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In the face of this Jin Rong, whether it was Fujiang or Liu Family sisters, Mu Lingshan, Lin Hen and the others, each and everyone’s complexion became serious and vigilant.

Obviously they all felt an extremely dangerous smell from Jin Rong.

After Jin Rong’s deep and stern eyes swept over the crowd, an incomparably majestic breath was revealed, making everyone feel a needle stick, showing off one’s ability.

In the end, Jin Rong’s sharp eyes fell on Qin Yu, indifferently opened the mouth and said: “Are you the one who killed our Golden Skulls and forced us to kneel down towards Great Zhou Dynasty?”


Qin Yu did not evade at all, resolute and decisive replied.

With Sun Heng here, Qin Yu doesn’t have any effect even if he doesn’t want to admit it. Moreover, the other party will use this as a laughing stock and ridicule Qin Yu.

In this way, it is better to be resolute and decisive to admit it generously, without leaving any opportunity for the other party to ridicule.

The most important thing is that Qin Yu has never thought about avoiding anything in the past. He has no fear in his heart, and naturally he is not afraid of Jinrong.

“Hehe, you really admit it simply. If that’s the case, then you should be ready to die here.” Jin Rong said with a smile coldly, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

As the second expert of the Golden Skull clan, most people would feel terrified just by being stared at by his eyes, but Qin Yu did not shy away from it, which made Jin Rong a little surprised.

However, there were only some minor accidents. No matter how powerful Qin Yu is, in front of him, the second expert of the Golden Skull family, he can’t make waves.

“Death? Sorry, I have never thought about death, and if you really want to die, you and these people under your hand are not good enough. If Jin Yuan, the number one expert of the Golden Skull clan, comes, I’m afraid it will only have a chance.” Qin Yu indifferently said, giving tit for tat with Jinrong.

He glanced at the people of the Golden Skull Clan, but did not find Jin Yuan, which made Qin Yu a little disappointed.

As for Jin Rong, Qin Yu hasn’t seen it yet. Although this person is showing off one’s ability, he is extremely powerful, but the feeling for Qin Yu is not fatal.

“Hahaha, do you want our golden skull family’s number one expert Jin Yuan big brother to come?”

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, a sneer appeared on Jin Rong’s face. Obviously, he did not approve of Qin Yu’s words very much.

“Have you heard, this guy wants to see Jin Yuan’s big brother, really wishful thinking.” Jin Rong laughed and said with a smile, his face full of contempt.

In his opinion, Qin Yu is not qualified to meet the number one expert Jin Yuan of their Golden Skull family.

“Jin Yuan’s big brother is distinguished, and he is the number one expert of our Jinku clan. How can he be seen as rubbish.”

“According to the character and identity of the Jinyuan big brother, I guess this rubbish kneels in front of the Jinyuan big brother, and the Jinyuan big brother also to disdain as beneath contempt, at most, treat him as a weak ant and step on it smoothly. Die that’s all.”

“Haha, actually you don’t need the Jinyuan big brother to come. The Jinrong big brother wants to kill this rubbish, which is very easy. We just look at it.”

The people of the Jinku tribe said with a smile unscrupulously, with a mocking expression on their faces, threatening that Qin Yu is not worthy of seeing Jin Yuan.

Facing the ridicule of the Golden Skull tribe, the Liu Family sisters, Mu Lingshan and the others all showed a hint of coldness, with sharp sharpness in their eyes, and they wanted to kill them so that they would shut up.

Qin Yu didn’t care about these ridicules. After waiting for a while, these people would naturally shut up.

What Qin Yu really cares about is the Zihua jade seal.

“I don’t care if I see Jin Yuan, but I want to ask you if you have a purple jade seal on your body.” Qin Yu asked indifferently, telling his true purpose.

Jin Rong, Sun Heng and the others were slightly taken aback. At this time, Qin Yu asked about Zihua Yuyin, what does this mean.

But the two of them were not fools, and soon understood what Qin Yu meant, and became furious.

“Qin Yu, do you mean you want to seize the Zihua jade seal of our Golden Skulls?” Sun Heng asked furiously, his face full of anger.

Only then did he understand why Qin Yu was so tough in the first place, with the goal of fishing, grabbing the purple jade seal from them, and turning him around.

“Yes, if you have the Zihua jade seal on your body, I can play with you. If you don’t have the Zihua jade seal, then you can roll. I don’t want to deal with garbage.” Qin Yu said coldly, mocking.

Last time, Qin Yu almost snatched the treasures of Sun Heng and the others, so these guys are afraid that there are not many good things on them.

As for Jin Rong, this person is the second expert of the Golden Skull clan, and his treasures are probably not small, but based on Qin Yu’s current background, I’m afraid it’s hard to see.

Only the Zihua jade seal can interest Qin Yu.


Sun Heng was trembling and full of anger at Qin Yu’s words, but he was not Qin Yu’s opponent, so he could only focus on Jin Rong, and whispered: “Jin Rong big brother…”

“Don’t worry, I will make him pay 100 times the price, and let him kneel and kowtow to you. Although you are a bit of a waste, you are a member of the Golden Skull tribe. The face of the Golden Skull tribe cannot be lost.” Jin Rong Said coldly.

Sun Heng is not only not angry, but is even more docile, flattering: “hahaha, then many thanks Jinrong big brother, Jinrong big brother, you’d better maimed them all.”

Jin Rong was nodded, his eyes condensed slightly, and the breath of his whole body slowly bloomed, and he coldly said to Qin Yu, “Qin Yu, tell you the truth, the purple jade seal of our Golden Skull family is on me, but you I want to take it away, I am afraid that there is no hope, because I will make you worse than death.”


As Jin Rong’s voice fell, everyone could feel that a terrifying killing intent burst out from Jin Rong’s body, and the aura on his body also broke out to an astonishing level.

It can be seen that in Jin Rong’s body, there are violent fluctuations of golden rays of light.

Although this rays of light is golden, it is not holy at all. On the contrary, it contains a little stern aura, as if there is a resentful soul roaring.

That cold and stern feeling makes people shudder.

After erupting a strong breath, Jin Rong’s tongue slowly licked his lips, Sen Leng’s eyes smiled coldly, as if staring at a prey, and said: “Qin Yu, while I have not yet Do it, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I might make you feel better.”

Feeling Jin Rong’s strong killing intent and Sen-cold gaze, everyone around shuddered fiercely. Even Zhou Tong, who was with Jin Rong’s same realm, could not help but feel trembling, as if he was in the World of The same in Ice and Snow.

“Brother Qin…” Zhou Tong opened the mouth and said involuntarily, wanting to remind Qin Yu.

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