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“Sun Heng, I know your Golden Skulls are indeed powerful, but don’t do too much.” Zhou Tong coldly said, unbearable, his face filled with anger.

“Oh? Look at you, you really want to protect the little bastard next to you, ok, ok, then don’t blame our Golden Skull clan for not giving you face, Zhou Tong, do it, I will directly suppress you Great Zhou Dynasty, and let all of you from Great Zhou Dynasty kneel down.”

Sun Heng said with contempt, tapped his toes lightly, and stepped forward. The powerful cultivation base of 2 Heavenly Layer in the Spring Realm was released crazily, and the Spiritual Qi all over his body was boiling and extremely powerful.

Although Zhou Tong’s strength is not weak, in front of him, it is estimated that it is still a bit worse.

After all, Zhou Tong is only the realm of the 2nd Layer Peak of the Earth Spring, and he has already shown signs of breaking through the 2nd Layer Peak of the Earth Spring, equivalent to stepping into the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage with one foot.

In the face of such a power gap, Sun Heng didn’t have to look at Zhou Tong at all, and he didn’t believe that even if he was defeated, Zhou Tong really dare to take them to Great Zhou Dynasty.

“Well, if I defeat you, then today’s things will be wiped out.” Zhou Tong said, and walked out of the crowd, bursting out a powerful cultivation base.


The two people shot out at the same time, and violently collided together. On the peak of their fists, huge power burst out, fiercely moved towards the opponent’s strikes.

Sun Heng watched Zhou Tong’s fist peak rushing towards him, and smiled contemptuously. Above his fist peak, a trace of weird golden light was revealed, forming a bonus force, and it hit Zhou Tong’s fist peak.

Hey, hey!

2 After the violent collision of the fists, a circle of powerful energy fluctuations formed around. When it spread to all around, all the gravel on the ground cracked and turned into dust.

However, in the confrontation at this time, Zhou Tong’s strength was obviously insufficient, not as good as Sun Heng, so he was forced to step back 3 steps, slightly embarrassed.

On the contrary, Sun Heng, with a calm face, took a lot of advantage in the confrontation and caused Zhou Tong’s arm to suffer some minor injuries.

Although it is the realm of the 2nd Layer Peak, the two people are obviously not above the same level, and Zhou Tong appears to be a lot weaker.

“Zhou Tong, you are not my opponent at all. If you are acquainted, just get out of my sight obediently, otherwise you won’t have time to regret it after I really suppress you for a while.” Sun Heng snered and said triumphantly.

After Zhou Tong was defeated, he ordered everyone in Great Zhou Dynasty to be suppressed. When the time comes, let them all kneel here. The scene was probably quite shocking.

At that time, the face of Great Zhou Dynasty will be completely lost.

Zhou Tong naturally knew the result in his heart, but Qin Yu had a life-saving grace for him, and he would have no face if he didn’t fight.

Zhou Tong felt more guilty than the whole clan kneeling here, knowing that he did not report.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tong’s eyes became firmer, his hands suddenly moved, violently urging Spiritual Qi, and two huge golden stamp pads appeared in the sky.

The golden stamp pad was extremely bright, and the air was pressed into bursts one after another, as if the entire sky would be crushed by these two golden stamp pads.


After the formation of the two stamp pads, Zhou Tong gritted his teeth and gently moved towards the void with his hands. The two golden stamp pads were suppressed by hong long long following his gesture.

The golden light 4 of the stamp pad scattered, falling extremely fast, as if it was a fashion from outside the world, and the terrifying force of the impact changed countless people’s colors.

“Great Zhou Dynasty’s exclusive martial skill, the Great Destruction Seal, hehe, I’ve heard of this for a long time, and I finally saw it today.”

After seeing the golden stamp pad, a smile appeared on Sun Heng’s face. A big blade suddenly appeared in his hand, a powerful Saber Intent, which burst out from Sun Heng.

Saber Intent and Sword Intent, the same fist, have ten realm.

The Saber Intent that erupted from Sun Heng was as much as 50% of Third Realm’s.

As soon as this Third Realm’s 50% Saber Intent came out, a Blade Qi storm was immediately engulfed in the surrounding air, so everything was shattered under the powerful Blade Qi storm.

“Today, let you see and see the golden skull knife of our Golden Skull tribe, boy, you all have eyes opened to see clearly.” Sun Heng said triumphantly after taking out the big knife.

The people of the Golden Skull tribe heard that Sun Heng was about to use the Golden Skull Sword, and everyone became interested and became extremely excited.

“Hehe, didn’t expect to have the opportunity to see Sun Heng’s big brother’s golden skull knife, tsk tsk, which is really exciting.”

“Isn’t it, the martial skill of the Golden Skull Sword is the first martial skill of our Golden Skull tribe, and it has been cultivated to Perfection Realm by Sun Heng’s big brother. It is too powerful.”

“It is an honor for us to see the golden skull knife of Sun Heng big brother here. Let us quickly concentrate and watch the golden skull knife of Sun Heng big brother. If accidentally missed it, it is too late to regret it.”

“Yes, yes, yes, keep my eyes open. When Sun Heng’s big brother kills the enemy with a golden skull knife, he always wins with one move. There is never a 2nd move.”

All the people of the Golden Skull tribe looked at the big knife in Sun Heng’s hand with great excitement, keeping their eyes intent, unwilling to miss this wonderful scene.

These flattering words of Sun Heng were triumphant and his face was full of arrogance. The big knife in his hand suddenly shook, and a powerful Blade Qi, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering swept away.

In the Blade Qi, Qin Yu can still feel the smell of dry bone, as if this blade is cut down, everything will wither like dry bone.


The saber technique with the smell of dry bones and 50% intrepidity was killed in a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering posture, and turned into a golden slash, fiercely falling on Zhou Tong’s Great Destruction Seal.


The golden slash and the Great Shattered Seal collided with each other. At the place where they touched, the power of Blade Qi and the Great Shattered Seal were intertwined and spread outward together, forming a devastating ripple that scared everyone away quickly.

This devastating ripple was too strong, and the ground was cracked one after another. If it were involved, it must die without a burial site, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

But just after everyone dodges, the golden saber technique skyrocketed, and Zhou Tong also exhausted his whole body to spur two big destruction marks.

However, Zhou Tong was still weaker. His 2 Great Destruction Seals were cut directly under Sun Heng’s golden saber technique, and immediately followed by the Great Destruction Seal that Zhou Tong was proud of. Saber technique cuts thoroughly.

“What, my Great Destruction Seal was cut apart.” Zhou Tong said in horror.

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