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Song Pavilion Lord was originally extremely dissatisfied with Huagu’s rash intrusion. Now Huagu is here with his VIP Qin Yu. Song Pavilion Lord will naturally not be polite to him and tolerate this behavior.

Although the strength of Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is not as good as Danfang, it is not difficult to block Huagu from entering the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. Moreover, Huagu’s behavior is extremely disrespectful to Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

Hua Gu’s brows sank slightly. He was also a little jealous of Song Pavilion Lord, the expert of 7 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Heavenly River Realm, so he could only stop at last.

“Qin Yu, count your good luck, there is Pavilion Lord Song to help you, but as long as you are on Heavenly Star Island, you can never escape the dead end.” Hua Gu threatened coldly and walked away.

For this threatening remark, Qin Yu is just sneaked, not at all taking seriously.

To be honest, in order to borrow Transmission Array, even if Huagu does not come to trouble with Qin Yu, Qin Yu will go to trouble with Huagu.

The full-scale conflict with Danfang is only a matter of time, so Qin Yu is not worried that Huagu will bring people to siege himself.

However, this scene fell in the eyes of Song Pavilion Lord, but it made Song Pavilion Lord’s expression extremely unnatural. He hurriedly said to Qin Yu: “Young Master Qin, this Hua Gu is backing by Dan Fang, very careful, you this Time offends him, but it’s not a good thing. After getting the things for a while, let’s leave here quickly.

The meaning in this sentence is naturally good for Qin Yu, but there are also concerns about getting into trouble. After all, the forces behind Qin Yu and Huagu are not easy to offend.

Qin Yu didn’t explain anything with Song Pavilion Lord, just a faint nodded and didn’t say a word.

After more than ten minutes, all the materials were gathered, and Qin Yu took the things directly out of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

However, Qin Yu not at all went back to the hotel. Now Huagu is still impossible to find the hotel. If he goes back hastily, it will bring trouble to Chen Lu and the others.

After leaving the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, Qin Yu continued to wander the market looking for treasure.

Sure enough, as Qin Yu had expected, after a short while, Hua Gu followed up, and not only was one person, but there were more than a dozen people.

Among them, in addition to Huagu, there are 2 warriors from the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage in the Tianhe realm, an old man from the 7 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe realm, and several other guards.

Looking at such a powerful lineup, Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, three Tianhe Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, plus one 7 Heavenly Layer Peak.

This lineup can’t be underestimated.

Especially the old man at 7 Heavenly Layer Peak in the river boundary that day gave Qin Yu a very dangerous feeling.

From this point of view, the strength of this Danfang is also strong enough. In just over ten minutes, didn’t expect Huagu gathered so many experts, which is terrifying.

After these people appeared, they immediately came to Qin Yu’s side, stopped Qin Yu, and the leader Huagu walked forward, smiled coldly at Qin Yu, and said: “Qin Yu, I said it, as long as it is On Heavenly Star Island, you can’t escape death.”

“Oh, you can kill me just like that, instead of all of you being killed here by me?” Qin Yu’s eyes flashed a killing intent.

“What? You killed us all here?”

One of the warriors said with a cold laugh: “It’s ridiculous. Our lineup is invincible enough in Heavenly Star Island. What do you use to kill me?”

“Yes, the youngster is really getting more and more outrageous now. I always think that he is an invincible existence and should be suppressed.” Another warrior of the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm said with disdain.

As for the martial artist of 7 Heavenly Layer Peak in the river realm that day, there was not much fluctuation, and his face always had an expression of disdain, standing beside him with his hands held up, his face was cold and arrogant.

Regarding the words of these 2 warriors of the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, Qin Yu just smiled coldly, not at all talking, this kind of garbage, Qin Yu can pick up at will.

“Two people, don’t inked with this kid. This kid’s bones are very hard. He must be crippled fiercely before he is willing to bow his head.”

Seeing that Qin Yu didn’t care about the threat of their group at all, a hideous look appeared on Hua Gu’s face.

It is not the first time that he has confronted Qin Yu. He knows Qin Yu’s temper and will not compromise at all, so he coldly shouted: “Two, let me do it.”

“Okay, then according to the meaning of Hua Gu’s guardian, I will beat this kid to a disability!”

As Huagu’s voice fell, the two warriors from the 2 Heavenly Layer of the Tianhe Realm gave a grinning smile, and the Spiritual Qi within the body surged out quickly, bursting out, extremely powerful and terrifying.

These two people are all the old powerhouses of the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Their strength is not weaker than Sun Qi, and even higher than Huagu’s level. They are extremely old and hot. Therefore, they are extremely shocked when they shoot.

Naturally, Hua Gu did not sit idle. It was also to instigate the cultivation base, one after another vigorous force floated out slowly, quite terrifying and terrifying.

For Qin Yu, Hua Gu didn’t dare to underestimate it. Just now in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, Qin Yu made seven real punches with one move, but it left him some psychological shadows and made him afraid to face it alone.

But now that the three of them shot together, Hua Gu’s courage has grown a lot, thinking that in this way, 3 will be foolproof, Qin Yu can’t escape, and what he wants, must get it!

“You surrounded this kid and besieged this kid, and I and the two Elders got started.” Huagu ordered.

The guards of more than a dozen Danfang around that all moved in unison, each showing a big blade, and the aggressive besieged Qin Yu in it.

After waiting for Dao 10000 and everything was ready, Hua Gu was relieved, and his silhouette flashed out suddenly, with a grinning smile on his face, he was the first to move towards Qin Yu and kill him.

Seeing Hua Gu’s move, the other two Tianhe Realm 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage elders were also killed together. The three obviously cooperated many times. When they shot, they went forward together with the momentum of squatting, without giving Qin Yu any chance to fight back. .

“Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art!”

In the face of the attack of 3 people, Qin Yu coldly shouted and Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art was completely urged. On the surface of the body, a black halo was flowing, giving people a thick and incomparable breath.

Immediately, Qin Yu’s silhouette flashed quickly, directly avoiding the attack of Hua Gu and one person, and then fisted fiercely moved towards one of the warriors of the Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm.

Since the opponent is besieging, it kills the mind to kill, Qin Yu naturally not to be outdone, so this fist not only carries the power of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, but also carries 7 real punches and terror waves. .


This fist and its confrontation, the force of horror blasted out wave after wave, this old man didn’t expect Qin Yu to be so strong at all, his face changed completely.

Before the old man could move and evade, on top of Qin Yu’s 7 real punches, 7 power fluctuations all waved out. The old man burst open on the spot, his arms and people turned into blood mist.

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