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When the time is right, he will sprinkle this demon grass on Qin Yu, when the time comes Qin Yu will be besieged by Demon Beast and die.

At this point, in Mo Long’s mind, it seemed that he could have imagined the tragic scene of tragic death and being swallowed by Demon Beast, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but an arc, and a faint arrogant color hung on his face.

With disdainful eyes, Molong looked towards Qin Yu who was fighting in the monster tide. Although these Demon Beasts kept besieging Qin Yu, it was a pity that there was no Demon Beast from 1 Heavenly Layer Peak Realm who could not stop Qin Yu. Footsteps.

The Willow Killing Sword in Qin Yu’s hand, like the sickle of Death God, killed many Demon Beasts, and finally rushed directly to the place where the monster tide was 1000 meters, and came to the place where the Beast King was.

This beast king, shaped like a crocodile, has two fangs protruding upward from the lower jaw of his lips. It is about 2 cm long, like two sharp Broken Swords, which emit one after another cold glow.

Its tall body is 3 meters high and more than ten meters long, crawling on the ground, almost no less than a hill.

Qin Yu stood in front of him, like a newborn baby, unremarkable, but the huge imposing manner on his body was not weaker than this Beastmaster.

“This guy is far from ancient blood.”

Qin Yu looked at the huge Demon Beast in front of him, and a surprised look flashed in his eyes.

Far from ancient blood, this thing, within the body, has a strange Bloodline, which has survived since ancient times, and it is extremely rare. It is unexpected to see it here, but it is the existence of the beast King level.

The pair of eyes far from ancient blood were extremely scarlet, like two rubies, their gleaming, indifferent and sharp eyes fell on Qin Yu, as if looking at a clown.


After seeing Qin Yu from far ancient blood, he did not at all back, but opened his blood mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, one after another amazing power, radiating from the far ancient blood, the waves of terror, let The scalp is numb.

Even after 1000 meter away, everyone in the crowd could feel the astonishing fluctuations that erupted from the ancient blood, making everyone’s eyes fiercely shrinking.

“What a horrible Demon Beast, this aura is so strong, it makes people tremble.”

“Yeah, under this volatility, even if it is the same realm’s expert, I am afraid that my scalp will be numb, so stay away from it, but Qin Yu took the initiative to kill the past, which makes people confused.”

“Qin Yu’s battle strength is indeed strong. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can be comparable to the expert of 1 Heavenly Layer Peak in the spring realm, but facing such a fierce and far ancient blood, I am afraid it will be cold.”

Everyone talked and felt sorry for Qin Yu.

The reason why Qin Yu reached 1000 meters was to solve the Beastmaster and stop the monster tide. Unfortunately, it still seemed too small in front of the ancient blood.


In the horrified eyes of everyone, the ancient blood suddenly raised its front paws, fiercely’s moved towards Qin Yu was pressed down, and the terrifying force broke the air.

Huge minions covered the sky and sun, and the terrifying wind fell on Qin Yu’s head, causing Qin Yu’s black hair to dance wildly.

At the moment when everyone thought that Qin Yu was about to be shot to death, endless black light burst out of Qin Yu’s body, and Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art urged to the extreme, a fiercely flick of his arm, an 8-pole pattern, a violent bombardment. Out.


The 8-pole pattern formed a sky curtain, colliding with the giant claw of the ancient blood jaw, a terrifying wave of air erupted from the place where the two clashed and swept all around.

After this terrifying air wave passed, the numerous Demon Beasts gathered around the ancient blood jaw were affected, and the media burst and turned into waves of blood mist.

And the seemingly fierce minions were stubbornly resisted by Qin Yu’s fist peak in the air, and could not fall anymore.


Yuan ancient blood E Jian was blocked by Qin Yu, a burst of hostility flashed through his scarlet eyes, he pulled out his front paws and pressed it suddenly, while opening his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, Showing sharp fangs.

An extremely strong fishy smell spurted from its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, fiercely biting off.

The two fangs of the lower jaw were even sharper and colder, aiming at Qin Yu’s vital position, trying to give Qin Yu a fatal blow.

“Master, be careful, this guy is offended.” Dragon Soul hurriedly reminded.

Qin Yu’s eyes sank, Liu Shajian fiercely’s assassination came out, the endless sword glow, condensed into an unrolled bolt of white silk force, collided with those 2 sharp fangs, and this resolved the huge crisis.

Qin Yu looked down. On his right hand, the tiger’s mouth had been split. One after another, the red blood flowed out and flowed down Liu Shajian.

“The attack power of this evil creature really strong is really hard to deal with.” Qin Yu said with a slightly solemn expression.

With a punch, Qin Yu was afraid that he could kill any Demon Beast of 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage in the spring, but facing the ancient blood of 1 Heavenly Layer Peak in this spring, it was still a bit difficult.

In this situation, Qin Yu is confident that he can kill the ancient blood in front of him, but it is definitely not possible to do so in a short while.

But in the middle of the monster tide, for a long time, when the Spiritual Qi is almost consumed, or when it is exhausted, then there will be a huge danger.

Moreover, Mo Long and Li Kai look at Qin Yu glare like a tiger watching his prey with a sinister pupil light. If Qin Yu is exhausted, these two people will definitely hit a person when he’s down.

Thinking of this, Qin Yu no longer hesitated, Liu Shajian waved, a shocking sword power slowly revealed from Liu Shajian, accompanied by a majestic and terrifying Sword Intent.

“Sword Intent, this is Third Realm, Sword Intent free Sword Intent, and has almost reached the point of 55%.”

After feeling the shocking Sword Intent, everyone held breath cold air. This huge Sword Intent had never been seen before.

Even Mo Long’s eyes tightened.

A few days ago, Qin Yu also used this powerful Sword Intent on him, and under 3 swords, he was seriously injured, so that he had no strength to fight back.

Had it not been for Qin Yu’s staring at the Red Wolf tribe, he had fought the Red Wolf tribe to exterminate the tribe, and hadn’t had the time to take care of him, he would have been killed by Qin Yu early.

However, after Qin Yu’s Sword Intent reached 55%, not at all stopped, but continued to climb upwards, quickly reaching 50% 6 and 50% 7 strong.

In order to quickly kill the ancient blood of the Beast King in front of him, the potential of Qin Yu within the body was squeezed out by Qin Yu fiercely, and finally the Sword Intent was fully increased to 60% of the strength.

“Brother Qin actually raised the Sword Intent to 60% in the realm of life and death, how is this possible?” Lin Hen said in surprise.

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