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Facing the old man’s “pointing”, Qin Yu grinned, did not say much, his expression remained cold and merciless.

Immediately, Qin Yu stepped and moved towards the old man directly, and the killing intent, which was sharp, erupted like a volcano as Qin Yu stepped out.

The terrifying breath enveloped the old man, the old man’s expression changed, and finally felt something wrong with Qin Yu.

Qin Yu obviously wanted to kill him, not because he was angry because he couldn’t find treasure, and the powerful killing intent he released was too terrifying.

“Why, you are a warrior of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and you still want to murder to seize the treasures. Then the old man tells you that you have chosen the wrong object. The old man is an expert of the 8 Heavenly Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm.” The old man said with a cold laugh, full of confidence.

However, before his voice completely fell, Qin Yu’s silhouette suddenly turned into a cold glow, fell in front of him, and moved towards his heart violently.

“So fast!”

Seeing Qin Yu’s terrifying speed, the old man’s heart tightened, and the complexion greatly changed. Didn’t expect Qin Yu, a warrior of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of Tianhe Realm, to burst out with such terrifying speed.


At the next moment, Qin Yu punched, and the peak of the fist pierced the old man’s heart straightly, piercing the old man’s chest, obliterating, and the body fell to the ground.

What is the 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in Tianhe Realm, below Wheel Sea Realm, Qin Yu all kill without mercy!

The terrifying sound of explosive sound came, and immediately attracted the warriors with a radius of 1000 meters. The eyes of countless warriors moved towards the old man’s view, but when he saw the old man killed, a touch of surprised and angry appeared in his eyes.

In their opinion, this is the Heavenly Clan Sect, a land of no owner, anyone can pick up treasures here, why does Qin Yu rely on his own strength to murder to seize the treasures here?

“Listen, everyone, give you ten breaths, disappear in front of me, and then exit the Heavenly Sect. There is only one chance, otherwise, you will all be buried here,”

Qin Yu is not at all to pick up the storage bag of the old man, but to run the cultivation base, and a roar erupted. The terrifying sound wave spread through the entire Inner Sect, making countless people discolored.

Countless line of sight Qiqi moved towards Qin Yu. From this point of view, the expression is extremely bad, and even many people have a touch of anger. Why should Qin Yu drive them secretly thought?

“Your Excellency, this is the site of the Heavenly Cang Sect. It is a land of no owner. Even Four Great Influences will not prevent us from hunting treasures here. Why do you let us withdraw?”

“Yes, since it’s an unowned thing, then search for treasure entirely by personal luck. You are so overbearing and very ruthless, aren’t you afraid of attracting our siege?”

“Even if you are powerful, you can’t stop the siege of so many of us. When we kill you, we must also pick up your treasure.”

The sound of surprised and angry, like the waves, continued to come, and the number of people was still increasing rapidly, all moved towards the gathering here, it seemed that they planned to fight against Qin Yu.

“Hehe, Four Great Influences is a shit, what they dare not do, does not mean that Qin Yu dare not do it.” Qin Yu sneered, the killing intent surged violently.

Four Great Influences are not members of Tiancang Sect, but enemies of Tiancang Sect. They are naturally happy to see the humiliation of Tiancang Sect, but Qin Yu is not happy.

Qin Yu was born as a member of Tiancang Sect, and when he died, it was also the dead soul of Tiancang Sect.

If you want to pick up the treasure from Qin Yu, I’m afraid they don’t have the qualifications and strength!

“Damn it, not only insulting the people of Four Great Influences, but also wanting to eat alone here, we all take action, besieged him, and see if he dares to be arrogant.”

“Yes, although his strength is strong, he can’t stop the siege of so many of us. Let’s kill him together.”

Qin Yu’s words obviously aroused public anger. The powerhouse, which has assembled more than 100 people, moved towards Qin Yu, all of them filled with outrage, and wanted to besiege Qin Yu.

“act recklessly !”

Seeing that this powerhouse of nearly 100 people wanted to besiege him, Qin Yu’s eyes shrank fiercely and asked: “Chi Rong, how is the army of corpses?”

“After a month of restoration and ritual training, they are currently in the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and in a few days, I can reach the 9th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and I am in the army of corpses. The yin and yang assassinate the big formation.” Chi Rong hurriedly replied.

“Tianhe Realm 9th Layer Initial Stage? That is enough to kill these dogs.”

When Qin Yu Divine Sense moved, all the corpse puppets and Asura puppets turned into one after another terrifying silhouette, all flashed in front of Qin Yu.

Hey, hey, dong!

When everyone was bullied to within the range of Qin Yu ten meters, a full 35 terrifying aura suddenly broke out, forming an extremely terrifying and powerful force.

In an instant, everyone’s hearts trembled together, like a big mountain, suppressed on everyone.


“He actually owns the corpse puppets, and he still has 35 puppets, all of which are the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Good terrifying!

“Rewind, we are not the opponents of these corpse puppets at all!”

Looking at the corpse puppets flashing incomparably cold rays of light under the scorching sun, everyone’s expressions completely changed, and they were extremely frightened.

Each puppet has reached the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Such a cultivation base, even if it is placed in a certain family, can become another powerhouse at the Old Ancestor Level.

But now, Qin Yu actually has 35!

Terrifying !

It’s really terrifying!

“I gave you a chance just now, but you don’t want it. Now, no one can leave here. Since you like to search for treasures on other people’s corpses and insult others, then you should become corpses now, between this Heaven and Earth , There is no shortage of dead souls!”

Qin Yu’s indifferent voice, like a sharp edge, pierced into the hearts of everyone, making everyone flew away and scattered.

Hey, hey, dong!

Just as Qin Yu’s voice fell, 35 puppets shot out from all directions, forming an encirclement, enclosing everyone here.

Immediately, 35 puppets moved towards the center and stepped on slowly. Every time they saw a person, they killed one person. In just 2 breaths, they killed more than 60 people.

“Stop it, stop it, we don’t need these treasures, all for you, don’t kill us, we will leave the Heavenly Sect and never dare to come again.”

Killed the blockbuster in an instant, and the few remaining people were all horrified. They moved towards Qin Yu in horror and begged for mercy, but Qin Yu didn’t pay any attention at all.

35 The moved towards the center of the puppet fiercely was oppressed. Suddenly, all the remaining crowd died here, all killed by Qin Yu.

Blood flowing into a river!

After the killing, Qin Yu not at all picked up the storage bag from this person, but Divine Sense moved, 35 puppets moved towards the entire Heavenly Sect rushed out.

Today, Qin Yu is going to kill, 5 steps to kill, 1 steps to kill!

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