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The pungent blood-reeking qi smell permeated the air. There were more than 40 corpses on the ground, making everyone’s scalp numb and looking of shock.

At this moment, a strong feeling arose in everyone’s heart.

Yang Family, it is completely finished!

Originally, the Yang Family kidnapped Chen Lu and Du Yuanguang and other Tiancangzong’s more than a dozen disciplines, used to coerce and plot against Qin Yu, but in the end, not only did not plot against Qin Yu, but also paid a heavy price for it.

And this price is enough to remove Yang Family from Star Island!

Yang Family Tianhe Realm 7th Layer Initial Stage Elder were all killed in battle. More than 6 experts of Tianhe 40th Layer suffered countless casualties. Losing so many experts, the remaining people are basically impossible to protect Yang Family.

Of course, no one dares to underestimate Qin Yu. Qin Yu’s own battle strength is extremely tyrannical. The eleven corpse puppets in his hands are even more terrifying soldiers. No one is afraid of it.

Among the crowd, Hu Zhen seemed to be enchanted, staring blankly at this scene, his heart beating violently, and his face was full of incredible expression.

This battle that was originally provoked by him is now desolate with the tragic death of many experts in Yang Family, and he, the culprit, is naturally restless.


There is only one word in Hu Zhen’s mind at this moment, and he wants to leave here quickly.

This place is no longer where he can stay. If he continues to stay here, he will undoubtedly die.

“Want to run? Hehe, did I let you go, Hu Zhen, I just came to die!”

Looking at Hu Zhen who wanted to escape in the crowd, Qin Yu sneered. For this culprit, how could Qin Yu forget him and make him jump away.

Hearing Qin Yu’s scolding, Hu Zhen’s footsteps just raised hovered in the air, not daring to take a step!

Qin Yu’s voice was like a terrifying magic sound, rushing into his body, rushing into his 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, making his whole body tremble, and his body stopped involuntarily.

“Young Master Qin, I…I have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, I damn, you just forgive me this time!”

Hu Zhen turned around and immediately knelt down to beg for mercy!

“I used to spare your life, but you don’t know how or not, plot against me, almost killed my people, now there is no need to keep you.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

The indifferent voice heard in Hu Zhen’s ears, but it was like the sound of death, making Hu Zhen’s whole body shocked, but when he could react, a black glow pierced his throat and directly obliterated him.

After killing Hu Zhen, Qin Yu’s body and mind relaxed.

However, at this moment, Qin Yu’s mind suddenly pierced, making Qin Yu’s face a little pale, almost unstable!

“Divine Sense is over-consumed, so it makes my mind very painful, this Soul Devouring mirror is still not perfect to use.” Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.

Although the power of the Soul Devouring mirror is extremely powerful, it is too difficult to use. It requires extremely majestic Divine Sense. Obviously, with Qin Yu’s current Divine Sense, it cannot be used handily.

Qin Yu’s realm is too low, Divine Sense is not strong enough, and it is easy to be backlashed by Soul Devouring mirror!

Enduring the pain in his mind, Qin Yu instructed: “Chen Lu, Du Guangyuan, you two lead people to clean the battlefield. I want to come to them to have a lot of good things.”

Before Yang Family came to Star Island, they made a lot of preparations. Now they must have a lot of treasures. This is beyond doubt.

“Yes, Young Master Qin, I will let people clean the battlefield!” Chen Lu said with a smile, knowing it!

When Chen Lu was cleaning the battlefield, Qin Yu did not at all put away the corpse puppets, but kept them standing all over the mountain. The black armor emitted dazzling cold light under the scorching sun. Everyone was jealous and did not dare to approach easily.

Qin Yu himself, cross-legged beside a corpse puppet, slowly adjusted his breath to Divine Sense, so that the power of Divine Sense immediately recovered a lot, and the tingling in his brain quickly disappeared.

However, under this interest rate adjustment, Qin Yu unexpectedly discovered that although his Divine Sense was over-consumed, when he recovered, it actually strengthened a lot, so he was extremely surprised.

“Master, this is not surprising. Divine Sense is the same as Spiritual Qi. The more you consume, there will be a lot of enhancement when you recover.” Chi Rong explained with a smile.

Just like Spiritual Qi, continuously consumed and continuously replenished, it will be seen in the saw, continuously enhanced, and Divine Sense is the same.

“Hehe, I didn’t think of this, but speaking of which, the side effect of this Soul Devouring mirror is really a bit big. Be careful in the future. If you don’t use it, don’t use it!” Qin Yu said with a smile.

In Qin Yu’s current state, although it is not an arrow at the end of its flight, the tingling in his mind is extremely uncomfortable, and there is even a feeling of on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, instead of using the Soul Devouring mirror, Qin Yu prefers to use the seal of good fortune. Today’s seal of good fortune only condenses a spiritual blood, which Qin Yu can barely control.

After more than ten minutes, this feeling completely disappeared. After half an hour, it was completely restored. Then Qin Yu added a lot of Spiritual Qi and became full of energy again.

“Young Sect Master, we have gained a lot this time. The Spirit Stone alone has more than 6000 and more than 10000. As for other treasures, there are countless, and there are also 2 very strange and strange flowers, we can’t recognize them.” Chen Lu After building the battlefield, he eagerly ran to Qin Yu and said.

“Middle grade Spirit Stone in 60 Million?”

Qin Yu was a little surprised, and said with some joy: “So many? Okay, you will share these things with everyone, don’t give it to me, besides, you take out those 2 monster flowers for me to see Look.”

This time, Qin Yu did not divide the Spirit Stone and medicine pill. When he killed the Black Demon Queen, he got no less Spirit Stone than this.

As for medicine pill, treasure, and materials, Qin Yu selected some materials that are useful for repairing corpse puppets, and the others were also distributed.

Soon, Chen Lu took the two fascinating flowers and came to Qin Yu’s hands and sent them to Qin Yu’s hands, so that Qin Yu began to distinguish.

These two flowers are extremely crimson, and the leaves are like a graceful boy, full of coquettish and charming, and exudes bursts of incomparable strange fragrance.

Apart from this, there are bursts of white mist on these two flowers from time to time. These white mists rush into Qin Yu’s mouth and nose, making Qin Yu’s Divine Sense power suddenly increase a lot, violently Fluctuations.

“This thing can increase Divine Sense. Could this thing be Loulan Demon Flower!” Qin Yu said in surprise.

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