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The so-called Loulan Demon Flower 7 is a spiritual object recorded in Ancient Era. Although this object is called a flower, it is actually not as simple as a flower. It grows in the deep sea, a heavenly that is extremely difficult to find. material earthly treasure.

This product can not only increase the Divine Sense, but also has some functions to enhance the cultivation base, but it is difficult to find in Ancient Era. It is too scarce and precious, and it is difficult to find on weekdays.

“It is indeed like the Loulan Demon Flower, hehe, the master’s gain this time is not small. If you had known that Yang Family had such treasures, when you were on Star Island, you should directly enter Yang Family and take this thing. , Now there is no such trouble.” Chi Rong said with a smile.

Chi Rong’s predecessor was the Houtian Ghost Race warrior. One of the reasons why the Houtian Ghost Race warrior is daunting is that he is very ruthless in his decisive work. The treasure that he looks at must be obtained by some means and can be obtained by fair means or foul.

Therefore, Chi Rong had this remark. According to Chi Rong’s idea, he had known that Yang Family had this thing about Loulan Demon Flower, and he would have already entered the Yang Family, murdering to seize the treasures.

In this regard, Qin Yu did not say anything. Chi Rong had the idea of ​​Chi Rong, but Qin Yu has his own rules for acting, there is no need to break it, and there is nothing to do, this kind of action will sooner or later kick the iron plate, and the gain is not worth the loss!

Qin Yu placed the Loulan Demon Flower in his palm, and a touch of Devouring Power emerged in his palm. Countless red lines were released on the Loulan Demon Flower, which gathered in Qin Yu’s palm to form a crimson liquid.

The crimson liquid is the essence of Loulan Demon Flower, suspended in Qin Yu’s palm, and then enters Qin Yu’s body along the palm of the palm, causing Qin Yu’s Divine Sense to agitate violently in an instant.

At this moment, Qin Yu’s Divine Sense increased at an extremely terrifying speed, causing Qin Yu’s head to explode, causing tremendous pain.

“Really strong got medicinal power, my Divine Sense is a bit unbearable!”

Qin Yu lost his voice. His Divine Sense power is among the warriors. It can be considered formidable. It can at least reach the level of the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, but he can’t stand the impact of the medicinal power of these 2 Loulan demon flowers.

Divine Sense has two effects on the warrior. First, when the warrior breaks through, Divine Sense must reach a certain strength in advance, otherwise it will be delayed.

Second, the stronger the Divine Sense of the warrior, the stronger the perception of the surroundings, and the more sensitive the response when facing the enemy.

Moreover, according to Chi Rong and Cang Ao, the power of Divine Sense will involve condensing the Primordial Spirit in the future. Only those Divine Sense abnormally powerful existence can easily take the step of condensing the Primordial Spirit.

Qin Yu’s Divine Sense was rapidly enhanced under the medicinal power of these two Loulan monster flowers, but Qin Yu still couldn’t bear it, and then used his power to forcefully suppress these medicinal power.

Part of these medicinal power was refining by Qin Yu himself, and part of it was transported by Qin Yu into a black silhouette in Nimaru Palace.

The black silhouette looked like a giant dragon, covered with densely packed scales, wrapped in the depths of Qin Yu Niwan Palace, and could not feel the breath.

This Giant Black Dragon is exactly Dragon Soul!

When Qin Yu urged Emperor Artifact to face Moro, it was Dragon Soul who helped Qin Yu block Moro’s powerful blow, which prevented death.

However, Moro’s power was too strong. Even if it burned a huge amount of Spirit Stone stimulate Emperor Artifact to resist, Dragon Soul’s Divine Sense was over-consumed and fell into a deep sleep. Now there is no sign of awakening.

Qin Yu inputs the controlled medical power, little by little, into Dragon Soul’s body, and Dragon Soul releases faint black rays of light, which is rolled up and absorbed by the medicinal power.

However, after Dragon Soul had absorbed all the medicinal power, it was still motionless, there was no sign of awakening, which made Qin Yu’s heart sink.

The injury to Dragon Soul caused by Moruo’s blow was more terrifying than Qin Yu had imagined.

If there was no Dragon Soul’s next blow, if it were Qin Yu himself, it would be the soul flew away and scattered on the spot, completely dead.

Looking at Dragon Soul who was still sleeping, Qin Yu felt a little pain in his heart.

From the very beginning, Dragon Soul has accompanied him to this day. Although he occasionally sleeps, he will wake up soon, but this time is different.

“Dragon Soul, don’t worry, I must wake you up. On the path of my growth, I can’t live without you. In the future, when I stand at Peak, I can’t live without you.”

Qin Yu murmured in his heart: “My growth requires the witness of your Dragon Soul, and you need to lead the way!”

Although Dragon Soul calls Qin Yu the master, in fact two people are both teacher and friend, not at all, and Dragon Soul is Qin Yu’s first killing move.

What Dragon Soul absorbs is only to enhance the medicinal power of Divine Sense, because for Dragon Soul, powerful Divine Sense represents everything, after all, Dragon Soul has no real combat body.

These medicinal powers that enhance the cultivation base have been absorbed by Qin Yu, so Qin Yu’s Divine Sense has not only skyrocketed, but even the cultivation base has also increased, but it has not reached the level of the breakthrough 3 Heavenly Layer Peak that’s all.

“Divine Sense, the strength has been enhanced a lot, next, it should be moved towards deeper!” Qin Yu stood up and said.

After Chen Lu and the others divided the treasures, they all healed their injuries. Fortunately, although they were riddled with scars, they didn’t hurt their muscles and bones, and they quickly recovered their spirits.

After the healing, everyone began to move towards the depths of the double star ruins, hesitating to delay a lot of time here, they are now a lot behind.

Therefore, everyone did not continue to search for treasures on the periphery, but inserted straight into the interior. Fortunately, the danger on this road was almost eliminated by the warriors in front, and everyone did not encounter much trouble.

One day later, everyone finally walked into the core area of ​​the ancient land. Here, there are several huge palaces of incomparable height, floating there.

Qin Yu and the others came to the front of a palace, with 3 huge fonts painted on it-Xuan Pill Pavilion!

Looking at the mysterious Pill Pavilion, Qin Yu immediately understood that in this great hall, I was afraid that it was the place where the double Star Sect stored the medicine pill. Several people stepped into it immediately.

By the time a few people entered, the place was already overcrowded. Many people searched the secret rooms with smiles on their faces, which obviously benefited greatly.

“Young Sect Master, we seem to be a little late. The things here seem to have been divided up.” Chen Lu said with a ugly expression.

They had been delayed too long before, so they arrived here so late, didn’t expect the hands and feet of these people to be so fast.

Du Yuanguang also said with some gloomy face: “In this situation, we are afraid we can’t even get a hair!”

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