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With a dull sound bursting open, an incomparably majestic rain of blood poured down from the sky, and the air was suddenly filled with an extremely strong irritating smell of blood.

The old man who confronted Qin Yu directly disappeared from everyone’s eyes, leaving only a storage bag, which fell out of the air.

Qin Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the storage bag fell into Qin Yu’s hands. Qin Yu unceremoniously put it in his pocket, and then stood there with a cold face.

Brush, shua!

For this scene, Qin Yu was not surprised. However, the silhouette of all around was completely shocked, and even Hua Gu was stunned on the spot.

Hua Gu’s expression sank slightly, and there was a very strong look of shock in the depths of his eyes, which felt a little weird!

You must know the battle strength of this old man, but it is not weaker than him, and now he was bombarded with a punch by Qin Yu.

In other words, Qin Yu’s battle strength is far above him, which reminded Hua Gu about the battle with Qin Yu in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion more than ten minutes ago, and a cold sweat was shocked behind him.

According to Qin Yu’s current battle strength, if Qin Yu killed him in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, he would have died on the spot and he would have been beaten into blood mist by Qin Yu.

“How is it possible, how could he have such a powerful force?” Hua Gu lost his voice in amazement, his face full of incredibility.

Although I know Qin Yu’s battle strength out of the ordinary, but only a few days after leaving the double star ruins, Qin Yu’s battle strength has risen to a level compared with the double star ruins, which is incredible.

“Hmph, Hua Gu, you are deliberately trying to kill me, have you ever thought of what will happen today?”

Qin Yu coldly snorted, sarcastically said: “You are just a Stinking Insect in front of me. I can trample on your Stinking Insect anytime now.”

If Hua Gu didn’t catch up, Qin Yu wouldn’t bother to worry about Hua Gu’s affairs. Now Hua Gu not only caught up with him, but also brought a lot of experts to pursue Qin Yu.

In this way, Qin Yu no longer has any reason to leave Huagu, and this dog must be wiped out here today, regardless of whether he is from Danfang or Heavenly King I, your father.

Immediately, Qin Yu’s silhouette suddenly moved, and Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art added 7 Dangzhen punches to strike again, approaching Huagu, and a punch moved towards Huagu to kill.

Hua Gu knew that he was not Qin Yu’s opponent, so his face changed drastically. He hurriedly moved towards the expert at 7 Heavenly Layer Peak next to the Tianhe Realm and asked for help: “Vice owner, save me!”

The middle-aged martial artist of 7 Heavenly Layer Peak is no one else. He is one of Danfang’s deputy owners, named Zhang Leng. It is also a famous existence on the entire Heavenly Star Island.

Qin Yu just punched and killed a Danfang Elder, which made Zhang Leng’s pupil light also appear a touch of emotion, but it was more of an angry one.

Danfang, as a unique and powerful force on Heavenly Star Island, has great strength, and these Elders are the mainstay, and death is a great loss.

Besides, Qin Yu was killed in front of him as the deputy owner of Danfang, which made him feel dull and extremely angry.

Now seeing that Qin Yu wants to attack Huagu, Zhang Leng can’t sit still completely, and a shocking coercion erupts from the whole person. The moved towards space of fiercely is grabbed and moved towards Qin Yu. .

“Evil creature, dare you try to kill him.” Zhang Leng coldly shouted.


Zhang Leng’s big hand collided with Qin Yu’s 7 Dangzhen Fist, and the terrifying power formed ripples of destruction, swept outwards, and a lot of surrounding sand and gravel turned into powder.

The silhouettes of the two men froze slightly under the blow, and then each stopped, with indifference on their faces, regardless of the outcome.

Hua Gu, who was on the side, had already retreated behind Zhang Leng, watching Qin Yu and Zhang Leng make a move, his eyes were full of deep look of shock.

“This guy, he was really terrifying with Deputy Chief Zhang Leng. What kind of monster is he?” Hua Gu went completely crazy, his scalp numb.

Zhang Leng is an expert of 7 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe Realm. I don’t know how many times his strength exceeds 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage. However, he only stopped Qin Yu, not at all, killed Qin Yu.

From the perspective of this talent, Qin Yu is now a monster-level existence, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to stop Zhang Leng’s attack.

Zhang Leng’s expression is also somewhat unnatural. With his strength, apart from several other deputy owners and owners of Danfang, no one in Heavenly Star Island is his opponent.

But now, one has reappeared.

Moreover, the person who received his attack in front of him was still a young man less than 20 years old, which really shocked him.

Qin Yu looked at Zhang Leng’s sullen face and frowned slightly, “Do you want to protect Hua Gu? But do you think this is possible, Hua Gu, I must kill today.”

“impudent !”

Zhang Leng furiously shouted and said ferociously: “What kind of thing you dare to boast shamelessly, threatening to kill me Danfang’s guardian in front of this Eminence.”

Huagu’s strength is not weak, and the innate talent is amazing. Danfang has spent countless resources to cultivate Huagu. To enhance Danfang’s overall strength, impossible is to be killed.

Moreover, if Hua Gu was killed by Qin Yu in front of him, the deputy owner, his face would be quite dull, and others would spurn it.

“The deputy owner is right, you are what you are, and you dare to threaten to kill me, to see how the deputy owner cleans up your dog stuff.” Hua Gu also yelled.

Although Qin Yu’s battle strength is very strong, there is Zhang Leng here, so you don’t have to be afraid of Qin Yu at all, and there are so many of them here, Qin Yu can’t escape.

“Dare to offend our Danfang, it’s totally courting death, and now we are still in front of our deputy owner to say this boast shamelessly, it should be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.”

“Yes, even if the heavenly king I, your father comes, and offends us Danfang, they die without a burial site, and you Qin Yu are the same.”

“It’s ridiculous, we are all surrounded by us, and even said such ridiculous things!”

The other people in Danfang were also speaking out at this moment, their eyes were full of look of ridicule and hideous killing intent, thinking that what Qin Yu said was really ridiculous.

In their opinion, Qin Yu’s request was not only excessive, but also challenged their Danfang’s dignity, and Qin Yu should be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, without giving Qin Yu any chance to survive.

“Putting it that way, you don’t let it, or that’s okay, then I will clean up your Danfang. Danfang has dominated Heavenly Star Island for so many years, and someone should teach you a lesson.” Qin Yu said coldly. Also completely moved the killing intent.

Danfang relies on being above his own territory, empty and arrogant. Qin Yu has changed these vices of Danfang today. People in Danfang know that there is always someone stronger.

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