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Zhou Tong knew for a long time that Sun Heng could not be defeated by his strength, but he thought that with the two Great Seals of Destruction, he should be able to withstand Zhou Tong for a while, but who knew that he could not stop him, so he was cut apart. Up.

Sun Heng cut Zhou Tong’s Great Destruction Seal into two halves with a stroke of the Golden Skull Blade, which greatly changed Zhou Tong’s complexion, which was extremely shocking.

“Your big mark of destruction was cut by me, now it’s up to you to see what way you can block me.” Sun Heng smiled coldly, and a saber technique moved towards Zhou Tong cut out.

Zhou Tong retreated in a hurry, and then escaped the fatal blow. However, he was still scratched by the saber technique, and a blood stain appeared on his body, causing serious injuries.

“En? Hidden? But you won’t be so lucky next.”

Sun Heng was slightly surprised, and then he was holding a big knife moved towards the seriously injured Zhou Tong and forced him over, and he forced the seriously injured Zhou Tong to his death with 3 2 strokes.

“His Royal Highness!”

The people of Fujiang and the Great Zhou Dynasty all got up in shock and flew out one after another, moving towards Zhou Tong and Sun Heng, trying to rescue Zhou Tong.

However, under Sun Heng’s sign, the Jinku tribe’s men and horses also swept out and soon stopped all the people from Fujiang and Great Zhou Dynasty, forming a stalemate.

“Fujiang, don’t do it, step back quickly, you are not opponents.”

Seeing this, Zhou Tong hurriedly ordered to prevent Fujiang and the Jinku tribe from shopping.

Although there are fewer people from the Golden Skull tribe than those of the Great Zhou Dynasty, they are all incomparably powerful, and now there is a super powerhouse called Sun Heng. If you move your hands, the Great Zhou Dynasty will not be able to resist it. Here.

“Hehe, Zhou Tong, you are still acquainted, knowing that you are not our opponent of the Golden Skull tribe, but you can’t do it if you don’t want to do it, because this Uncle said that you must suppress all of you from the Great Zhou Dynasty and kneel here to give it to the uncle I apologize, this is the price you paid for sheltering that little bastard.”

Sun Heng smiled coldly, glanced at Qin Yu contemptuously, and then with his big feet, suddenly moved towards Zhou Tong and trampled away, trying to suppress Zhou Tong first.

As long as Zhou Tong is completely suppressed here, no one is his opponent here. When the time comes, he will kill Qin Yu how he wants to kill.

Although there are more people on Qin Yu’s side, this kind of thing does not rely on the number of people to gain an advantage.

However, at this time, Qin Yu walked out of the crowd and said coldly: “Sun Heng, Zhou Tong has been defeated in your hands, you can stop.”

“What, you told me to stop, I’m afraid you don’t have the qualifications yet.” Sun Heng said with a cold laugh, his face full of arrogance, not at all, stop, but continue to move towards Zhou Tong and trample away.

This scene completely aroused the killing intent in Qin Yu’s heart. Zhou Tong was not to blame for this incident, and Sun Heng was overbearing like this, which is too much.

Sun Heng defeated Zhou Tong, and Zhou Tong and the people of Great Zhou Dynasty had already surrendered. According to common sense, this matter also ends here.

As a result, Sun Heng was still reluctant and wanted to trample on Zhou Tong’s dignity, completely provoking Qin Yu’s bottom line.

In addition, this matter was originally Zhou Tong’s lead for Qin Yu and ended up like this. Qin Yu was naturally impossible to ignore.

“Did you say you are not qualified? Well, I will let you see what qualifications are.”

Qin Yu said indifferently, Liu Shajian suddenly appeared in his hand, an extremely sharp sword glow burst out directly, moved towards Sun Heng’s right foot, which was trampled down, burst out.

This scene surprised Sun Heng. From the sword glow, he could feel a huge crisis, subconsciously raising his foot directly, but he was still a step slower, and a bloody mouth appeared under his foot.

The blood mouth was extremely flat, but it went deep into the skeleton, causing the skeleton above Sun Heng’s ankle to suffer severe pain, and the blood couldn’t stop flowing down.

Sun Heng bowed his head and looked towards his right foot. The severe pain that came made him understand that if he didn’t pull his foot in time, then this sword glow would most likely cut off his right foot completely and become disabled.

The people around, seeing this scene, each and everyone was dumbfounded, looking at each other in blank dismay, unable to conceal the look of shock in their hearts, wanting to come to this scene, they all caused a big shock.

In the end, everyone’s eyes fell on Qin Yu, who seemed ordinary, a little thin, and only had a cultivation base of True Spirit Realm 8 Heavenly Layer Peak. The shot was so sharp that it was even 2nd in the ground. Sun Heng of Layer Peak couldn’t resist it.

Sun Heng defeated Zhou Tong of the same realm and was qualified to step into the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage at any time. However, he suffered a big loss in the hands of the seemingly tepid Qin Yu.

“The sword just now is extremely sharp. It is difficult for ordinary people to burst out such a powerful sword. It seems that this young man is a rare Sword Dao expert.”

Some surprised voices came from the crowd, and they secretly regretted their mocking of Qin Yu’s actions.

If Qin Yu really took action against them, then their fate would be long gone. Thinking of this, those who had mocked Qin Yu before, each and everyone trembled.

Sun Heng couldn’t avoid the sharp sword glow, and they naturally didn’t have the ability to avoid it.

“This bastard actually hurt Sun Heng’s big brother.”

Several faint voices erupted from the people of the Golden Skull tribe. Thinking of coming to this scene also caused a lot of shock to them.

Qin Yu ignored all these voices, holding the Willow Killing Sword in his hand, lightly walked out of the crowd, step by step step by step, and finally came to the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and asked in a flat tone: “Sun Heng, do I have the right to let you stop now? If not, try trampling on it again.”

Sun Heng’s face was extremely gloomy, and there was a faintly angry mood rising in his eyebrows, and he said slightly sullenly: “Evil creature, do you know what you just did? I’m not afraid to tell you that I am a member of the Golden Skull tribe. If you hurt me, you are tantamount to offending the entire Golden Skull clan, and you cannot bear the price.”

“Yes, our Golden Skull race is ranked 100 9500 on the 21 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking. You should be very clear about the implications.”

A young man from the Jinku clan also agreed with Sun Heng at the same time.

In his cognition, Qin Yu does not know the Golden Skulls, but he should be very familiar with the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking, so he said the details of the Golden Skulls on the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking Ranking in order to deter Qin Yu.

Qin Yu did not answer the words of the Golden Skull tribe and Sun Heng, but a slightly confused look appeared on his face, then turned his head and looked towards Zhou Tong, and asked slightly suspiciously: “Brother Zhou, last time I cut How many of the people who killed Zhang Qian among the 100 Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking?”

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