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The huge 7 silhouette of the sea monster was blocked in front of the warship, with black hair flashing up and down all over the body, contorts one’s face in agony, facing quite fierce and cruel.

Especially the pair of extremely huge fangs, revealing the cold light, as if anything can be torn apart as long as it is placed under it.

Moreover, the strength of this sea monster is in the 9th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and the power emanating from it is extremely terrifying. Many people are afraid that they will be overwhelmed when they see this guy.

It’s just that the strength of the 9th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm is nothing in front of Qin Yu, it can be completely wiped out, so Qin Yu does not have the slightest tension or fear.

It is worth mentioning that this sea monster is extremely sensitive to demonic energy. On weekdays, he also improves his strength by devouring various heavenly material and earthly treasure that contains demonic energy.

I want to feel the fluctuation of the powerful demonic energy released by Qin Yu, so this sea monster was attracted to him, and regarded Qin Yu as a heavenly material earthly treasure containing the majestic demonic energy.


The sea monster stared at the demonic energy on Qin Yu, showing a very greedy expression.

The wild beast’s fierce cheeks suddenly became extremely ferocious, and the arms moved fiercely, moving towards Qin Yu quickly grabbed them.

The way it grabs Qin Yu is like grabbing an ant, trying to grab Qin Yu, then stuff it into the mouth, chewing Qin Yu’s bones.

“Crazy Demon Art!”

Facing the powerful power of the sea monster, Qin Yu smiled slowly. The crazy Demon Art of the great accomplishment realm was suddenly activated, and the monstrous demonic energy exploded in his hand, and fiercely’s punch strikes went up.


This fist shot quickly. Before the sea monster’s fist peak fell, the black light from the condense above the fist peak suddenly shot out, directly piercing the sea monster’s heart.

One punch to kill!

“After the crazy Demon Art Great Accomplishment, the terrifying power brought by it was so powerful that this guy was solved with one punch.”

Qin Yu said with a smile, very satisfied with the formidable power of Crazy Demon Art, and he has not exploded with all his strength!

You know, sea monster is notoriously powerful.

Generally, the warriors of the same realm face the sea monster and they can only retreat in horror, otherwise they can only become food in their mouths and be chewed to pieces.

After the sea monster was wiped out, Qin Yu put his body away. The demon core and body of this guy are the best supplements for Qin Yu.

After tidying up the battlefield a bit, Qin Yu continued to drive the boat forward, and among them, Qin Yu also a sword floating in the snow, and Aomei Winter cultivated to the realm of Great Accomplishment.

In addition, Qin Yu’s Sword Intent has also been enhanced, and it has now reached the level of 9-Layer 9 in the Fourth Stage world. With only 1% short of it, you can Perfection and enter the Fifth Stage world of Sword Intent.

Apart from this, Ghost Prison Cage and Big Devil Tiger Fist are also cultivated to the realm of Great Accomplishment by Qin Yu.

These two cultivation arts are also extremely powerful. The realm has also swallowed the sea monster’s demon core and soul, and has become the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm.

On the Black Demon Sea, Qin Yu approached the Celestial Continent after a full month of advancement. Among them, Qin Yu also encountered some powerful Sea Beasts, but they were all obliterated by Qin Yu.

“Sky Cang Sect!”

On the day, Qin Yu stood on the battleship, looking at the mountain range in the distance, where is the site of the Tiancang Sect, but now it has become a ruin.

The mountain in front of me was the mountain range where Qin Yu was just entered when the new discipline lived. This is next to the Black Demon Sea. When Qin Yu left, he also left here.

Looking at the mountain range in the distance, Qin Yu couldn’t help but feel heavy. He wanted to rank with Five Great Influences and might shaking the entire sect of the Celestial Continent, but now it has become a ruin.

After putting away the warship, Qin Yu set foot on the mountain range where the new discipline lived.

The bright red blood dyes the positive mountain range into a blood red color. Even after a few months have passed, I can still smell the extremely strong blood-reeking qi.

On the ground, there are decayed corpses everywhere, some of which can still be recognized, while others are too long to recognize their appearance.

Some of these people are Qin Yu’s same sect, and even some Qin Yu is very familiar with them, but they died here a few months ago, and they have completely lost their vitality.

The smell of rotting corpses and the strong smell of blood-reeking qi strongly stimulated Qin Yu’s atrium, causing Qin Yu’s eyes to gradually become gloomy.

Up to now, Qin Yu can still recall the Beast Palace, Heavenly Dragon Empire, Heaven Origin Sect, Snow Moon Sect forced to come to the door, and the scene of the killing here is vivid and clear!

Thinking of this, Qin Yu’s eyes became extremely deep, and even some bloodshots were filled, and his breath became unreasonably sharp.

“Beast Palace, will be destroyed sooner or later, Heavenly Dragon Empire, Heaven Origin Sect, Snow Moon Sect, all have to pay the price, blood feud must be paid back with blood.”

Qin Yu just clenched his fist, his nails dived into the flesh and blood of his palm, and his eyes were filled with murderous intention.

After a long time, Qin Yu calmed down and slowly moved towards the Inner Sect of Celestial Sect to see if he could find some useful clues.

And this world is not just Qin Yu alone. In the positive mountain range, there are a lot of silhouettes, shuttled back and forth in it, seeming to be looking for something.

Some of these silhouettes are the disciplines of the Great Family, and some are the disciplines of some small forces.

They shuttled on top of the mountain, moving some corpses from time to time, looking for valuable treasures from the corpses.

“These dog things, taking this place as a place, come to search for treasure on the corpse.”

Looking at the many silhouettes on this mountain, Qin Yu’s murderous intention, which had calmed down, surged again, and his body released a strong baleful qi, which suddenly became terrifying.

Especially one of the old men is even more hateful!

This person writhed on the corpse for a long time, did not find any valuable treasure, his face suddenly became ugly and hideous, flustered and exasperated, fly into a rage out of humiliation.

“This is a group of trash. I don’t even have half a valuable thing on my body. I deserve to die here and be extinguished!”

The old man angrily said, and fiercely stepped on the rotting corpse, stepped on 2 feet to vent his anger, and constantly cursed the Heavenly Clan Sect.

And this scene fell in Qin Yu’s eyes and completely angered Qin Yu, causing the suppressed anger in Qin Yu’s heart to erupt all at once, like a volcano bursting out of control.

The old man seemed to feel the intense anger on Qin Yu’s body, and couldn’t help turning his head. Sneered said, “Why, you didn’t find treasure here. You are a little upset!”

Since the Tiancang Sect was destroyed, everybody here has come to hunt for treasures, and all the corpses have been searched for several times. How could it be so easy to find treasure.

“You should have more patience. Maybe you can find some missing treasures. When the time comes, you will get rich.” The old man calmed his unhappiness on his face, said with a smile, and seemed to point Qin Yu. .

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