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The two people each drank a cup of heart lotus demon wine, and suddenly, within the body of the two people rose up with a strong medicinal power. Under this medicinal power, the physical strength of the two people instantly climbed to the Peak, and they were full of vigor.

Moreover, this heart lotus demon wine has a sweet taste and excellent taste, which makes Qin Yu, Zhou Tong and the others, their eyes light up instantly.

“Good wine!”

The two people said happily at the same time, with a few more cups.

After a few cups of heart lotus demon wine, Qin Yu’s within the body, a rush of heat rises up, and this heat continues to travel around the body, and the whole body is comfortable.

Afterwards, the two people ate the blood snake’s flesh again, and quickly refining it, the little by little one melted away within the body, and the refining fell away.

These two blood snakes incomparable gigantic, even if more than 2 people tasted them at the same time, they ate for more than an hour, and each got a lot of improvement.

Among them, Zhou Tong has the greatest improvement. It was originally the cultivation base of the 2nd Layer Peak of the Earth Spring. Now it has been supplemented by the Heart Lotus Demon Wine and the Blood Spirit Snake Spirit Flesh, and there are faint signs of breakthrough.

However, the signs of this breakthrough are not very obvious. If you want a thorough breakthrough, I am afraid it will take a few days of retreat.

After eating up the flesh of the two blood snakes, Qin Yu entered the room and carried out secluded cultivation, and the cultivation base was promoted by little by little.

“I have some medicine pills here from Sun Heng. If you swallow them, I believe that breakthrough True Spirit Realm 9th Layer Initial Stage is not a problem.” Qin Yu murmured.

Although Qin Yu didn’t kill Sun Heng, he was retained by Qin Yu from the storage bag of Sun Heng and the others. There are not only more than 1000 middle grade Spirit Stones, but also a lot of medicine pills.

Now, with the 1000 middle grade Spirit Stone that Zhang Qian won, and the medicine pill, spiritual medicine, and the middle grade Spirit Stone on Qin Yu, the distance is 4000 middle grade Spirit Stone. The background is also quite rich.

Of course, in addition to these things, Qin Yu still has quite a lot of demon cores in his hands, which are obtained from the beast tide among the 10000 blood graves.

It can be said that Qin Yu’s current background is almost comparable to the 100 ranked races on the Myriad Spirit-Treasures Ranking of 9000 races, and it is quite rich.

Qin Yu smashed the 100 middle grade Spirit Stone casually. The rich Spiritual Qi filled the room, and then Qin Yu opened his mouth and swallowed it with extreme speed.

In addition, Qin Yu also took out a lot of cultivation base medicine pills and swallowed them as well.

Under the action of these majestic Spiritual Qi, a long river of Spiritual Qi rises immediately among Qin Yu’s meridian, like one after another violent wave, constantly beating Qin Yu’s meridian.

The powerful impact force caused Qin Yu’s body to vibrate slightly, and within the body there was a heart-piercing pain, but Qin Yu still clenched his teeth.

Although this pain is unbearable, it can burst Qin Yu almost at any time, but likewise, Qin Yu’s breath is also rising steadily, moving towards True Spirit Realm 9th Layer Initial Stage moving away quickly.

Three days later, within the body of Qin Yu, there was a shocking wave suddenly, like a beast awakening, the horror aura released, shocking the entire hotel.

“En? Who is this breakthrough? The aura is so powerful, it’s already better than the expert of Shangdiquan 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.”

“Indeed, and it’s worth mentioning that this breath is extremely powerful even if it is placed in the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of Earth Springs. It’s just strange why he shows only the True Spirit Realm 9th Layer Initial Stage. realm.”

“True Spirit Realm 9th Layer Initial Stage, but has the breath of the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, tsk tsk, this person is afraid of a monster-level existence, otherwise it is impossible to be so strong.”

This aura rippled in the hotel, and after a full 2 ​​hours, it slowly dispersed and finally returned to calm.

But at this moment, another extremely tyrannical breath came. This aura belonged to Zhou Tong, and soon after, the same silence fell.

After Zhou Tong’s breakthrough, he walked out of the room and went directly to the lobby of the hotel, looking for Qin Yu with great excitement.

“Congratulations to Brother Zhou breakthrough 地泉境2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.”

Seeing Zhou Tong’s face full of excitement and a tyrannical aura blooming on his body, Qin Yu guessed Zhou Tong’s breakthrough and said joyfully with a smile.

“Hehe, Brother Qin is earlier than my breakthrough.” Zhou Tong said with a smile slightly.

Obviously, he also felt the breath of Qin Yu breakthrough, and it was under the stimulation of Qin Yu breakthrough that he was lucky enough to break through, otherwise, it would take a few days.

“Brother Qin, since you and I are both breakthroughs, it’s better to compare each other, let me feel how far you are.” Zhou Tong suddenly proposed.

If Qin Yu had no breakthrough, he would be able to stabilize Qin Yu.

However, now that Qin Yu has also broken through a realm, Zhou Tong has no idea, knowing that it is not Qin Yu’s opponent at all.

Knowing that it is not Qin Yu’s opponent, Zhou Tong still made this request because he wanted to know more precisely the gap between him and Qin Yu 2.

“it is good!”

Qin Yu laughed, and immediately agreed.

“Then I will do it, Brother Qin, be careful.”

Seeing that Qin Yu agreed, Zhou Tong eyes shined and hurriedly urged the cultivation base of Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, one after another powerful energy, suddenly fluctuated from within the body.

The majestic Spiritual Qi burst out from Zhou Tong’s body like a stream of water. Soon, as Zhou Tong urged the martial skill, the two huge printing pads appeared on the sky, just like the Huanghuang Heavenly Might. Zhou Tong cultivated to Perfection’s Great Destruction Seal.

Seeing that huge printing pad, the complexion of the people around them changed, especially the people of Great Zhou Dynasty, who cheered.

“His Royal Highness broke through the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, really strong.”

“Yes, today’s Royal Highness, I am afraid that he can defeat Young Master Qin. After all, Young Master Qin’s realm is lower.”

Several people from Great Zhou Dynasty laughed and talked, and they recognized Zhou Tong’s explosive strength.

However, Fujiang shook the head with a wry smile and explained: “His Royal Highness has indeed improved a lot, but if you want to defeat Young Master Qin, I’m afraid it won’t work.”

Fujiang is an expert close to Zhou Tong and Qin Yu, and only he can see the real gap between the two.

“Fujiang big brother, this is impossible, his Royal Highness is…” a Great Zhou Dynasty’s discipline said with a slightly ugly face.

“I know what you mean, but facts are facts. We can’t deliberately belittle Brother Qin just because we are from the Great Zhou Dynasty.” Fujiang shook his head and said with a smile.

As the second powerhouse of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Fujiang naturally hopes that Zhou Tong will be strong and let them be sheltered, but the fact is the fact.

Everyone raised their heads and moved towards the sky. The two big marks of destruction, like Heavenly Might, hover where they are, extremely powerful.

However, Qin Yu’s face did not show the slightest movement, but the fist peak was slightly squeezed, and a black streamer flowed from Qin Yu’s fist peak.

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