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When facing a powerful opponent, the mentality of ordinary people has long collapsed. However, at this time, Qin Yu was able to forcibly increase the Sword Intent from 55% to 60%. This is just like a fantasy story. Lin Hen has never seen it before.

“Young Master Qin Martial Dao Will is firm and Mount Tai collapsed without changing his face. It is reasonable to be able to do this.” Liu Shuanghan smiled lightly and explained.

Along the way, he has seen Qin Yu’s various domineering and creative miracles, so Liu Shuanghan didn’t have much surprise for this scene, because she was used to it.

However, this scene fell in the eyes of Mo Long and Li Kai, but it caused both of them to have a touch of jealousy and hatred at the same time, because this was a scene that the two of them did not want to see.

“We didn’t expect this little bastard, but this opportunity is unexpected. It seems that we must do it early.” Molong said complexion is gloomy.

Originally, according to his plan, when the monster tide receded, he would act on Qin Yu again, only to attract a part of Demon Beast to besieged Qin Yu, and he shot aside to plot Qin Yu.

But Qin Yu’s Sword Intent, nowadays, is growing rapidly, so that Mo Long has dispelled this idea in his heart and desperately wants to kill Qin Yu.

“It is indeed dangerous for us to do it now, but if this companion monster grass can attract other beast kings to Qin Yu, he will definitely die, and he can’t even keep the bones. What do you want to do? Think about it.” Li Kai lightly saying.

Hearing that Li Kai did not object to his intention to do it now, Mo Long grinned and said: “Don’t think about it, just do it now. I can’t wait to see his tragic end torn by Demon Beast, as it is dangerous. One point? Hehe, if we join forces, nothing will happen, and other people, we don’t care about their lives.”

It can be said that all the people here are their opponents, and it is also a matter of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune to watch the opponent die, but the methods he uses are a bit more vicious.

After speaking, Molong took out the yellow powder ground from the demon grass, and took out a long bow in his hand, tied the powder of the demon grass to the monitor body, with a sinister smile on his mouth.

“Qin Yu, this time, I want you to never have a chance to turn over.” Mo dragon’s mouth whispered, and the bow and arrow in his hand suddenly shot out.

At this time, Qin Yu was far away from 1000 meters, and did not hear much of the conversation between the two people. At this moment, after he raised the Sword Intent to 2%, he gathered into a sword glow unrolled bolt of white silk, fiercely moved towards far ancient blood Jaw’s neck was cut off.

The moment that bright sword glow rose, it cut through the entire night, dazzlingly dazzling, and finally fell accurately and unmistakably on the body of the ancient blood, a stream of majestic blood energy, like a spring, gushing out. Came out.


The ancient blood jaw fell without warning, and his head rolled onto the ground.

After the ancient blood E, the king of beasts, was killed, the surrounding Demon Beast immediately lost control, each and everyone lost one’s head out of fear, and wanted to retreat from Qin Yu, and finally fled hurriedly.

“What, Yuan Ancient Blood E was killed with a single sword, tsk tsk, worthy of being a 60% Sword Intent free Sword Intent, it is so powerful.”

“Hahaha, have you seen that, after losing the control of the ancient blood, the Demon Beast over there has panicked, thinking that this monster wave will end soon.”

“Qin Yu rushed into the monster tide with one person’s power, and also cut down the ancient blood E Beast King. Such a powerful battle strength is worthy of admiration.”

After seeing Qin Yu beheading the ancient blood, everyone smiled. Although this was not enough to completely disperse the monster tide, the pressure could be easier.

Having lost the control of the beast king, the ancient blood E, the Demon Beast in this area has also converged a lot, unlike the previous rampage, fierce and unafraid of death.

After Qin Yu killed the ancient blood E, he also killed a few Demon Beasts in the 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Earthquan. After pushing back most of the Demon Beasts, he began to clear the battlefield.

When Qin Yu took out the red demon core from within the body of the ancient blood, everyone’s eyes were startled and they were very envious.


At this time, a splitting the air sound cut through the space and shot at Qin Yu. Qin Yu only felt a chill behind his back, a life-and-death crisis suspended his heart, and hurriedly waved Liu Shajian to resist.


The arrow shot on Liu Shajian, and the one with no difficulty was blocked by Liu Shajian.

But at the same time, the porcelain bottle tied to it burst open, and the sky full of yellow powder swayed all over Qin Yu.

“This is the powder with the demon grass!” Qin Yu pulled out the corner of his mouth violently, and said silently.

When he went to Liu Family before, he was framed once with the companion monster grass, so he recognized at first sight that the yellow powder was from the companion monster grass.


Qin Yu suddenly raised his head, and in his angry eyes, endless anger emerged, the killing intent spread all over the sky, staring at Molong firmly.

Among the entire crowd, only Mo Long could do such a thing.

“Hehe, your knowledge is not superficial, you can recognize that this is the powder with the demon grass, then you should know his effect.” Mo Long snered.

Qin Yu’s face was black and blue, and he was used to plot against the demon grass powder. Now how could he not know the effect that the demon grass can make Demon Beast furious.

And the surrounding Demon Beast, who was in a panic, was all irritated at this moment due to the demon grass. His eyes were scarlet staring at Qin Yu, contorts one’s face in agony, extremely fierce.

Not only around Qin Yu, but even the monster tide in the distance was also affected by the companion monster grass, stopped attacking the crowd, but looked towards Qin Yu, each and everyone roared.

Especially in the monster tide, there are still 5 abnormally terrifying, powerful beast kings like the ancient blood. At this moment, they also cast their eyes on Qin Yu.

This scene shocked countless people. Under this situation, Qin Yu was afraid that he would face the impact of the entire monster wave, and he couldn’t imagine it.

“Molong, what did you scumbag do?”

After seeing this situation, Lin Hendang turned into a fusion and shouted at Molong, his eyes filled with anger.

People who can kill here are almost not good crops, and they have a lot of knowledge. Lin Hen, as a well-known figure in it, naturally knows the power of the companion monster grass, and the current surprise and angry are mixed.

“Hehe, what are you doing?”

Molong skin smiled and said without a smile: “You have also seen it. I don’t know when this monster wave’s attack will stop, so for the sake of everyone, I have sprinkled some monster grass for Qin Yu. Anyway, Qin Yu’s strength is so strong, he doesn’t care about facing the whole monster wave.”

If he had known that this companion demon grass would attract the entire demon wave, he would have taken action long ago, and would not have to wait until now.

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