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After the stream of light was released, the extremely terrifying power gushed from the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, gathered on the peak of Qin Yu’s fist, violently fluctuating.

“Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, break for me!”

Qin Yu lightly shouted, the black streamer-wrapped fist peak, blasted out 2 punches in succession, and landed on the 2 huge Great Shattered Seals, and 2 dull voices suddenly sounded.

Hey, dong!

With the sound of 2 explosions, an astonishing destruction aura erupted at the place where the fist peak collided with the Great Destruction Seal, moving towards all around quickly swept away, drowning everything around.

The surrounding air, under this destruction aura, quickly exploded, and the tables and chairs carved by the huge stones in the hotel instantly turned into dust, covering the entire sky.

Ka-cha !

Afterwards, two slight cracks sounded from the Seal of Destruction, making everyone slightly surprised.

It can be seen that at the bottom of the two large smashed prints, first there is one after another densely packed spider web crack. These spider web cracks are only a moment of time, and they expand indefinitely and spread to the entire smashed print.

Hum, bang!

After the spider web crack spreads completely, the big bust mark is instantly shattered and broken apart.

“Stick, pedal, pedal!”

Zhou Tong quickly retreated. After more than ten meters, his feet condensed slightly and stepped on the ground. Then, with the help of the ground’s counter shock, he stopped, and his face was shocked.

The cultivation base of his 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, plus Perfection Realm’s great destruction mark, unexpectedly exploded one after another under Qin Yu’s punch, and the time was only 2 breaths.

“This…” Zhou Tong said blankly.

He knew that there was definitely a gap between himself and Qin Yu, but what he didn’t expect was that his strongest attack was in the hands of Qin Yu, and it was so unbearable, which made him feel confused.

“Brother Zhou, you let me win.”

Qin Yu put away the peak of his fist, the black streamer was restrained and calm.

After Zhou Tong came back to his senses, he gave a wry smile and said, “Brother Qin is still great. With just one punch, I smashed my mark of destruction.”

“Although your Great Destruction Seal is powerful, when you were cultivating, it was not very pure, so I can blow it up with a single punch. If you are condensing, make it more pure, the formidable power might be It has risen more than ten times.” Qin Yu said suddenly.

“Be more refined when condensing.” Zhou Tong eyes shined.

During his previous cultivation, he pursued realm too quickly, only to ignore the purity of the cause of destruction, so he had the result today.

He didn’t expect that the weakness of his Great Destruction Seal was seen through by Qin Yu at once, which made Zhou Tong couldn’t help but admire Qin Yu’s eyesight, which was too sharp.

“Okay, then I will follow Brother Qin’s words to refine the cultivation of this great destruction mark.” Zhou Tong said with a smile, his face full of gratitude.

With his current ability, it is not very difficult to cultivate the Great Destruction Mark from the beginning, it only takes more than ten days to do it.

After being refined, the formidable power of the Great Destruction Seal will be increased tenfold, which is equivalent to a thorough improvement of more than one grade.

Fujiang, who was watching from the side, heard Qin Yu’s words, and his heart moved slightly.

He and Zhou Tong are two experts of the Great Zhou Dynasty one of the very best, but his cultivation of the Great Destruction Seal is far inferior to Zhou Tong.

If you improve according to the method Qin Yu said, it will help him a lot.

“Hahaha, many thanks Brother Qin mentioned it.” Fujiang laughed and said with a smile.

Qin Yu nodded, smiled politely.

Suddenly, Qin Yu raised his head and looked towards the distance, where there was a few powerful auras, and moved towards here.

“Brother Qin, what’s wrong, what do you feel?” Zhou Tong asked suspiciously.

“The fish we caught took the bait!”

Qin Yu said solemnly, even though those people are far away, they can still be sensed by Qin Yu’s powerful Divine Sense.

“The fish was hooked?”

Zhou Tong hearing this, his heart moved slightly, and the complexion greatly changed and said: “You are not talking about Jinku clan people, how come they come so fast.”

“Hehe, we clashed with the giant sword clan in front of everyone here 3 days ago. I’m afraid it would have been spread long ago. The Golden Skull clan only found this place 3 days ago. It was a bit later than I expected. “Qin Yu said with a smile.

When clashing with the giant sword clan that day, Qin Yu expected that the Golden Skulls would find here, but Qin Yu didn’t expect the Golden Skulls to move so slowly that they arrived here after 3 days.

Hey, hey, sou!

On the distant street, 7 silhouettes appeared, and these silhouettes were all dressed in uniform azure shirts, each with a golden skull embroidered on the cuffs, and aggressive moved towards the hotel rushed over.

Although the people of the Golden Skull tribe weren’t all there, they seemed to be much stronger than the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses in an imposing manner. They swallowed ten thousand li like a tiger.

The leader was not someone else, but Sun Heng who was forced by Qin Yu to apologize to Great Zhou Dynasty that day, and behind him, the 7 people who followed were all experts among the experts.

Among them, the most noticeable is a man with blond hair, eagle-eyed, nose-cut, bony phosgene, and a breath of lunar calendar rippling all over, extremely dangerous.

After the entire group arrived at the hotel, Sun Heng first stood up and roared at the hotel: “Qin Yu, Zhou Tong, get out for I, your father.”

Qin Yu stood slightly forward, and Zhou Tong stood behind Qin Yu and appeared in front of Sun Heng together, looking at Sun Heng and 7 members of the Jinku clan.

“Hehe, you really are here.”

After seeing Qin Yu and Zhou Tong and the others, Sun Hengyin smiled, his eyes flashed with a strong color of resentment, slightly hideous and vicious.

Immediately, Sun Heng turned to the eagle-eyed man and said: “Jin Rong big brother, these are the two evil creatures I mentioned. They are the ones who killed our Golden Skull tribe.”

The eagle-eyed Jin Rong’s complexion was slightly cold, and he walked out from the crowd faintly, and the deep eyes slowly looked towards Qin Yu and the others, a trace of cold glow shot out from the eyes.

“Brother Qin, this is Jin Rong, an expert of Ranked 2nd of the Golden Skull Race. He has already broken through to the 100 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage after entering the 2 battlefield for more than ten days. Be careful.”

Standing on the Qin Yu side, Zhou Tong hurriedly reminded him that he obviously knew a lot about Jin Rong of the Jinku clan.

“After entering the 100 clan battlefield for more than ten days, I broke through to Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage. This guy is indeed an expert.” Qin Yu whispered, a surprised expression flashed in his eyes.

More than ten days after the opening of the 100 clan battlefield. Qin Yu has just walked out of the town and headed for Guyang City, and his battle strength is no more than 1 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

However, at that time, Jin Rong had already broken through to 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage.

Now I have been immersed in this realm for 2 months, and after countless trials, it is extremely terrifying.

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