of this Eminence, it is really wishful thinking.”

The queen sneered, the magic pattern on the scales spurred, floating out one after another black light, and the fist peak that Qin Yu smashed down, collided with Qin Yu’s attack.

“Well, the scaly cloth on this guy has magic patterns, almost to the point of indestructibility, really strong!” Qin Yu was surprised, closing his mouth from ear to ear.

Although there is no martial skill used, this move of Qin Yu has the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, which can be described as horror.

However, when it fell, it was as if it had encountered extremely hard black iron, unable to break through the defense on it, and Qin Yu was slightly surprised.

“Hmph, the magic pattern on this Eminence can increase the defensive power of the scale armor. You can’t break it at all with your strength. Now you know that you are desperate.” The queen said with a cold laugh, with a smile on her face. proud.

The scale armor was originally its Absolute Defense, and now coupled with the power of the magic pattern, dual protection, if there is no strong attack, it is almost impossible to break its defense.

As long as Qin Yu can’t break its defenses, it will be invincible, and then slowly tortured Qin Yu to death, almost equivalent to standing invincible.

“I was really underestimated, no, I was underestimated by an insect, which is really a shame.”

Hearing the mocking color of the queen, Qin Yu couldn’t help but touched his nose, and a bitter expression appeared on his face. Didn’t expect to kill all the way by himself, but in the end he was looked down upon by the queen of the black demon ant. failure.

“Why should the owner be humble? Although the defense on this thing is very strong, the owner should have 100 ways to kill it. I think that seven real punches are good enough to break the defense on this thing.” Chi Rong said with a smile, don’t care.

Qin Yu grinned and laughed. The martial skill of the 7th real punch is the martial skill of the quasi-spirit martial arts. It comes from Tiancangfeng, with 7 punches. Killing the ant queen is indeed not difficult.

Moreover, Qin Yu’s seal of good fortune and extra-legal demons are strong enough to decipher the power of the queen, so it is not very difficult to kill the queen.

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